Will today's game will determine the entire season?


HB Heisman
Nov 27, 2002
Simple question, yes or no. Iowa State has beaten Iowa TYPICALLY when Iowa doesn't have a successful year. 2002 was definitely the exception but Iowa State was a pretty good team that year. 2001 I would say Iowa had a successful year, even though they lost to Iowa State. 2005 was a disappointing year in most people's opinion.

Other than those 2-3 years out of the last 17, can you honestly name another year when Iowa lost to Iowa State and still had a successful season?

2007- bad year
2011- bad year
2012- really bad year
2014- bad year
I hate to sound like Kirk, but no. It really is just one game. I'm a pleasant person 51 weeks a year. This week is the exception. I tolerate Iowa State as an excellent educational opportunity for Iowans who've no desire to live in an interesting place or time. I think that's a thing that should keep happening. This state doesn't actually need people who enjoy things beyond convenient parking. I really really hope Wiegers is taking the snap for the victory formation tomorrow, but I expect a battle.

Edit: Yes, you ISU eff-faces. I will always say Iowa City is superior to Ames. Congratulations on your in-state enrollment. Congratulations on your Sam's Club. Way to go with that chubby gal who made that viral music video a few years back. Also, I hear your water supply is top-notch and that's kind of interesting. Please keep encouraging your liberal arts students to brag about your adequate engineering school.
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Win or lose its only one game. What happens the rest of the season determines the season. Today's game only determines which fan base gets to gloat for the next year. I think if we look at Iowa State win loss records whether they beat Iowa or not seems to make no difference to their overall season performances.
It depends on how the rest of the season turns out. If we finish flat, and 7-5 or worse is flat with this schedule, then it will not be good... Depending on the season results, this game could have a large impact on whether KF is our coach next year. I would say 7-5 with an ISU loss and he is gone, 7-5 with an ISU win and he stays.
I have never thought of this as a huge game, simply because ISU is a pathetic program (no offense Cy, but finishing 120th out of 128 in the country is beyond bad), but can you think of a year where it has more relevance?? Sad
I think the answer is "yes". Attendance is down, apathy is up. It really doesn't matter if we beat Pitt or Maryland if we can't beat Iowa State.

Much has been written about the "vibe" on this team, about the changes KF has made, our exciting new QB. Everything will be "same old Iowa" if we can't beat Iowa State.

This is a must win situation for Iowa.
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Not a must win in the slightest and Iowa will NEVER fire a 7-5 coach. That being said I want this game very, very badly and I think we will win it.
I think the answer is "yes". Attendance is down, apathy is up. It really doesn't matter if we beat Pitt or Maryland if we can't beat Iowa State.

Much has been written about the "vibe" on this team, about the changes KF has made, our exciting new QB. Everything will be "same old Iowa" if we can't beat Iowa State.

This is a must win situation for Iowa.

As one who has written about the seemingly good vibe on display early I tend to agree with this. I liked what I saw last Saturday but at the end of the day we solidly beat a team that we had a huge size advantage on. I've felt all week that we will know more about the Hawks seeing how they perform in a rivalry game in front of a hostile crowd. The "same old" doesn't cut it for Kirk this late in the game. I expect to see a good performance today but in a game that I think really matters for the Hawks you can throw out any rationality as far as predicting how things will go.
I guess I should have worded that different. Instead of "Will today's game determine the entire season," I should have said Will today's game show us what type of team Iowa has this year? History over the last 17 years says yes.
Under KF, Iowa is 6-1 vs Iowa state in years which it has won 8 games or more and 1-8 in years where has 7 wins or fewer.

That's an interesting stat. For many reasons (a lot of which were discussed ad nauseam during the off-season) I would say that THIS year the ISU game means a great deal more.
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I think Iowa pulls out a W today. Iowa either needs to have a very talented team to win against Iowa State or they need to have a motivation that equals Iowa State. #9 on the ole helmet is going to give these guys that extra motivation.
Simple question, yes or no. Iowa State has beaten Iowa TYPICALLY when Iowa doesn't have a successful year. 2002 was definitely the exception but Iowa State was a pretty good team that year. 2001 I would say Iowa had a successful year, even though they lost to Iowa State. 2005 was a disappointing year in most people's opinion.

Other than those 2-3 years out of the last 17, can you honestly name another year when Iowa lost to Iowa State and still had a successful season?

2007- bad year
2011- bad year
2012- really bad year
2014- bad year

This, our ass whooping of this team determines entire season. I will tear up if we win, because it will signal a turn around in our entire team and direction of program
Simple question, yes or no. Iowa State has beaten Iowa TYPICALLY when Iowa doesn't have a successful year. 2002 was definitely the exception but Iowa State was a pretty good team that year. 2001 I would say Iowa had a successful year, even though they lost to Iowa State. 2005 was a disappointing year in most people's opinion.

Other than those 2-3 years out of the last 17, can you honestly name another year when Iowa lost to Iowa State and still had a successful season?

