Why Republicans are holding up the impeachment inquiry


HR King
May 29, 2001
On Wednesday, about 30 Republicans successfully got into the secure location in the Capitol basement where the impeachment inquiry is taking place, as a Pentagon official involved in overseeing the Ukraine aid in question was about to start testifying. They held up the hearing, bringing their phones and taking photos in what is supposed to be a secure location for classified information. And they tweeted about it a lot, making sure news cameras captured it all. Democrats were considering bringing in Capitol Police.

The Republicans’ message was simple: They want to show that Democrats are conducting this inquiry into Trump behind closed doors rather than out in public.

Which is true. But what Republicans did Wednesday was a political stunt, as is clear from the facts underlying it. They are:

All Republicans on the three committees involved in this inquiry (Intelligence, Foreign Affairs and Oversight) are allowed into the hearings. Lawmakers from other committees are not allowed in, be they Republican or Democrat.

These hearings are taking place behind closed doors because lawmakers think things will be more productive that way. “The private ones always produce better results.” That is not a Democrat we are quoting. It is a Republican, former congressman Trey Gowdy, who conducted the Benghazi investigation into Hillary Clinton a few years ago and pushed back against criticism that most of the hearings were in private. A Democratic aide working on the impeachment inquiry emailed around Gowdy’s comments on Wednesday to underscore that when the shoe was on the other foot, Republicans were fine with having things behind closed doors.

Democrats are also acutely aware that two of the other recent times they held public hearings on Trump, things did not go well for them. Trump’s former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski openly mocked lawmakers in front of the cameras, and the shaky delivery from special counsel Robert S. Mueller III was as much of a story as what he said.

The Democrats may soon hold public hearings, reports CNN. Even when those hearings are public, lawmakers not on the key committees will not be able to ask questions.

This is not a court of law. Another talking point Republicans are using is to compare this impeachment proceeding to a criminal trial. In a criminal trial, the accused gets to sit through the prosecution, call his own witnesses, present his own defense.

But this is not a court of law, this is Congress. And the Constitution gives Congress broad latitude to decide how to conduct its impeachment inquiry. It can have a vote to formalize it, or not. It can hold closed-door hearings with witnesses, or it can open them to the public. How the House gets from considering impeaching a president to taking a vote to impeach the president is up to it. The president is not being charged with a crime, so the rules of a criminal trial do not apply.

It is when an impeachment gets to the Senate that things more closely resemble a trial; the senators are jurors, and Trump’s team can call witnesses. So it is deliberately misleading for Republicans in the House to accuse Democrats of holding a sham trial. There is not a trial going on.

Another fact is this: Disregarding all that nuance and storming into the inquiry, claiming it is an unfair process, helps Trump try to undermine it in broad terms, right as he is struggling to push back against specific facts that look worse and worse for him.
Boy a lot of people triggered today on the left by a stunt that would be praised if it was their team. Party politics stink.
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Partisan Politics will destroy the integrity of the Congress.
Most recently it started when GOP Senator Mitch McConnell
said that his job was to make Barack Obama a one term

Now, the Democrats have hyperventilated about Trump since
he was elected in 2016. The Special Counsel Robert Mueller
was suppose to find Trump guilty of collusion with Russia.
Now the Democrats have found Trump guilty and are looking for a
crime to impeach him.

Bottom Line: The business of our nation is not getting done
We still have not solved the illegal immigrant situation. We
have not started planning to update the infrastructure of our
nation. We have not stopped spending money that we do
not have and thus a gigantic federal budget deficit.
"These hearings are taking place behind closed doors because lawmakers think things will be more productive that way."

No kidding, you can't make things up if everyone knows it didn't happen, ala Schiff's rendition of the phone call
Fat lot of good it did them.

Five hours after it was scheduled to begin, a top Pentagon official provided testimony in the Capitol, where dozens of House Republicans had blocked her Wednesday morning deposition to protest the procedures underlying the Democrats' impeachment probe.
The purpose was to highlight the closed door sessions to the American Public. It worked quite effectively and will absolutely resonate with the public.

The echo chamber on the left really has no clue how this looks to the majority of people on the street. Cite whatever you like the average person is going to see the Democrats as attempting to railroad the president for political reasons.

This definitely is not working the way they think
Boy a lot of people triggered today on the left by a stunt that would be praised if it was their team. Party politics stink.

If? Just admit that your trumper is going to get impeached and your congressmen/women are sort of scared.
The purpose was to highlight the closed door sessions to the American Public. It worked quite effectively and will absolutely resonate with the public.

The echo chamber on the left really has no clue how this looks to the majority of people on the street. Cite whatever you like the average person is going to see the Democrats as attempting to railroad the president for political reasons.

This definitely is not working the way they think

Is that why the percentage of Americans went up to 55% that support the impeachment inquiry?
The purpose was to highlight the closed door sessions to the American Public. It worked quite effectively and will absolutely resonate with the public.

The echo chamber on the left really has no clue how this looks to the majority of people on the street.
Oh, we know how it looks. But we also know that the image is dishonest. Part of us even admires just how slick Republicans are at selling lies.

The echo chamber on the right reliably overlooks the dishonesty of their team and falls for whatever they are told.
In our country, we guarantee due process to terrorists and mass murderers but Speaker Pelosi and the Democrats won’t allow Trump the right to defend himself, to confront his accuser, to call a witness, or even to have counsel present during these interviews. The house is not like a grand jury it’s more like it has abandoned all precedent for this process and has adopted tyrannical thuggery as its guide in this process. Later, according to the ‘secret’ testimony of William Taylor that was leaked to the media, it seems that there was an irregular channel of diplomacy set up by then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Ukrainian officials. However, the media will only report what serves their own best interest, never in the interest of objective truth. It’s the same way they misrepresent polling data on how voters feel about impeachment.
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In our country, we guarantee due process to terrorists and mass murderers but Speaker Pelosi and the Democrats won’t allow Trump the right to defend himself, to confront his accuser, to call a witness, or even to have counsel present during these interviews. The house is not like a grand jury it’s more like it has abandoned all precedent for this process and has adopted tyrannical thuggery as its guide in this process. Later, according to the ‘secret’ testimony of William Taylor that was leaked to the media, it seems that there was an irregular channel of diplomacy set up by then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Ukrainian officials. However, the media will only report what serves their own best interest, never in the interest of objective truth. It’s the same way they misrepresent polling data on how voters feel about impeachment.
Hey - out of curiosity: Are the Republicans participating in the hearings also running roughshod? Are they rogue?

Are the Republicans that are part of the hearings also participating in the lynching? And if so, why?
Also, how did they manage to get elected by Republican voters? Also, why aren't they sharing the info they are learning in the hearings with their GOP colleagues who are upset about not being in the hearings?
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The purpose was to highlight the closed door sessions to the American Public. It worked quite effectively and will absolutely resonate with the public.

The echo chamber on the left really has no clue how this looks to the majority of people on the street. Cite whatever you like the average person is going to see the Democrats as attempting to railroad the president for political reasons.

This definitely is not working the way they think

The problem is that the people who follow the likes of Gaetz have no clue that "their side" was represented by around 48 of their own people. Why? Because they listen to people like Gaetz instead of learning how government actually works.
Oh, we know how it looks. But we also know that the image is dishonest. Part of us even admires just how slick Republicans are at selling lies.

The echo chamber on the right reliably overlooks the dishonesty of their team and falls for whatever they are told.

When he says "American people" he means only members of the Trump Republican party. They are out and out fascists, today's storming of that hearing room was straight out of the playbook.

And there isn't any "slickness" involved, it played as an absolute clown show to most Americans, but they don't even care about appearing reasonable or even non-insane to most Americans. The Trump cult only cares about the Trump cult.
The problem is that the people who follow the likes of Gaetz have no clue that "their side" was represented by around 48 of their own people. Why? Because they listen to people like Gaetz instead of learning how government actually works.

I’m currently out of state for two days of meetings for an upcoming trial and a person with whom I’m meeting starts complaining about the GOP being shut out of the congressional committee hearings.

When I told him that his understanding was completely wrong and that questioning time was evenly split between Democrats and Republicans, he accused me of lying to him. He then told me that I was simply naive and believed what the liberal fake news organizations were feeding me.

After the corporate counsel showed up this afternoon to also participate in the process, he made another off hand comment about “secret” hearings. The corporate counsel looked at him like he was nuts and reiterated what I shared with him earlier.

At that point, he paused and asked something to the effect of “are you serious? Both parties are asking questions of the witnesses? How come that isn’t being reported?”

Lesson: Never underestimate the power of the disinformation campaign promoted by DT Barnum’s worshippers.
The purpose was to highlight the closed door sessions to the American Public. It worked quite effectively and will absolutely resonate with the public.

The echo chamber on the left really has no clue how this looks to the majority of people on the street. Cite whatever you like the average person is going to see the Democrats as attempting to railroad the president for political reasons.

This definitely is not working the way they think

So, the quid pro quo defense is gone, moving right along to the "process" closed hearings defense (or the pounding on the table and screaming defense). What are you going to scream about when the Dems move from this normal and usual stage (getting depositions under oath in closed hearings) to the open hearings stage?

Everything the Dems are doing in this investigation is perfectly normal, they might as well be using the zillion Benghazi investigations as their blueprint.
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I wish Republicans would quit screwing around with these stall tactics and let the process play out as quickly as possible. The longer this drags on, the more it hurts the GOP’s chances next November.
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"These hearings are taking place behind closed doors because lawmakers think things will be more productive that way."

No kidding, you can't make things up if everyone knows it didn't happen, ala Schiff's rendition of the phone call

Lol. What a maroon.
  • Like
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The purpose was to highlight the closed door sessions to the American Public. It worked quite effectively and will absolutely resonate with the public.

The echo chamber on the left really has no clue how this looks to the majority of people on the street. Cite whatever you like the average person is going to see the Democrats as attempting to railroad the president for political reasons.

This definitely is not working the way they think
Because America is dumb.
Partisan Politics will destroy the integrity of the Congress.
Most recently it started when GOP Senator Mitch McConnell
said that his job was to make Barack Obama a one term

Now, the Democrats have hyperventilated about Trump since
he was elected in 2016. The Special Counsel Robert Mueller
was suppose to find Trump guilty of collusion with Russia.
Now the Democrats have found Trump guilty and are looking for a
crime to impeach him.

Bottom Line: The business of our nation is not getting done
We still have not solved the illegal immigrant situation. We
have not started planning to update the infrastructure of our
nation. We have not stopped spending money that we do
not have and thus a gigantic federal budget deficit.
You pretend to be some kind of upright religionist then you lie over and over. I'm pretty sure there's a commandment in your book about that. Don't ever question any one else's Christianity until you get your own house in order.
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