Danny Lyons ·
Jim Ashcraft seeing how you liberals want to "save the world" and all the scum in it, what's your home address in Faixfax County, VA? We'll send them to your front porch. After all, the idiots in that county, in actuality, can't afford a pot to pi*s in because they've cow toweled to every liberal bunch, including the radical muslims. Maybe you and your lovely family can save these animals - all by your little ole self.
Jim Ashcraft seeing how you liberals want to "save the world" and all the scum in it, what's your home address in Faixfax County, VA? We'll send them to your front porch. After all, the idiots in that county, in actuality, can't afford a pot to pi*s in because they've cow toweled to every liberal bunch, including the radical muslims. Maybe you and your lovely family can save these animals - all by your little ole self.