WNBA All Star Vote - can vote daily

Okay, I posted this before, but when you say why dilute it with non Hawks, I just don't get that. I'm as big a Hawk fan as anyone on here, but I'm not going to vote for someone for an All Star team that shouldn't be an All star. Thats just silly. I mean people sit here and complain about other fan bases, and politics being inserted into the sports, AND the public perception of IOWA fans and then go out and do exactly the same type of crap. CC certainly deserves consideration as a reserve, and I voted for her several times. The other two ladies most certainly do not deserve all star recognition, and that IS diluting the process. Do you feel its okay for Uconn or SC fans to vote ONLY for their ex players, because they most certainly have way more players worthy of recognition. Doing it simply because thats what other fans do, is not a reason to do the same shit. Regardless of how people here feel about the woman in the league there are certainly at least 15-20 players or more who deserve that recognition.
Lol, you just said a ton of stuff I don’t care about. What do I care about? Iowa and former Hawks. What do I not care about? Anybody that didn’t go to Iowa. That goes for all sports. What does my NBA vote look like? Keegan, Kris, Garza, and Weezy and Cook when they were there. Pro bowl is as many Hawks as possible. I don’t care about who deserves some vote for an exhibition game, I want to watch former Hawks being exhibited.
Lol, you just said a ton of stuff I don’t care about. What do I care about? Iowa and former Hawks. What do I not care about? Anybody that didn’t go to Iowa. That goes for all sports. What does my NBA vote look like? Keegan, Kris, Garza, and Weezy and Cook when they were there. Pro bowl is as many Hawks as possible. I don’t care about who deserves some vote for an exhibition game, I want to watch former Hawks being exhibited.
Super you do you. Have a bunch of players in the game who don't belong there and then talk about the game "being diluted". So do you plan on the ex lady Hawks playing 3 on 3 or what? And your NBA picks are ONE actual pro and 4 guys who simply aren't good enough to stick in the league. Your a fan, (fanatic), no doubt about that....
I voted for most of the Fever players just because it further shows the Caitlin effect if they all get voted in. And I like Kelsey Mitchell too. Stuff that ballot just hear Angel Reese complain about it if she doesn't get voted in (although I presume she will).
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I can't wait for the results. Last years top vote getter was at 96K votes (Wilson). You have to think Clark will absolutely destroy those totals.. but it will be most interesting to see the gains in votes for somebody like Wilson and the other top players. That alone should show them how they're all beneftting from CC being in the WNBA
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Okay, I posted this before, but when you say why dilute it with non Hawks, I just don't get that. I'm as big a Hawk fan as anyone on here, but I'm not going to vote for someone for an All Star team that shouldn't be an All star. Thats just silly. I mean people sit here and complain about other fan bases, and politics being inserted into the sports, AND the public perception of IOWA fans and then go out and do exactly the same type of crap. CC certainly deserves consideration as a reserve, and I voted for her several times. The other two ladies most certainly do not deserve all star recognition, and that IS diluting the process. Do you feel its okay for Uconn or SC fans to vote ONLY for their ex players, because they most certainly have way more players worthy of recognition. Doing it simply because thats what other fans do, is not a reason to do the same shit. Regardless of how people here feel about the woman in the league there are certainly at least 15-20 players or more who deserve that recognition.
The problem with this is that I don't know barely any wnba players other than Iowa players and this years rookie class (only Brink, Angel, Cardoso, and Hull). I've heard of Wilson, but don't know what she looks like, don't know what team she plays for, and I think I know how to say her first name. I too will be voting for Iowa players because they are the ones I know. I don't think there's anything wrong with this.
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The problem with this is that I don't know barely any wnba players other than Iowa players and this years rookie class (only Brink, Angel, Cardoso, and Hull). I've heard of Wilson, but don't know what she looks like, don't know what team she plays for, and I think I know how to say her first name. I too will be voting for Iowa players because they are the ones I know. I don't think there's anything wrong with this.
Hull is not a rookie. Wilson plays for the Aces with Kate so that one you should know, that and she's the leagues leading scorer.
You know what obviously many feel differently, so do what you got to do. It just seems really ignorant to say Hey, I don't know a thing about the league or the players or who the best players are, BUT I'm going to vote for the all star team. If your really a basketball fan, (men or women) then doing that is silly. If your not a fan, (like most obviously are not) then why in the hell are you voting for this? You realize just like every other pro league, these players winning this recognition affects their pay and status as players right? I can be just as big an Iowa fan as anybody, but I'm not going to stoop to voting players on that are most certainly not all stars. In the same way I'm not going to vote for a bunch of ex Hawk G league players to be on the NBA all star squad. Thats the epitome of stupid......Look at it like this. Lets say Clark two or three years from now is widely considered the WNBA's best player universally. It's time for the vote and Uconn and SC fans vote their girls on the all star roster even players who don't start, and basically hold down that 12th spot. How about if Indiana fans rally and vote Grace Berger onto the squad, even though she probably hasn't played 30 minutes all season? Would that be cool as well?
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Hull is not a rookie. Wilson plays for the Aces with Kate so that one you should know, that and she's the leagues leading scorer.
You know what obviously many feel differently, so do what you got to do. It just seems really ignorant to say Hey, I don't know a thing about the league or the players or who the best players are, BUT I'm going to vote for the all star team. If your really a basketball fan, (men or women) then doing that is silly. If your not a fan, (like most obviously are not) then why in the hell are you voting for this? You realize just like every other pro league, these players winning this recognition affects their pay and status as players right? I can be just as big an Iowa fan as anybody, but I'm not going to stoop to voting players on that are most certainly not all stars. In the same way I'm not going to vote for a bunch of ex Hawk G league players to be on the NBA all star squad. Thats the epitome of stupid......Look at it like this. Lets say Clark two or three years from now is widely considered the WNBA's best player universally. It's time for the vote and Uconn and SC fans vote their girls on the all star roster even players who don't start, and basically hold down that 12th spot. How about if Indiana fans rally and vote Grace Berger onto the squad, even though she probably hasn't played 30 minutes all season? Would that be cool as well?
Thanks for the correction on Hull. I was thinking of Berger and I'm new to the WNBA. Would you rather I vote for Wilson, even though I don't know what she looks like and have never seen her play? If I did so, wouldn't that be voting out of ignorance?

