Will someone try to assassinate again?

The Over/Under on future attempts is .5

  • Over .5 attempts

    Votes: 8 66.7%
  • Under .5 attempts

    Votes: 4 33.3%

  • Total voters

FAUlty Gator

HB Legend
Oct 27, 2017
Trump was shot once but came through. Do you think how easy it was to get a shot off, will allow it to happen again in the next 5 years?
Do they have to get a shot off to pay? What if they catch someone before they get to target because of a small mistake that got noticed but otherwise had a workable plan?
Wouldn't shock me if he were taken out at some point. I don't believe this was some kid acting on his own, too many "mistakes" by the SS for this to have taken place.

We need a new Jim Garrison to look into this whole thing.
I think there will be more attempts, but I don’t think they will be nearly as close to successful as this one. I gotta believe he’s gonna be the second most protected/watched human in the US until the election. Unless it truly was a deep state operation. In which case he’s probably a dead man walking….
I think there will be more attempts, but I don’t think they will be nearly as close to successful as this one. I gotta believe he’s gonna be the second most protected/watched human in the US until the election. Unless it truly was a deep state operation. In which case he’s probably a dead man walking….
If this truly was a deep state operation, this board would already have 87 threads on his funeral.
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If Trump continues to lead in the polls something will happen. Either there will be another attempt on his life or something broader. There are too many powerful people that do not want him in office.

I go with what I said pre-debate. Neither Trump nor Biden will be the President-elect come November. Shit is only gonna get weirder.