It wasn't specified but I have been working under the assumption of yes you can, so long as they are holding onto you. So you wouldn't be able to take your entire softball team with you but you and a couple of buddies could have a hell of a weekend.Can I take people with me when I teleport, or just me? I would say yes. I'm an extremely picky eater and eat most stuff plain so I don't think I'd care.
No. by definition that wouldn't taste like anything.Beer would taste like Alka-Seltzer and meat would taste like mud.
Really? You'd give up hearing over taste? No music, no radio news, podcasts, lesser enjoyment of movies, and TV? The rest of your life in silence?No, I don't think I would. I would probably miss tasting too much and likely get myself killed pretty quickly with the ability to teleport. Giving up one of my 5 senses would be pretty tough. Now maybe if it was hearing... I would probably do it.
Yeah. This isn't an offer to everyone, just asking everyone if they would if they had the opportunity. And no 'you got tricked' consequences like you lose a year of your life, or anything like that. You can transport, safely, to wherever you like.Does everybody who says yes get to teleport, or just me?
If just me, absolutely. If everyone, still probably. Would certainly miss taste, but I can make up for that with a lot of other senses, and do so in a, literal, fraction of the time.