Why is Trump wearing that ridiculous bandage?

Does anybody really believe that the minor nick he got requires this oversized pillow over his ear?

it's amazing how both sides desperately grab on to ANYTHING and try to create drama and outrage around it

i am guessing his ear looks ugly and that's PART of the reason why it's covered up

but, hey, lets ATTEMPT to create drama and outrage, instead.

I'm guessing that when the bandage finally comes off his ear looks completely normal.
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Let's get ultra honest here. If his ear was a mangled mess you had better believe that Trump would make this diagnosis official. The fact that he's hiding the actual doctor report means his ear is basically normal with nothing more serious than some small scarring.

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Let's get ultra honest here. If his ear was a mangled mess you had better believe that Trump would make this diagnosis official. The fact that he's hiding the actual doctor report means his ear is basically normal with nothing more serious than some small scarring.

You mean like the daily update on JBs cold and covid status?