Wisconsin teacher allegedly calls Rush Limbaugh's cancer diagnosis 'awesome,' gets placed on leave

In addition to Newsweek, WSIN, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinal and numerous other outlets who are reporting the story.

But you keep on being you.
My point is that these stories are what generate clicks. Meanwhile America doesn’t understand policy, it’s own history as it relates to policy, doesn’t know actual depth of anything, really. How many times do I have to say how much I hate Fox News AND msnbc AND cnn for it to sink in? How many times? 69? Because I’m way past that already.

No matter how much I do me you won’t have an accurate understanding of me, because that’s not what you want. You want your perception of me, inaccurate as it is, because that’s what suits you.
My point is that these stories are what generate clicks. Meanwhile America doesn’t understand policy, it’s own history as it relates to policy, doesn’t know actual depth of anything, really. How many times do I have to say how much I hate Fox News AND msnbc AND cnn for it to sink in? How many times? 69? Because I’m way past that already.

No matter how much I do me you won’t have an accurate understanding of me, because that’s not what you want. You want your perception of me, inaccurate as it is, because that’s what suits you.


Your posting history is crystal clear. Leftwing beyond a doubt. So when you say “Thank you Fox News”, it’s very clear what your intended goal is.

It’s only reinforced by the fact that you didn’t even comment on the content of the article itself.

Now continue on with your spin. I’ve actually come to enjoy it.
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I can see all too well the people on the left within this very thread would be more than happy to like people they don't agree with up against a wall and shoot them.
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Tough call for me on this one.

He didnt say it at school or as a representative of the school. He's entitled to his opinion and freedom of speech. If he went to a trump protest on his own time I wouldn't have a problem with it. If he went to a protest against planned Parenthood on his own time I wouldn't care. However, if he went to a kkk parade in support of them I would think that is a problem.

So yes, a I don't have a consistent opinion on this. I think he's entitled to his thoughts and the school/employer is in a tough position. Technically or legally didn't do anything wrong so he shouldn't be punished but at the same time if you don't have enough common sense to think these things through and what the consequences might be then maybe your judgement isn't very good and you shouldn't be teaching kids
Great post.
I can see all too well the people on the left within this very thread would be more than happy to like people they don't agree with up against a wall and shoot them.

No. We don't 'like' those people, because for years they have made fun of others' illnesses and discriminations.

Suddenly, when they are mocked, themselves, in a similar manner, it is "in poor taste". Which is odd, considering the people condemning it now had a couple decades to condemn Rush doing it to others.
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Numerous employers have a code of conduct that covers behavior while at and away from work that could negatively affect the image of said employer.

Your posting history is crystal clear. Leftwing beyond a doubt. So when you say “Thank you Fox News”, it’s very clear what your intended goal is.

It’s only reinforced by the fact that you didn’t even comment on the content of the article itself.

Now continue on with your spin. I’ve actually come to enjoy it.
Thank you for reinforcing my point.
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You have no point.
Sure I do. MSM—Fox News, CNN, msnbc—it all sucks. It all drives a type of ignorance because emotion crap gets easy, predictable clicks. I make this point in threads like this whether the incident favors a right wing or left wing narrative.

The second point is that you only notice when I point the finger at Fox News because your own bias makes it hard for you to notice anything outside of that.

I am without a doubt a progressive liberal, never even remotely suggested otherwise. But my disdain for media outlets such as those mentioned is hardly partisan.
Sure I do. MSM—Fox News, CNN, msnbc—it all sucks. It all drives a type of ignorance because emotion crap gets easy, predictable clicks. I make this point in threads like this whether the incident favors a right wing or left wing narrative.

The second point is that you only notice when I point the finger at Fox News because your own bias makes it hard for you to notice anything outside of that.

I am without a doubt a progressive liberal, never even remotely suggested otherwise. But my disdain for media outlets such as those mentioned is hardly partisan.

Maybe you’re being honest. Can you provide a link where you challenge the left wing narrative?
JFC...You’ve already admitted your bias.

Now please provide the link of you going after a liberal network.
Do the search. It yields. Here you lazy turd—and note that I’m so goddamned into transparency that I want you to have access to every Maddow and msnbc mention I’ve ever made in this bitch, bitch:[node]=10&c[user][0]=990[node]=10&c[user][0]=990
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I like how none of the Dems raised their hand the other night to say they were ok with killing Soleimani and yet just about every Dem on earth is celebrating Rush’s cancer.

That’s kinda effed up in a funny way.
I like how none of the Dems raised their hand the other night to say they were ok with killing Soleimani and yet just about every Dem on earth is celebrating Rush’s cancer.

That’s kinda effed up in a funny way.

Meh, I'm glad Soleimani's dead. He's evil. However, I didn't support killing him because there was no imminent threat, he was not a direct combatant, and it will/has brought retribution. I'm not celebrating anyone's terminal diagnosis. I've seen first hand what cancer has done to people and wouldn't wish it on anyone. That being said, I don't have any sympathy for Rush.
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"Hey babe, take a walk on the wild side. Do, do do do...."
his post

your post quoting his post.
This arbitrary Rule of Political Correctness that stifles free speech and free thought is all coming from the Left.

Dumb post by the teacher but protected by first amendment. This cancel culture $hit has to stop. Its very East German Stasi like. Everyone should oppose the criminalization of speech and thought.

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Its the first amendment.


Nope, not at all. Amazing how we have to do this all the time.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievance."

It literally has nothing to do with this case. Literally, nothing.
Just some of the very honorable and commendable things Rush said on air...

Rush has done nothing worthy of the award, Trump is leveraging the award to help rally that base of devotees and cement the base. A political ploy, nothing more.

Not familiar with any of the quotes. But if they were going to so much trouble you’d think they would attempt to add some meaningful context.
Not familiar with any of the quotes. But if they were going to so much trouble you’d think they would attempt to add some meaningful context.

So did you click source on any of them, because many link to the audio of the interview or a larger transcript of what he said. Or are you just assuming since you are "not familiar with any of the quotes" that means it didn't happen? Pretty typical response, "well, I don't know about it so it's not true" esp when the information is all but spoon fed.

And it was linked before, but it was also on the list and is amazingly relevant
On the dangers of secondhand smoking, and smoking in general: "That is a myth. That has been disproven at the World Health Organization and the report was suppressed. There is no fatality whatsoever. There's no even major sickness component associated with secondhand smoke. It may irritate you, and you may not like it, but it will not make you sick, and it will not kill you...Firsthand smoke takes 50 years to kill people, if it does. Not everybody that smokes gets cancer. Now, it's true that everybody who smokes dies, but so does everyone who eats carrots ... I would like a medal for smoking cigars, is what I'm saying."

Guess he got his medal.
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I can be. I'm at peace with that. A quick painful death for that piece of shit is only too quick. I'm OK with the painful part.
Why do you have such strong negative feelings about Rush, yet support Trump? To my thinking, the two are cut from the same cloth.
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