Will Nebby ever win a Big 10 fball championship in your lifetime.

If we are being honest we all know the odds are very slim.

The circumstances that once allowed Nebraska to be a national power have changed forever.

Nebraska has great facilities and fan support but the population base is always going to hold them back from truly competing with ,OSU, UM and PSU.

And as long as Myer and Harbaugh are here, forget about it.
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Nebraska has great facilities and fan support but the population base is always going to hold them back from truly competing with ,OSU, UM and PSU.

Let's talk trash and use OSU, UM and PSU since we know Iowa is garbage in comparison.

I mean...Nebraska has 15 more conference championships (43) than Iowa has bowl appearances (28).

Here's a question: Before you die old timer, will you be able to name a decade in your entire lifetime where Iowa won more games? Because that hasn't happened in over 1/2 a century. Looks like no matter what, you will be on your death bed knowing who daddy is xD.

Good riddance, gramps. Hell, Iowa State has owned the state of Iowa for 1/2 your life. Lmao
Helllllll No!!!!!!


40-50. Yes. Rocknrollface is correct about the circumstances changing. They will win a title, or maybe even titles. It will never be as frequent as they once were able to. Everyone recruits nationally now. This will be the toughest thing for their fans to get acclimatized to.

Iowa will win a title, or titles as well.

Frankly when I've traveled to Nebby for games I've found their fan base fairly respectful and knowledgable. So I don't base any judgements on their fans on message board posters. Frankly, fans are fans. Within reason. As disappointing as the last several years for Iowa have been, we played both Nebby and Wiscy admirably last season. It's like an investment. The lows, and I think we're definitely in a low, aren't as low as they once were.

Having said all of this, there does seem to be similarities among the B12 fan bases that we have played. I wish Nebby would get over that.
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Very doubtful. I am 62 and unless psu msu tscun and of course tOSU suddenly forget how to recruit and play, Nebby has little chance. But of course odds are against any team from the west winning one.
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Let's talk trash and use OSU, UM and PSU since we know Iowa is garbage in comparison.

I mean...Nebraska has 15 more conference championships (43) than Iowa has bowl appearances (28).

Here's a question: Before you die old timer, will you be able to name a decade in your entire lifetime where Iowa won more games? Because that hasn't happened in over 1/2 a century. Looks like no matter what, you will be on your death bed knowing who daddy is xD.

Good riddance, gramps. Hell, Iowa State has owned the state of Iowa for 1/2 your life. Lmao

Yeah that old Big 8 was a real battle.
What a pillowfight.
Thanks for making my point.
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I'm in my early 50s and I would say yes. I don't think there will ever be one consistently dominant team in the B1G West, so Nebraska, Iowa, and Wisconsin will all probably have multiple turns in the B1G Championship game over the next 7 or 8 decades (my approximate remaining lifespan ;)). I think anything can happen in one given game, so some of those championship games will result in upset victories by the western division. Hopefully it's Iowa pulling off most of those upsets, but it could certainly happen for the Skers as well.
Something I witness nearly every day in my work is people's failure to acknowledge cycles (its called recency bias). Not long ago USC was considered invincible. Then Oregon. Then Alabama. Now OSU. In my lifetime I expect every team to go through cycles....including NE and IA.
I am 69 years old and don't think Nebraska will win a Big Ten title in my lifetime. I do think they will win a Big Ten title before Iowa does though.

I might add my Father and Brother both died at 69, so my days are probably numbered.
I am 29 and the real question is this, when I am 60 will Nebraska fans still talk about the 1990's and act like they are entitled to something still. Discuss....
As long as you guys keep giving us attention on your board, we'll keep talking. Sorry we don't discuss you on our board. You are as exciting as all the other B1G teams that start with an "I". Thank you for your interest, though. Carry on....
There fans remind me of the 40 year old guy in the local bar still bragging about being a star football player in HS.


