Why do all Iowans wear camouflage?

You fought for the north. And you continue to do without this boarder wall funding. Might as well be succeeders.
You fought for the north. And you continue to do without this boarder wall funding. Might as well be succeeders.

Iowans and other upper midwesterners fought in the western theater and the Union Army in the western theater was arguably comprised of the toughest troops in the Civil War. They showed the South and the world at the time what modern warfare was all about. They certainly made Georgia “howl.”

Plus we gots some real deers up here. Should try it sometime!
A couple months ago, my mother had a little snit fit with my dad because he “doesn’t lift a finger around the house.” So he went and bought her one of these:

Smart man your dad. Now we know where you get it. ;)
I own a lot of DCU, ABU, and camo from the USAF. If you see a guy fishing in DCU gortex in the spring or fall say hi.
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With all the benefits that have been mentioned I think the real question is why don’t you Noles wear camo?
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I don’t think I even own any camo. I did run into a lot of camo/duck gear being passed off as everyday casual/Sunday best during my stay in Birmingham tho.