Witness the Earth’s Rotation

I wonder how them crazy flat earthers will explain that. I argued with one at work for over an hour. With astronomy being my hobby, he lost that argument. Very nice video.
**Allegedly rotate.

I love the flat earthers when you ask them how many people off the earth this year? How come oceans don't spill into space?

Who have been most famous celebrities, athletes, and politicians that have claimed the world is flat. I know it is not an insignificant amount.
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I love the flat earthers when you ask them how many people off the earth this year? How come oceans don't spill into space?

Who have been most famous celebrities, athletes, and politicians that have claimed the world is flat. I know it is not an insignificant amount.
Amazing the lengths that some people will go to prove and advertise their ignorance.
That’s cool as hell. Also curious how the camera works.

And have you guys seriously met people in real life that think the earth is flat? I always assumed it was just people that were trying to look like idiots on the internet to get views. I kinda wish I thought that. I would immediately just start traveling one direction hoping to find the end. What happens when you fall off? Do you just free fall until
you die or dehydration?
I wonder how them crazy flat earthers will explain that. I argued with one at work for over an hour. With astronomy being my hobby, he lost that argument. Very nice video.
I call bullshit on that. There is no way you could give a full hour to someone that came with that angle. Or no reason it would take an hour to ‘win’ a discussion. .

I do appreciate your stance. I just think these flat earth people deserve about 10 seconds of my time (really, on any topic).
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I love the flat earthers when you ask them how many people off the earth this year? How come oceans don't spill into space?

Who have been most famous celebrities, athletes, and politicians that have claimed the world is flat. I know it is not an insignificant amount.
I used to work with one hard core flat earther.

One day, I related to him an actual experience I had witnessed in a previous job when I worked as an air traffic controller for the FAA. One of the perks I had then was that I could ride in the jump seat of an airliner's cockpit behind the pilot in what they called "Flight Familiarization" trips so we could converse with the flight crew and witness their work environment so to better understand "how the other side works".

On this particular flight from Indianapolis to Orlando, we had a very clear day when visibility was unlimited. We were following a very routine flight path for this trip and I noticed a jet contrail above us where that plane had probably preceded our flight by 20 minutes or more. The contrail was directly above us by about 4,000 ft. and in appearance, it "descended" out ahead of us along our route. as we continued our flight path.

We had followed this contrail for over half an hour and in the process, our plane had never flown "through" it. Out of curiosity, I pointed this out to the pilot and asked why we never flew through that plane's contrail during its "descent" and the pilot told me why that never happened. He said that the previous flight was actually in "level flight", at 4,000 ft. above us and what I had been witnessing was the curvature of the earth, which is why he never descended below our altitude. After giving it some thought, that made a lot of sense and it was clearly the truth.

When I later related this story to my flat earther co-worker at my later job, he said it was all BS. At that point, I didn't continue the discussion rather than to get into an argument with an idiot. lol
I used to work with one hard core flat earther.

One day, I related to him an actual experience I had witnessed in a previous job when I worked as an air traffic controller for the FAA. One of the perks I had then was that I could ride in the jump seat of an airliner's cockpit behind the pilot in what they called "Flight Familiarization" trips so we could converse with the flight crew and witness their work environment so to better understand "how the other side works".

On this particular flight from Indianapolis to Orlando, we had a very clear day when visibility was unlimited. We were following a very routine flight path for this trip and I noticed a jet contrail above us where that plane had probably preceded our flight by 20 minutes or more. The contrail was directly above us by about 4,000 ft. and in appearance, it "descended" out ahead of us along our route. as we continued our flight path.

We had followed this contrail for over half an hour and in the process, our plane had never flown "through" it. Out of curiosity, I pointed this out to the pilot and asked why we never flew through that plane's contrail during its "descent" and the pilot told me why that never happened. He said that the previous flight was actually in "level flight", at 4,000 ft. above us and what I had been witnessing was the curvature of the earth, which is why he never descended below our altitude. After giving it some thought, that made a lot of sense and it was clearly the truth.

When I later related this story to my flat earther co-worker at my later job, he said it was all BS. At that point, I didn't continue the discussion rather than to get into an argument with an idiot. lol
Yeah well………..

Planes aren’t real either.
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I call bullshit on that. There is no way you could give a full hour to someone that came with that angle. Or no reason it would take an hour to ‘win’ a discussion. .

I do appreciate your stance. I just think these flat earth people deserve about 10 seconds of my time (really, on any topic).
Time flies when you’re having fun.