Winning a meaningful game...


HB All-State
Mar 17, 2010
When was the last time we actually showed up when it mattered? OSU last year does not count.

This Iowa football program is full of losers.
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When was the last time we actually showed up when it mattered? OSU last year does not count.

This Iowa football program is full of losers.
I wouldn't go as far as saying "full of losers" but yeah you're right. We don't win when it really matters. It's like there's always a glaring deficiency when it comes to these games. It's sad.
Well if you prefer to be harassed all year round and don’t think it’s a big deal, then yes, I can see your point.

Thing is we should beat ISU every year. We never. Ever. Win when it’s a coin flip or the underdog. I legit cannot remember the last real win this program had.
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Other than that it was 2009 or 2010 MSU

9 to 10 years of not winning a meaningful game. I've been there every time they shit the bed, mostly against WI

Other than that it was 2009 or 2010 MSU

9 to 10 years of not winning a meaningful game. I've been there every time they shit the bed, mostly against WI
It's definitely troubling. Any fanbase would be frustrated when your squad can't produce when it counts. Iowa does just that. It is getting ridiculous.
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All games are meaningful but as far as high stakes, high profile games vs very good opponent the only one I can think of is wiscy 15 since orange Orange Bowl. MSU '11, Mich '16 and OSU '17 were nice upsets but we came in with 3-4 losses and still finished with 5+ losses all 3 seasons. Big whoop.

If you are discrediting this post you have an awful memory or are a delusional homer.
2015 was beating teams we should have beat. We lost the two meaningful games that season.
Very true. It has become a rare occurance that we beat good teams. I can't even call Penn State a good team after how they basically tried to allow us to win that game, which is why this loss sucks as bad as it does. Silly, silly loss.
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