Flavors! LOLMy best friend swears by Potosi's flavors.
You don't need to go all the way to Wisconsin to get Dogfish Head - it's available in the Illinois Quad-Cities.Get yourself some Dogfish Head 60 Minute or if you really like DIPAs, get some of the 90 Minute.
EDIT - this is a beer from Delaware, but available in WI and not in IA
The Fat Squirrel from New Glarus taste pretty good to me.As far as Potosi beers I like the Czech style pilsner.
Mrs Jerry likes New Glarus Totally Naked and I've got about 3 cases of that in the basement.
Very beer snobbish post Jer.
You don't need to go all the way to Wisconsin to get Dogfish Head - it's available in the Illinois Quad-Cities.
Flavors! LOL
I've never had a potosi that I've liked. Ale Asylum makes pretty good stuff. Spotted Cow is OK but too sweet for me. I used to love Capitol Brewery's offerings (especially the Amber,) but it's been close to a decade since I've tried that. You may want to buy a variety 12 pack of New Glarus to try a few different ones.