2007- bad year
2011- bad year
2012- really bad year
2014- bad year

No, but boy a convincing win would be great right about now. As you pointed out, losing to ISU doesn't ruin a season, but part of Ferentz Fatigue is our inability to beat what is generally a terrible ISU football team. i have no idea if they are any good this year as I don't follow them, and also understand they get up for this game, but my goodness 7-9 against ISU helps explain why so many Iowa fans are fed up and looking at this as Kirk's last stand. Get things right this year and next, he has pulled off a successful third act. Lose to ISU and finish with another disappointing season...who knows what happens. Kirk can reel in fans that have jumped ship with a convincing win today. I think this Cy-Hawk game matters more than ever as it relates to the perception and general mental health of the Iowa program and fans. You can often look back and see games that acted as turning points, good or bad, for a program and I think this could be one of them.

go hawks
As one who has written about the seemingly good vibe on display early I tend to agree with this. I liked what I saw last Saturday but at the end of the day we solidly beat a team that we had a huge size advantage on. I've felt all week that we will know more about the Hawks seeing how they perform in a rivalry game in front of a hostile crowd. The "same old" doesn't cut it for Kirk this late in the game. I expect to see a good performance today but in a game that I think really matters for the Hawks you can throw out any rationality as far as predicting how things will go.
Simple question, yes or no. Iowa State has beaten Iowa TYPICALLY when Iowa doesn't have a successful year. 2002 was definitely the exception but Iowa State was a pretty good team that year. 2001 I would say Iowa had a successful year, even though they lost to Iowa State. 2005 was a disappointing year in most people's opinion.

Other than those 2-3 years out of the last 17, can you honestly name another year when Iowa lost to Iowa State and still had a successful season?

2007- bad year
2011- bad year
2012- really bad year
2014- bad year

Gee, you found 4 years out of 7. Not sure that I'd call that a strong correlation.
NO, its one game.

Iowa could lose and win the rest and I wouldn't care because we would be in a News years day bowl and the Big Ten Championship. I could care less if Iowa loses to ISU, if they lose to ISU and run the table I will be just fine with it.

Some people put WAY TOO MUCH STOCK into this 1 game. Who cares, its ISU.
NO, its one game.

Iowa could lose and win the rest and I wouldn't care because we would be in a News years day bowl and the Big Ten Championship. I could care less if Iowa loses to ISU, if they lose to ISU and run the table I will be just fine with it.

Some people put WAY TOO MUCH STOCK into this 1 game. Who cares, its ISU.

I'm afraid this game used to not matter...but in the grand scheme of things, continuing to lose to a school like ISU has been part of the problem with this program. Sure, there are a couple examples of seasons where we lost to ISU but went on to have a successful season, but more often than not, when we lose to ISU, we have a bad year, and at this stage, Kirk can't afford another bad year.

I get what you are saying that this is just one game, but I think all things considered, this game means much more than just another game in the series. Make no mistake, a lot is riding on this game.
I see this game much like C/Seahawk as a rather pivotal turning point in the state of the program. Kirk may have subconsciously coasted after signing the big contract after the Orange Bowl which I think has much to do with where we sit at the moment.

I have the sense that Kirk realizes that he can't maintain the status quo especially given that we have a new University president with a marketing background who at first glance appears to have more interest in the success of our athletic programs than we had before. At just over a year shy of 60 and at the same stage of life as Kirk I can relate to wanting to look back and feel like your life has made a difference. To sum up I think we have an interesting scenario in play today that could affect how things go from here this season significantly.
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Under KF, Iowa is 6-1 vs Iowa state in years which it has won 8 games or more and 1-8 in years where has 7 wins or fewer.

Perfect stat to show what the OP is asking. He isn't asking whether this loss will make the season a disappointment even if they win the rest of the games. He's asking if it will follow a trend of Iowa losing to ISU showing early in the season that this will be a disappointing year.
Only if you think Iowa has a shot at a national title will this game determine the season.
I think in this year in particular the ISU game is very important, KF knows the program needs to be re energized, He knows ticket sales are down and fans are grumbling. So while I don't think of any one game as more important than another, I do think there should be some added urgency this year in regard to this game.
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Yes - this is a prove it game for the fan base. We need to win this one even if we are not the better team. the future of the program is going to feel much different heading into a night game show down with PITT being 2-0 instead of 1-1.
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Causation is fun.

Not sure which post you are replying to but if it is this one......

Under KF, Iowa is 6-1 vs Iowa state in years which it has won 8 games or more and 1-8 in years where has 7 wins or fewer

....... then I think you can safely say that the outcome of the ISU game is a very strong barometer for Iowa and the question of whether or not the Hawkeyes are a very good or excellent team. Not a final conclusion, no direct causation, but a high correlation for sure.
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I guess I should have worded that different. Instead of "Will today's game determine the entire season," I should have said Will today's game show us what type of team Iowa has this year? History over the last 17 years says yes.

For me a loss today makes the season a loss....especially if ISU is a 3-4 win team again. You HAVE to beat bad teams and the includes ISU. Bad loses should not be acceptable anymore for this coach! He has gotten a five year ride for his 5-7 past good seasons. I want an attitude change or new staff. I like what I have seen so far!
Not determine the season, but as you re-stated, it will show something significant about the team.
Losing suggests anywhere from 5 to 7 wins is more likely. Winning suggests 8 wins more probable, maybe getting to 9.
Simple question, yes or no. Iowa State has beaten Iowa TYPICALLY when Iowa doesn't have a successful year. 2002 was definitely the exception but Iowa State was a pretty good team that year. 2001 I would say Iowa had a successful year, even though they lost to Iowa State. 2005 was a disappointing year in most people's opinion.

Other than those 2-3 years out of the last 17, can you honestly name another year when Iowa lost to Iowa State and still had a successful season?

2007- bad year
2011- bad year
2012- really bad year
2014- bad year

The answer is a resounding no. End of discussion.
Congrats Hawkeyes con a well deserved win. If you guys can stay healthy who knows? Having said that I truly feel a new coach/direction is needed.