With Rudock, Iowa loses....

Mar 14, 2003
I hate to go here as both parties have moved on. However, with Rudock at the helm I think Iowa loses this game. He is not the type of QB that could've/would've...

-Avoided the safety
-Made the 44 and 57 yard runs
-Made the deep pass over the top to Vandeberg
Based on your posting history I have to seriously question this notion that " you hate to go there". LOL. Well you didn't have to go there but you did. Great game by CJ today as he made some serious plays.
I hate to go here as both parties have moved on. However, with Rudock at the helm I think Iowa loses this game. He is not the type of QB that could've/would've...

-Avoided the safety
-Made the 44 and 57 yard runs
-Made the deep pass over the top to Vandeberg
There is absolutely no way of knowing whether, or not, we would have lost if Rudock was still our QB. Do you believe that Rudock would have magically had to run all the same plays under the same circumstances?
Just what do you have to gain by making such a remark?
Agree with OP.

FWIW, add the dump off to Canzeri on the next play after the 44-yard run.

But the bottom line is that I really don't care what Rudock would or wouldn't have been able to do. He's playing quarterback somewhere else by his own choice. He's basically dead to me as a football player unless I happen to be watching Michigan, so I really don't care to think about his deficiencies.
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There is absolutely no way of knowing whether, or not, we would have lost if Rudock was still our QB. Do you believe that Rudock would have magically had to run all the same plays under the same circumstances?
Just what do you have to gain by making such a remark?

It's just analysis guys- I don't think we're looking to gain a lot other than some insight into the program...

You're right we can't predict the future or predict the outcome of a situation that didn't occur but I still agree with the OP- it's opinion not fact though.

The one thing we do stand to gain though even though hindsight is 20/20 it has become glaringly obvious that CJB gives Iowa a better chance to win than Rudock EVER did.
I've been slow to the Beathard bandwagon but there is no way Jake would have won in that environment, especially with all the bad breaks in the first half.

At his very best JR just is not capable of putting together the game Beathard did today.
We have had worse QB's than Jake. He was solid just not a guy that could make the top shelf plays to win us games on his own. If we had a great team all around Jake, he would have managed us well. We did not have that kind of team.

What we saw today was CJ's ability to make plays off script and/or top shelf that contributed to turning the ISU momentum around. Daggers. We were about to get blown out in the first half until he broke off that 44 yd run and dump pass to Canzeri. We scored a TD and got back in the game. The throw to Smith for the TD, down field beauty to Vandeburg, throw to Mccarron, bootlegs, big third down pick ups, etc. Wow, he has the magic many of us sensed last year and begged for him to play.
Beathard is a jock. Ruddock wasn't.

and that's the difference.

How many touch passes did CJ make today rolling out and across his body? Jocks can make those throws look easy.
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Didn't Rudock win in Ames 2 years ago? Look you can turn this into a I hate CJ thread but the truth is you don't have the first clue if we win or lose this game with rudock. You don't. You can say you do, but you don't and you never will.

Now having said that I think CJ made some plays today that I don't think Jake could make. But you can't pretend to know what would have happened. It's ridiculous.
Didn't Rudock win in Ames 2 years ago? Look you can turn this into a I hate CJ thread but the truth is you don't have the first clue if we win or lose this game with rudock. You don't. You can say you do, but you don't and you never will.

Now having said that I think CJ made some plays today that I don't think Jake could make. But you can't pretend to know what would have happened. It's ridiculous.
Agree with OP. CJ is better runner, better passer and better leader. Go Hawks!
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Didn't Rudock win in Ames 2 years ago? Look you can turn this into a I hate CJ thread but the truth is you don't have the first clue if we win or lose this game with rudock. You don't. You can say you do, but you don't and you never will.

Now having said that I think CJ made some plays today that I don't think Jake could make. But you can't pretend to know what would have happened. It's ridiculous.

I can tell you without Beathard's performance in the game Iowa loses. Iowa lost this type of game last year with Rudock. I think his running ability changed the whole momentum of the game if not just flat out won the game. If this staff had half a brain he would have been doing more rollouts during the entire game. ISU had no answer for CJ's ability outside of the pocket.
Well I can't argue with you guys. You are saying you know something there is no possible way you could know. So you win. Happy? Im going to bed.
There is absolutely no way of knowing whether, or not, we would have lost if Rudock was still our QB. Do you believe that Rudock would have magically had to run all the same plays under the same circumstances?
Just what do you have to gain by making such a remark?
Without Daniels getting hurt we lose. I said it last week. Canzeri is a much bigger threat. I hope he's not injured and just banged up because we need him, but Jordan is the #1.
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Without Daniels getting hurt we lose. I said it last week. Canzeri is a much bigger threat. I hope he's not injured and just banged up because we need him, but Jordan is the #1.
I disagree. With a healthy Daniels, Iowa piles on the points in the second half. We need both healthy, rotating, and doing what they do best.
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If by runner you mean scrambling ability then yes CJ is better. I'd say both have similar ability when it comes to straight running. Then again I don't know the 40 times for either (where's BlackTarn, redbirdhawk, whatever his name was?), so in my subjective opinion, I'd say it was a wash between who was faster.

Rudock had several TD runs last year as well on designed draws. It was one of our more successful red zone plays in a season we really struggled to score in there.
No argument here. It was obvious he was the second best QB last year, and he would've been third best had Sokol been on the team. That's not to say he can't play QB, but the two guys mentioned have a full skill set and Rudock isn't quite the same sort of natural all around athlete.
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After watching Rudock at Michigan I'm starting to better understand what Kirk was thinking. He is about the safest QB I have ever seen - which is why he earned the name captain check down. Plenty of bad throws that lead to trouble, but he doesn't throw into coverage at all.

If Kirk thought we our strengths were defense and offensive line maybe he just wanted the safe game manager instead of the gun slinger. That makes sense to me. The only really crazy thing was how stubborn he was to keep playing JR when we needed a jolt.
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I hate to go here as both parties have moved on. However, with Rudock at the helm I think Iowa loses this game. He is not the type of QB that could've/would've...

-Avoided the safety
-Made the 44 and 57 yard runs
-Made the deep pass over the top to Vandeberg

Seriously, are we going to see the Rudock and Beathard comparison after every single game we play this year? Yes, Rudock has moved on and the Iowa coaches have moved on. Maybe you should consider doing the same.

My hunch is you are still continuing to analyze Steve Alford these 8 years since he left.
Seriously, are we going to see the Rudock and Beathard comparison after every single game we play this year? Yes, Rudock has moved on and the Iowa coaches have moved on. Maybe you should consider doing the same.

My hunch is you are still continuing to analyze Steve Alford these 8 years since he left.

Yep great point. Time to put this to bed.
Seriously, are we going to see the Rudock and Beathard comparison after every single game we play this year? Yes, Rudock has moved on and the Iowa coaches have moved on. Maybe you should consider doing the same.

My hunch is you are still continuing to analyze Steve Alford these 8 years since he

Could you possibly be one of those not willing to admit you were wrong that cj should have been playing long ago?