Would the SC police officer skate if there's no video?


HR Legend
May 29, 2001
It's justified if it's the cops word against the dead guys word.

Cameras on cops please.
I doubt if he would skate. Probably a lesser charge, such as voluntary manslaughter or second degree murder. All the shots were in the back. An autopsy would have determined that the shots came from some distance. That would have been pretty difficult to explain away.
Well the guy was shot in the back, the autopsy would confirm this. It's different than the Michael Brown incident, there were no cameras there either but the evidence seemed to back the cops story.

I'm just waiting for Browns friend, you know the "hands up don't shoot" guy to be rung up on interference charges (lying to the cops) and accessory to a robbery charges. I think both would be justified. But that's just me.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I agree with Swag.

The autopsy would have obviously showed he was shot in the back and at a distance.
You brush that away with the ole there was a struggle and the officer feared for his life defense. It's worth a shot with a jury of the officer's "peers."
Originally posted by jscott78:
You brush that away with the ole there was a struggle and the officer feared for his life defense. It's worth a shot with a jury of the officer's "peers."
How about you repeat this in english white boy Leroy.
Originally posted by Aegon_Targaryen:

Originally posted by jscott78:
You brush that away with the ole there was a struggle and the officer feared for his life defense. It's worth a shot with a jury of the officer's "peers."
How about you repeat this in english white boy Leroy.
Could you really not grasp his points or are you just setting him up?
If the cop stuck with the taser story saying the guy had it when he was running, now he has established the fear of harm. I think he skates if there was no camera.