Yankee Doodle Dandy appreciation thread


HB King
Gold Member
Jan 30, 2008
I just finished watching this classic on Netflix. I'd been wanting to watch it since I saw the last 10 minutes on the 4th of July. Julia Louis-Dreyfus was doing a guest commentary after it had been shown on TCM and commented on how James Cagney had basically thought up the final dance scene on the fly, and how amazing it was to see him dance down that flight of stairs. The physicality Cagney displayed throughout the movie was astounding.
I didn't look up a few things until after viewing the movie, but, I would have never believed this movie was not a direct response to Pearl Harbor, and America's entry into WWII. Sure, they punched up a few things, but production had started by the time the US entered the war. As the final scene ends with Cohan/Cagney marching with the soldiers singing Over There I was struck by how a movie like that could have affected the population in 1942. I don't think there is a common theme of communication these days that could have been used to build up a war effort like the great movies of the time did. I was thinking that any healthy young male out on a date with his sweetheart watching that movie would be at the recruiting office the next day.
It is also notable that Cohan and Cagney lived similar lives. Both of them stayed out of public view for many years, only to appear briefly towards the end of their lives. Both Cohan and Cagney had high profile battles with the power brokers of Broadway and Hollywood respectively.
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I love that movie, and Cagney is amazing. It takes serious liberties with reality, of course, but that was pretty standard for biopics of the era.

One related note......have you noticed that movie makers treated FDR pretty much like God? I cannot think of a movie in which any actor played him. You always heard his voice, and perhaps the camera was behind him, but he was just this presence that none should defile by showing.
Not a movie, but Cohan portrayed Roosevelt on Broadway in "I'd Rather Be Right".

The scene in "Yankee Doodle Dandy" where Cagney is tap dancing down the stairs is one of my favorites.
I love this "classic." One of my Top 5 for sure.........It may not be accurate but is entertaining. HIs dancing down the stairs at the end and his writing of "Over There" as portrayed in the movie are my highlites. Glad to know it is on Netflix. I have had it stored on my DVR for more than 2 years......
I love that movie, and Cagney is amazing. It takes serious liberties with reality, of course, but that was pretty standard for biopics of the era.

One related note......have you noticed that movie makers treated FDR pretty much like God? I cannot think of a movie in which any actor played him. You always heard his voice, and perhaps the camera was behind him, but he was just this presence that none should defile by showing.

Don't you think that was because of the polio? I cannot honestly say if it was a stigma on the part of journalists and movie makers, or, if it was a calculated attempt by handlers. Now, in this movie I don't know what other representation the producers could have gone with. You aren't going to show FDR in an unfavorable light, and, in 1942 are you going to show FDR as left feeble by polio as a war rages? America needed to be shown a strong leader. Not a man that couldn't stand without leg braces and canes.
I love that movie, and Cagney is amazing. It takes serious liberties with reality, of course, but that was pretty standard for biopics of the era.

One related note......have you noticed that movie makers treated FDR pretty much like God? I cannot think of a movie in which any actor played him. You always heard his voice, and perhaps the camera was behind him, but he was just this presence that none should defile by showing.
Love the movie. Dang it, I thought this movie was based on no liberties to the biography. Just kidding. What are some of the bigger liberties the movie took with the actual history. Did the movie show them having any kids? I believe they had several kids. I know the real George Cohan appeared in the biopic about Eddie Foy Sr and his children. Bob Hope played the role of Eddie Foy. This is another movie I really loved and I believe took lots of liberty with reality.
I warned my wife not to look up the facts - just enjoy the film :) Some spoilers - he was never married to a Mary though one of his two wives had that as a middle name. Cohan was actually awarded that special Congressional medal in 1936 well before WWII began. (Which shows just how important the man was to musical theater - the award was not just because of war patriotism.)
Once Cagney appears on screen in old age makeup, I think the rest of the film is as entertaining as any ever made.
Per WIKI they gave a special projecting of the film for Cohan who was dying at the time. He is said to have exclaimed about Cagney, "What an act to follow!" Amen.
Don't you think that was because of the polio? I cannot honestly say if it was a stigma on the part of journalists and movie makers, or, if it was a calculated attempt by handlers. Now, in this movie I don't know what other representation the producers could have gone with. You aren't going to show FDR in an unfavorable light, and, in 1942 are you going to show FDR as left feeble by polio as a war rages? America needed to be shown a strong leader. Not a man that couldn't stand without leg braces and canes.
The polio might have been a factor, but I don't think so. In virtually all the movies where FDR makes an appearance -- as in YDD -- he is in his office at his desk. No reason they couldn't show an actor sitting at a desk. Instead, the camera looks from behind him.

Another point of the movie -- actually, the musical "I'd Rather be Right" -- is accurate. In the number they show, Cagney as Cohan as FDR makes a number of statements and then says "that's off the record." That's how he and the White House press corps handled things at the time. He would talk with them, and then tell the reporters what they could and couldn't not report from what he said. Not exactly the way it works today.
Love the movie. Dang it, I thought this movie was based on no liberties to the biography. Just kidding. What are some of the bigger liberties the movie took with the actual history. Did the movie show them having any kids? I believe they had several kids. I know the real George Cohan appeared in the biopic about Eddie Foy Sr and his children. Bob Hope played the role of Eddie Foy. This is another movie I really loved and I believe took lots of liberty with reality.

Actually it was Cagney who appeared in the Eddie Foy film, as Cohan (the real Cohan died several years earlier). Cagney once again showed how good of a dancer he was. He also appeared on the condition that he not be paid.
Sorry, I thought this thread was a tribute to the New York
Yankees and their 27 World Series Championships. A
salute to Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig, Joe DiMaggio and
Mickey Mantle is always appreciated.