Will The White Nationalists Endorse Joe Biden Again?


HR Heisman
Mar 18, 2021

The most prominent white nationalists in the US backed biden in 2020 citing his policies being in line with their thinking vs the "collectivist" ideologies of Donald Trump. Does Spencer and his following once again side with the democrats in 2024? Does biden's obviois mental decline deter them or does stuff like that even matter to the Richard Spencers/Robert Byrds/Menace sockeye's of the world? (I'm guessing it doesn't myself)

The most prominent white nationalists in the US backed biden in 2020 citing his policies being in line with their thinking vs the "collectivist" ideologies of Donald Trump. Does Spencer and his following once again side with the democrats in 2024? Does biden's obviois mental decline deter them or does stuff like that even matter to the Richard Spencers/Robert Byrds/Menace sockeye's of the world? (I'm guessing it doesn't myself)
Hmmm. I wonder why a white nationalist would come out and say they are actually for Biden?

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