I totally understand your points and agree with them. But that's not how the All-Star voting works. It doesn't matter if you are a fan or not, knowledgable or not, unbiased or not, new to wnba or not, and a bunch of other things. Everybody (mostly ignorant voters mind you) gets to vote each day (do I have this right?) if they want to and it doesn't matter who they voted for and why they voted for that athlete. All-Star voting is only a popularity contest with no guidelines on voting. I'm assuming League MVP voting is more stringent with tougher criteria with limited knowledgable voters. I'm also assuming Hall of Fame is even more strict than that. But even then there's controversy..."You're a Hall of Famer in my book!" Coach Yoast to Coach Boone in Remember the Titans.

Let the man vote who he wants without getting on his case. We're all on the same team....CC team that is.
I voted for Clark and would vote for any cute straight players. The game will likely suck, so might as well be something to look and have as much drama as possible.
At least Cheryl Reeve isn't the Eastern Conference coach in the All-Star game, she'd likely find a way to not take CC regardless of how many votes she gets, because... #theWismorethanoneplayer
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Okay, I posted this before, but when you say why dilute it with non Hawks, I just don't get that. I'm as big a Hawk fan as anyone on here, but I'm not going to vote for someone for an All Star team that shouldn't be an All star. Thats just silly. I mean people sit here and complain about other fan bases, and politics being inserted into the sports, AND the public perception of IOWA fans and then go out and do exactly the same type of crap. CC certainly deserves consideration as a reserve, and I voted for her several times. The other two ladies most certainly do not deserve all star recognition, and that IS diluting the process. Do you feel its okay for Uconn or SC fans to vote ONLY for their ex players, because they most certainly have way more players worthy of recognition. Doing it simply because thats what other fans do, is not a reason to do the same shit. Regardless of how people here feel about the woman in the league there are certainly at least 15-20 players or more who deserve that recognition.
So I can't vote for any Cubs for the MLB all-star game? You, my friend, have a naive view of the world, one in which a convicted felon could be elected president of the United States, and people with an IQ below zero can vote for him.

There are no intelligence tests to qualify to vote for president, but I guess you think we need such things for some silly pro sports all-star game . . . LOL
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So I can't vote for any Cubs for the MLB all-star game? You, my friend, have a naive view of the world, one in which a convicted felon could be elected president of the United States, and people with an IQ below zero can vote for him.

There are no intelligence tests to qualify to vote for president, but I guess you think we need such things for some silly pro sports all-star game . . . LOL
You're a fockin idiot that shouldn't be allowed to do anything really
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So I can't vote for any Cubs for the MLB all-star game? You, my friend, have a naive view of the world, one in which a convicted felon could be elected president of the United States, and people with an IQ below zero can vote for him.

There are no intelligence tests to qualify to vote for president, but I guess you think we need such things for some silly pro sports all-star game . . . LOL
Why exactly can we not have a discussion about sports on a sports forum without you constantly posting something about Trump? Boggles the mind. Vote for whatever Cubbies you want, the discussion was about voting for Iowa players only EVEN of they didn't even play. Sorry if you can't see how absolutely stupid that is.....
I love the NBA and rarely watch all star games so obviously I've never watched a WNBA all star game.. but this could be kind of fascinating. First off, CC playing with AR but more curious on style of play. I'm assuming like the nba all star game, nobody plays defense. If that's the case, CC will absolutely go off. Guessing the Olympic women don't want that to happen so will this be a competitive game from the start? Should be interesting

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