"Why should the university be obligated to provide food and water to people who have taken over a building?"


HR Legend
Dec 23, 2007
One reporter asked the student to explain her demands for food and water. "It seems like you're saying, ‘we want to be revolutionaries, we want to take over this building, now would you please bring us some food,’" the reporter said.

I think you have some professional protest coordinators, and then you have a bunch of privileged protest "coplayers" who love the thought of "making a difference" without any concept of actually sacrificing anything for it.
I’m more impressed that within hours of taking over the commies were starving.
Usually takes a little longer than that.
Basic Humanitarian Aid. . . My God she actually thinks they are like refugees or people caught in the middle of a warzone. You know people caught in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Instead these are privileged college students taking over a building in "protest" over something the college and it's students are powerless to change and they can leave any time.
I think you have some professional protest coordinators, and then you have a bunch of privileged protest "coplayers" who love the thought of "making a difference" without any concept of actually sacrificing anything for it.

That's why most ran when NYPD showed up. I think they tossed thier beers in the bushes too as they fled
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