Xbox One vs PS4


HB Legend
Dec 10, 2009
Looking to get Crunch jr. and myself a new system for the living room. Currently have a PS3. I don't care what his friends have, and I don't think he does.

Want to get NHL 16 that we can play together, maybe the new Call of Duty, Fallout 4?. Halo 5 appears to be getting good reviews, which would be Xbox One obviously. He has a Wii U already.

Help me HROT!
Next Gen Systems suck. There have been freezing/ crashing issues with both, more with PS4. So, go with CPU.
They pretty much have the same features. I've read where PS4 has blue ray and a better picture for shows/movies but I can't tell the difference. Perhaps it comes down to which controller fells better in your hands.
It doesn't really matter anymore in my opinion. PS used to give you free online game play but now you pay for it. That was a major deciding factor back with I bought the PS3 over the XBOX 360. I also used to like the streaming capabilities of PS over XBOX, but PS got rid of DLNA Media Server functionality so that is almost a wash anymore too.

I guess if it were me I would be purchasing on what his friends have. There really isn't anymore "major differences" in the two platforms anymore that should persuade you one way or the other. I know XBOX 1 stated you couldn't play used games on their console but I believe they lifted that ban.

If I did it all over again, I'd still choose the PS4 because it's what I'm used to and what I grew up playing from original PS all the way to PS4.
I am considering getting an Xbox One for my boys. I'm hesitant though because we currently have 360 and I've read that 360 accessories are not compatible with One and only some games are compatible (backward compatibility?). However, the games are supposed to be better, better apps (like Sling TV) and more room on the One.

xbox one is great. the accessories from the 360 wont work but they are starting to introduce backward compatibility this week for some games, not all.
I am considering getting an Xbox One for my boys. I'm hesitant though because we currently have 360 and I've read that 360 accessories are not compatible with One and only some games are compatible (backward compatibility?). However, the games are supposed to be better, better apps (like Sling TV) and more room on the One.


I've read where they are allowing backward compatibility on a large number of games soon, then the remainder will be determined as they get the rights from the developers. I don't have a 360, so this doesn't affect me though.

Call of Duty is only allowing extra content on the PS4, Xbox has Halo, etc.

I'm leaning PS4, b/c I have the PS3, but Halo could be fun. Gamestop will have them at $299 both with a game. That new Star Wars game looks fun.

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i played the beta for the new star wars game and it was a blast. wont matter if u play it on xbox or ps4.
I have owned both, currently with the PS4. Not sure if it matters but the X1 console is massive in comparison. Really performance wise no difference, the user interface seems easier to navigate on PS4. The controllers are personal preference, I think the new ps4 controllers feel better. Both will get the job done though.
Xbox one is my preference but I have always been a huge fan of the halo series. Also, I still play Titanfall (Xbox one only as well) . Great game that loses hardly any replay value. Pre-ordered star wars that game looks great.