Why Would SCOTUS Justice Alito Lie?


HB Legend
Gold Member
Jul 11, 2007
Because he knows the flag shows a clear conflict of interest in any January 6th case brought to SCOTUS. As an aside, Mrs, Alito sounds like she'd be fun at parties.

Neighbors Contradict Flag Story Told By The Alitos​

May 29, 2024

The Washington Post reports:
The police in Fairfax County, Va., received an unusual phone call on Feb. 15, 2021. A young couple claimed they were being harassed by the wife of a Supreme Court justice. The couple placed the call after a series of encounters with Martha-Ann Alito, wife of Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr., that had gone from uneasy to ugly. That day, Emily Baden, whose boyfriend (now husband) contacted the police, had traded accusations with Mrs. Alito. In a recent interview, Ms. Baden admitted to calling her a lewd epithet.
Justice Alito, who did not respond to questions for this article, has in recent weeks given his own explanation of what happened. There are some differences: For instance, the justice told Fox News that his wife hoisted the flag in response to Ms. Baden’s vulgar insult. A text message and the police call — corroborated by Fairfax County authorities — indicate, however, that the name-calling took place on Feb. 15, weeks after the inverted flag was taken down.
Read the full article. Gift link here. According to the neighbors, Mrs. Alito “appeared to spit” at their car and called them “fascists.” Hit the link, it’s quite a story.
So Ms. Baden admitted to calling Mrs. Alito a “lewd epithet” (Cee U Next Tuesday) but the reports of vulgar signs put up over time that were pointed at the Alito home aren’t mentioned. Nor the stream of vulgarities yelled at the Alito family? Hmm.
Don’t you have something else to keep you busy? Aren’t there some other dead horses to dig up and beat some more?
Poor fella.
So Ms. Baden admitted to calling Mrs. Alito a “lewd epithet” (Cee U Next Tuesday) but the reports of vulgar signs put up over time that were pointed at the Alito home aren’t mentioned. Nor the stream of vulgarities yelled at the Alito family? Hmm.
Don’t you have something else to keep you busy? Aren’t there some other dead horses to dig up and beat some more?
Poor fella.

No offense but Kaepernick taking a knee for national anthems was a story for literally years. We have a Supreme Court justice having an inverted flag flying at his house. I just think it’s absolutely hilarious considering the the frothing at the mouth about an NFL player and his disrespect to the flag.
No offense but Kaepernick taking a knee for national anthems was a story for literally years. We have a Supreme Court justice having an inverted flag flying at his house. I just think it’s absolutely hilarious considering the the frothing at the mouth about an NFL player and his disrespect to the flag.
Agree. Even though the comparison is hilariously irrelevant.
So Ms. Baden admitted to calling Mrs. Alito a “lewd epithet” (Cee U Next Tuesday) but the reports of vulgar signs put up over time that were pointed at the Alito home aren’t mentioned. Nor the stream of vulgarities yelled at the Alito family? Hmm.
Don’t you have something else to keep you busy? Aren’t there some other dead horses to dig up and beat some more?
Poor fella.
With respect I don’t think this is a dead horse (yet) because of the implications around his bias in dealing with January 6 cases and any Trump related matters. He is supposed to be impartial…they are all supposed to be impartial and of course none of them are. Alito is particularly dumb though for wearing his partiality on his sleeve and his flagpole.

If for no other reason than the stupidity and egregious partisanship of the justices I wish Robert’s would implement some stronger ethics rules.
With respect I don’t think this is a dead horse (yet) because of the implications around his bias in dealing with January 6 cases and any Trump related matters. He is supposed to be impartial…they are all supposed to be impartial and of course none of them are. Alito is particularly dumb though for wearing his partiality on his sleeve and his flagpole.

If for no other reason than the stupidity and egregious partisanship of the justices I wish Robert’s would implement some stronger ethics rules.
Agreed with all this except the with respect part.
Or maybe he didn't do it as he stated and his wife was responsible so his tineline was off. Doesn't mean there wasn't nasty behavior from the neighbor she reacted to.

The democrats are in full attack mode on the Supreme Court because they know the bulkshit cases they are bringing against Trump will land in the Supreme Court almost immediately. They need to attack and attack to push a conservative justice off the court or off the cases that will affect the presidency

They will of course be able to attack the eventual rulings in trumps favor if they get this messaging our now and claim bias ahead if time. Their goal is to flip the court back in their favor at all costs
Or maybe he didn't do it as he stated and his wife was responsible so his tineline was off. Doesn't mean there wasn't nasty behavior from the neighbor she reacted to.

The democrats are in full attack mode on the Supreme Court because they know the bulkshit cases they are bringing against Trump will land in the Supreme Court almost immediately. They need to attack and attack to push a conservative justice off the court or off the cases that will affect the presidency

They will of course be able to attack the eventual rulings in trumps favor if they get this messaging our now and claim bias ahead if time. Their goal is to flip the court back in their favor at all costs
Hanging an American flag upside down in response to a neighborhood spat is defensible? Alito's conflicted and a liar.
So Ms. Baden admitted to calling Mrs. Alito a “lewd epithet” (Cee U Next Tuesday) but the reports of vulgar signs put up over time that were pointed at the Alito home aren’t mentioned. Nor the stream of vulgarities yelled at the Alito family? Hmm.
Don’t you have something else to keep you busy? Aren’t there some other dead horses to dig up and beat some more?
Poor fella.
Spouses of celebrities need to understand their primary role in the media is to be seen and not heard. It just goes with the territory. (Celebrity families would be included.)
The media is always looking for stories…and stories need sources. Any port in a storm.
With respect I don’t think this is a dead horse (yet) because of the implications around his bias in dealing with January 6 cases and any Trump related matters. He is supposed to be impartial…they are all supposed to be impartial and of course none of them are. Alito is particularly dumb though for wearing his partiality on his sleeve and his flagpole.

