Wikipedia Declares ADL an “Unreliable” Source on the Israel-Palestine Conflict

Nov 28, 2010

Wikipedia Declares ADL an “Unreliable” Source on the Israel-Palestine Conflict​

Jun 21, 2024

Wikipedia has declared the Anti-Defamation League a “generally unreliable” source on the Israel-Palestine conflict in a major PR blow for the pro-Israel group. The majority of Wikipedia editors found the ADL to be heavily biased against Palestinian rights. The label puts the ADL in the same category as Fox News and Amazon reviews, among other “unreliable” sources. Editors are also considering applying the unreliable designation to the ADL in relation to “antisemitism.”
Looking at the Wiki page, I don't see it clearly labeled this way, OP. Is it buried somewhere in the 72 paragraphs that come up or buried in one of the 500 links? Can you point out where it says this?

Wikipedia Declares ADL an “Unreliable” Source on the Israel-Palestine Conflict​

Jun 21, 2024

Wikipedia has declared the Anti-Defamation League a “generally unreliable” source on the Israel-Palestine conflict in a major PR blow for the pro-Israel group. The majority of Wikipedia editors found the ADL to be heavily biased against Palestinian rights. The label puts the ADL in the same category as Fox News and Amazon reviews, among other “unreliable” sources. Editors are also considering applying the unreliable designation to the ADL in relation to “antisemitism.”
Can an open-source something “declare” anything?
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