Why No Coronavirus Cases in Latin America or Africa?

No money. It’s the government’s plot to put more money into the hands of the healthcare industrial complex.
I was thinking less trade and less travel. But less isn't none. And if coronavirus gets a foothold in, say, Mexico when nobody is looking, that could get serious quickly.

Also no cases in the Middle East except 3 in the UAE. What if it gets loose in conflict areas?

Bottom line is that it looks like the folks outside China are doing a great job of containment. I hope that isn't just an illusion.
Are they really dodging the bullet, or do we have a reporting problem that could bite us on the ass?

They probably don't have the systems to detect and categorize infections of this new virus. I've been wondering what will happen in Africa. I keep reading that the Chinese have been investing heavily in Africa and that there are many thousands of Chinese citizens working in Africa. Seems likely that the Coronavirus will get there. Without good systems in place for identifying infections and isolating the public from them, it could get bad.
I know that China is involved in large projects in Africa and a few in Latin America. That could be mainly funding. But if it's Chinese workers, too, there's a potential vector.
They probably don't have the systems to detect and categorize infections of this new virus. I've been wondering what will happen in Africa. I keep reading that the Chinese have been investing heavily in Africa and that there are many thousands of Chinese citizens working in Africa. Seems likely that the Coronavirus will get there. Without good systems in place for identifying infections and isolating the public from them, it could get bad.
You and I were writing similar thoughts at the same time. I agree, it's a concern.
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I was thinking less trade and less travel. But less isn't none. And if coronavirus gets a foothold in, say, Mexico when nobody is looking, that could get serious quickly.

Also no cases in the Middle East except 3 in the UAE. What if it gets loose in conflict areas?

Bottom line is that it looks like the folks outside China are doing a great job of containment. I hope that isn't just an illusion.
I agree. I was just being a smart ass. I figured I get in my laugh before the real nut jobs come along.
You and I were writing similar thoughts at the same time. I agree, it's a concern.

I also believe that we have a massive reporting problem already. From the videos that are coming out of China, and given the Chinese government's typical modus operandi, I think that the problem in China is many times larger than they are admitting, and I fear that as a result the spread of the virus outside of China could ramp up quickly very soon.
Too poor. Can't travel to China and don't have the technology to confirm cases or report them.

That is all.

According to Wikipedia, be it right or wrong:

There are an estimated one million Chinese citizens residing in Africa. Additionally, it has been estimated that 200,000 Africans are working in China.

One million Chinese citizens working in Africa would lead to a lot of travel between China and that continent.
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I have little confidence that we're getting a true and transparent count or report of where it's spread, how many have been stricken, or how many have died. From any government, ours included. :mad:
According to Wikipedia, be it right or wrong:

There are an estimated one million Chinese citizens residing in Africa. Additionally, it has been estimated that 200,000 Africans are working in China.

One million Chinese citizens working in Africa would lead to a lot of travel between China and that continent.
Good pull. It appears my bs response might actually
Good pull. It appears my bs response might actually


I've just read a bunch of times about the massive investment China is making in Africa and how there are entire cities of Chinese workers living there.
34,963 infected and 725 deaths as of this morning.

One American death, but in China. Not one of the 12 infected in the US.
People with it would have to want to visit there.
Or work there. As mentioned, China is investing heavily in roads and oil drilling and so on in Africa. I believe they are also investing closer to us in Nicaragua and there were talks about investments in Venezuela, although I haven't heard anything about that since we ratcheted up the pressure there.
Last time i was in Kenya I couldn’t walk 50 feet without running into someone from China. I’m very surprised Africa has been spared so far.
Because my people are strong like bull. You develop a thriving society with the Andes mountains and Amazon jungle, a silly cold won’t knock us down. Gringos has it easy with the United States.
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34,963 infected and 725 deaths as of this morning.

One American death, but in China. Not one of the 12 infected in the US.

Or work there. As mentioned, China is investing heavily in roads and oil drilling and so on in Africa. I believe they are also investing closer to us in Nicaragua and there were talks about investments in Venezuela, although I haven't heard anything about that since we ratcheted up the pressure there.
A day later and here are the new numbers:

37,592 infected

812 dead

Still only 12 infected in the US.
Because my people are strong like bull. You develop a thriving society with the Andes mountains and Amazon jungle, a silly cold won’t knock us down. Gringos has it easy with the United States.

Pizarro and small pox say ‘hi’.