WrestleStat Enhancements - Possible Feature Matches and Events for Matches


HB Heisman
May 18, 2004
Urbandale, IA
Not sure if anyone has noticed, but last night I released a couple enhancements to the site.

1) Logged in users now have the ability to look at the PROJECTED feature matches for the entire season. This is functionality that is already in place, but I opened up the permissions to everyone. If anyone is interested in what the feature matches are going to be in the coming weeks, or for the rest of the season, you can go here to view them for each and every remaining week for the season. There's no direct link to these pages, so you'll need to get to them from either the "This Week" or "Next Week" pages in the pick contest. Here's a link to the pages where you can get to the possible feature matches:

2) Match results now show which event they came from (if that data is saved). When viewing results for a wrestler, there's now an additional column that specifies which event on the schools schedule that the match result came from. For example, Thomas Gilmans match result vs Sean Fausz from last years NCAA National Duals contest now shows a link to that particular box score. This is just another way that I'm trying to make navigation through wrestlers, match results, events, etc even faster for users. Here's Gilmans profile so you can see these: