yeti 5 gallon bucket


HB King
Feb 11, 2013
Quad Cities
Would you pay $40 for a yeti 5 gallon bucket? Lid is another $30


Maybe. Throw a foam top on it for a good seat and hell yeah. **this is assuming the bucket is a good cooler.
What is the point of it? I understand their cooler allegedly keeps ice cold for a day or 2 but what makes this bucket better than other buckets? I guess I could google but figured i'd rely on answers here.
I assumed, incorrectly, this was a cooler. Holy hell. The reviews on yeti are hilarious. People listing what they can use their bucket for.... sad.
I still use a white five gallon bucket and top that I brought home from Frisch’s restaurant during my short lived car hop days.
Back then, pickle buckets were basically thrown away after putting two or three of those little slices on each burger. It took years for the smell of pickles to fade away.
$70 huh. Wow, I was a flipping trend setter.
What is the point of it? I understand their cooler allegedly keeps ice cold for a day or 2 but what makes this bucket better than other buckets? I guess I could google but figured i'd rely on answers here.

That you can brag to your friends that you threw $40 away on a bucket.
Ridiculous. Who buys this crap? If you buy their tricked out version it’s only $130. It’s not insulated but it says it’s twice as thick as a regular 5 gallon bucket. A fool and his money...
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Lol. I meant stores that carry it.

Is it not in stores? Obviously, I don't know shit about 5 gallon buckets.

They sell it at Ace Hardware. Yeti has marketed their product well. I don’t derive any utility from these things but I’m not going to tell anyone what to spend their $$$ on.