

HB All-American
Dec 16, 2015
You bust your ass and do a lot of things above and beyond just to appease us riff raff. I just wanted to thank you for all that you do. You created a great site and it may not seem like it but it means a lot to us and it helps the sport out as well. Being able to track teams of the past and future and see those records all in 1 website is remarkable. And you do everything for free. Thank you so much!
Thank you!

After this tournament is over, I'm going to be taking a LONG break from updating code on the site. Will be AT LEAST 2 weeks ;).

Even though I'm still "converting" code from the old system (last years) to the new one, I'm pretty much done with the re-write. I still need to add the "ToDo" queue and then a few other things, but for the most part, the site is pretty close to being "done" (although nothing is "done" in the programming world).

Here's what I have on-tap for this summer:

1) ToDo queue (similar to the Approval Queue which I've already implemented)
2) Re-design homepage so it will show blog/rss feeds (primarily of the WrestleStat blog, but will also add other news outlets/blogs so articles/links are added almost real-time....will be one-stop-shop for finding wrestling articles
3) Show team twitter feeds, and wrestler's twitter feeds from their profile pages
4) Prediction engine enhancements (need to better utilize previous head-to-head results)
5) Rankings process will never be "right"
6) Build a YouTube crawler so it will automatically search YouTube for match videos so this isn't a manual process anymore
7) SORTABLE TABLES - this has been requested a few years ago, but I still keep putting it off
8) Notification system - allow users to send messages inside the website
9) Historical rankings pages (just like I did for the team profile pages for previous and future seasons)
10) Ad-less version of the website. Users that donate to WrestleStat will be able to view the website WITHOUT ANY ADS. The ads are extremely annoying, but at this point, it's the only way to cover the costs of the website. People that have already donated to WrestleStat will be automatically added to the list of users that don't have to see ads.
11) LOTS of bug fixes and little tweaks to pages

Then, in addition to doing all of that, I'll be working on a new website this summer for golfers...:)
Sorry to drum up old threads, but want you guys to be aware of a change that I just made.

Ya'll may or may-not care, but WrestleStat is now "secure", as in it's an httpS site now.

I don't store any personal information, other than a users email address, so there's really nothing to be exposed, but it gives users a little more "peace-of-mind" when doing anything on the site.