Why Republicans hate Thomas Paine

May 17, 2021
Who said:

“We have it in our power to begin the world over again”

He wrote that in 1776. If he were alive today, he would look at our political and economic system and see how broken and corrupted and totally unsustainable it is, and he would see democracy in critical condition, and he and his compatriots would roll up their sleeves and work with us to reform it.

The last thing he would do would be to look back 250 years and say that we need to return to some mythical golden age of “greatness”, or interpret words literally and seek racist coup d’etats and to set one state against the other and give corporations “personhood” rights and more rights than actual people.

he was and would be absolutely against dismantling the separation between church and state, and he would be viciously against Christian Fascism or fascism of any kind. As a matter fact, in his book the age of reason, he took a stance against any kind of institutionalized religion.

In The Age of Reason and other writings he advocated Deism, promoted reason and freethought, and argued against institutionalized religions in general and the Christian doctrine in particular.

He is a founding father, and I’m curious to know what the vigilant zealot Trump supporters and conservatives think about this founding father. He is one of them whom I can actually respect.

So why has this guy been canceled and ignored?

might it be because the current republican party is overtly against democracy itself, is overtly Christian and corporate fascist, and the founding fathers would look at the GQP with disgust?

Paine was with Washington’s Platoon at Valley Forge. He penned “American Crisis after getting his ass whooped in New York. GW had fresh copies of it printed and read to the men days before crossing the Delaware to Trenton and then Princeton from there. He raised the morale of these troops enough to motivate them for these battles and the victory at Trenton led the troops to re-up on New Years Day. They took down Cornwallis at Princeton on the 2nd.

That’s all I got on that.
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Where did American democracy and pragmatism go?

Tom Paine was all about it.

Fundamentalist religion is not just impractical, but insane, according to Tom Paine. Which is why he advocated for total separation of church and state.

current Christian fascists and GQP have erased Tom Paine from their memories, cancelled him totally. He’s too right for the fascists: meaning he’s too spot on, too reasonable, too practical.
I don’t hate Thomas Paine.
I get it, and I respect you for not hating him (what's not to like about him and his ideas that heavily influenced jefferson and madison and hamilton etc.) but the current republican party is rabidly against most of what Paine stood for. And what even most conservatives stood for before Reagan made the republican party the party of culture war and neoliberal capitalism, and lately, racism and corporate/christian fascism.

It's shocking how fanatical and anti-democratic they've become. Somehow republicans still vote republican though, even though there hasn't been a more anti-american political party in US history, one that openly wages war on democracy and on the united states itself, and is tearing it apart and reveling in the destruction. it's insane.
The Democrats actually held a real war against the county 1861-1865
They seceded from the Union and were lucky their traitorous asses were pardoned. Erecting statues and monuments in the South to memorialize them was the gateway drug, so to speak, for January 6th and the anti government movement we see in militias and white nationalist groups today.

All in the name of Christianity, too. Hoorah.
The Democrats actually held a real war against the county 1861-1865
Did you know that the Democrats of today are more like the Republicans of then, and the Republicans today are more like the Democrats then? Yeah, its in all the history books - oh, wait, you have never read a real history book, have you?