If for no other reason than the stupidity and egregious partisanship of the justices I wish Robert’s would implement some stronger ethics rules.
Or hell, _any_ ethics rules.
Hanging an American flag upside down in response to a neighborhood spat is defensible? Alito's conflicted and a liar.
I mean, shouldn’t it ring some alarm bells that we’ve now heard I think 3 different explanations from Alito?

Heck, I’d have just gone with the story that they screwed up and put the flag up upside down initially and took it down when they realized.
Hanging an American flag upside down in response to a neighborhood spat is defensible? Alito's conflicted and a liar.
Of course it is defensible. I personally don't think it appropriate but that isn't how you framed it...

I absolutely do not think it is disqualifying
Spouses of celebrities need to understand their primary role in the media is to be seen and not heard. It just goes with the territory. (Celebrity families would be included.)
The media is always looking for stories…and stories need sources. Any port in a storm.
She should probably just stay in the kitchen and make sandwiches
The article confirms that it was Mrs. Alito and not the Judge involved yet there are simpletons who are still trying to bl
Maybe? We’ve now heard 3 different explanations of what happened and why.

Even if it was the wife, I assume she’s not an idiot and should realize the issues that would arise from the US flag being flown upside down at the home of an SC judge.
Hanging an American flag upside down in response to a neighborhood spat is defensible? Alito's conflicted and a liar.
What would your wife do if the next door neighbor - another woman - called her a “c**t?
Maybe? We’ve now heard 3 different explanations of what happened and why.

Even if it was the wife, I assume she’s not an idiot and should realize the issues that would arise from the US flag being flown upside down at the home of an SC judge.
This I agree with. She let the neighbor bait her into a poor decision.
IF that did happen, there’s any number of possible responses I’d imagine. I really don’t see the thought process that would lead one to fly the flag upside down in response tho.
C..t is one of the few radioactive words that still seems to exist.

A fun side story on that. When the G was prosecuting Kathleen Willey in the Clinton days, there was some witness who they were trying to discredit based on some anecdote where she'd referred to Ms. Willey as a C..t in a grocery store. The attorneys obviously didn't want to use the word in open court, so, they wrote the word on a tiny scrap of paper, showed it to the witness, asked if the witness used that word, and then had the scrap of paper admitted into evidence and showed it to the jury.
She should probably just stay in the kitchen and make sandwiches
No….she should just probably keep her mouth shut….ir be careful who she talks to. Celebrity spouses/families are unique in that they need to understand how other will interpret their actions/ words and not because of them but because who they are related to.
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What would your wife do if the next door neighbor - another woman - called her a “c**t?

I know for a fact she wouldn't fly an American flag upside down. And if I suggested she do that as a proper form of retaliation I'd probably get a look similar to this:

What would your wife do if the next door neighbor - another woman - called her a “c**t?
She wouldn't hang our Iowa flag upside down, that's for damn sure. She'd probably escalate by blowing leaves into their yard or by playing Taylor Swift too loud at 11 pm.
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No….she should just probably keep her mouth shut….ir be careful who she talks to. Celebrity spouses/families are unique in that they need to understand how other will interpret their actions/ words and not because of them but because who they are related to.
I was good with the sandwich idea tbh. Virginia Thomas could probably learn a thing or two.
The article confirms that it was Mrs. Alito and not the Judge involved yet there are simpletons (bots, trolls, DNC volunteers) who are still trying to blame him.
Good job guys.
So they don’t jointly own the flagpole? He didn’t think to himself “this is unbecoming of a SC Justice” and take it down? She might have put the flag up, but he left the flag up. He has agency and he chose not to immediately take it down.

The “it was my wife” defense makes no sense in this situation.
Or maybe he didn't do it as he stated and his wife was responsible so his tineline was off. Doesn't mean there wasn't nasty behavior from the neighbor she reacted to.

The democrats are in full attack mode on the Supreme Court because they know the bulkshit cases they are bringing against Trump will land in the Supreme Court almost immediately. They need to attack and attack to push a conservative justice off the court or off the cases that will affect the presidency

They will of course be able to attack the eventual rulings in trumps favor if they get this messaging our now and claim bias ahead if time. Their goal is to flip the court back in their favor at all costs

Or Trump will just lose again and this conspiracy theory is just that.
The article confirms that it was Mrs. Alito and not the Judge involved yet there are simpletons (bots, trolls, DNC volunteers) who are still trying to blame him.
Good job guys.

You really see no problem with a Supreme Court Justice not taking issue with his or her spouse taking partisan action in these violate times.

What does this have to do with (bots, trolls, DNC volunteers) trying to blame him? It has more to do with common sense.

Are there limits these hardcore right Justices would cross you would take issue with? We'll get to that point very soon even for you. We've been far past that point in my opinion.