It is, however, more enjoyable to be a has been than a never was. Iowa football is still a never was. Iowa will, more than likely, always be a never was. We'll all go to our graves without seeing Iowa win a national title. It is what it is boyz.
There fans remind me of the 40 year old guy in the local bar still bragging about being a star football player in HS.

Sound logic. Don't talk about the past or the present.

We should sit around and talk about the future. That way we can talk about hypothetical situations and deflect from reality.

Remember when Iowa was undefeated every year vs their neighbor to the west because they played in the big bad Big Ten conference? Lol since joining Iowa is dying a slow death and spiraling into the abyss with 2 star MAC recruits. Looks like the B1G is going to have to force another "rivalry" with someone else while Iowa fights the good fight with the Clones for state supremacy. Forget the past, that's the present reality.
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All you have to do is read here for a bit, and you'll understand perfectly why we elect the people we do. Or why most people rise to the level of working for someone else.

It is, however, more enjoyable to be a has been than a never was. Iowa football is still a never was. Iowa will, more than likely, always be a never was. We'll all go to our graves without seeing Iowa win a national title. It is what it is boyz.

Assuming I live another 30-50 years, then obviously yes. I would bet Iowa wins one in my lifetime too. Just the odds. I mean, how many B1G teams haven't won at least a share of the B1G title in the past 50 years? Minnesota? Northwestern? If I were like 70, I'd say probably not. Also, if the B1G expands to 16-20 teams at some point that would make it less likely too.
Well, I remember now that Northwestern did. Also, I think Purdue has. Indiana had a couple good seasons, but not sure if they ever won the title.
Let's talk trash and use OSU, UM and PSU since we know Iowa is garbage in comparison.

I mean...Nebraska has 15 more conference championships (43) than Iowa has bowl appearances (28).

Here's a question: Before you die old timer, will you be able to name a decade in your entire lifetime where Iowa won more games? Because that hasn't happened in over 1/2 a century. Looks like no matter what, you will be on your death bed knowing who daddy is xD.

Good riddance, gramps. Hell, Iowa State has owned the state of Iowa for 1/2 your life. Lmao
Sound logic. Don't talk about the past or the present.

We should sit around and talk about the future. That way we can talk about hypothetical situations and deflect from reality.

Remember when Iowa was undefeated every year vs their neighbor to the west because they played in the big bad Big Ten conference? Lol since joining Iowa is dying a slow death and spiraling into the abyss with 2 star MAC recruits. Looks like the B1G is going to have to force another "rivalry" with someone else while Iowa fights the good fight with the Clones for state supremacy. Forget the past, that's the present reality.

Well considering my original statement went right over your head I'll explain it to you again. Guy is bragging about the past because that's is good as it was for him which is fine and all but no one in the bar gives a rats @ss anymore what he did So long ago in the past. Point and case no one gives a flying crap about Nebraska football history here.
Why do so many Nebraska fans hang out on Iowa's board? Discuss.
I highly doubt it, I just don't see Ohio St, Michigan, Michigan St, Penn St, and Wisky getting so bad that Nebraska can slip in and steal a title.

In addition the new coach is not known for winning big games or titles.
As long as you guys keep giving us attention on your board, we'll keep talking. Sorry we don't discuss you on our board. You are as exciting as all the other B1G teams that start with an "I". Thank you for your interest, though. Carry on....

Really? 2-3 weeks ago I responded to two Iowa posts on your board by your fans about Iowa. So you can act like Nebby doesn't care, but you do. Just be thankful it's football season because quite frankly you've been owned in every other mens sport by Iowa the last few years.
It must be really depressing to answer no to this question knowing Iowa will very rarely outperform Nebraska now that they're in the same league and that the league now has a conference championship game.
The question really is: Will Iowa win a Big 10 Football Championship in my lifetime?

Oh, and can a Mod fix the threat title?
Yes, but that's not the question. The question is how much worse is Nebraska than Iowa regardless of results on the field..........................and the answer is infinitely.