You know it's bad when MSNBC ain't buying Obozos propaganda


HB All-State
Aug 4, 2009
Josh Earnest Couldn't Even Convince an MSNBC Panel to Believe What He Was Saying on Live TV
Mar. 26, 2015 11:26am Jonathon M. Seidl

The panel on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" wasn't having any of what White House press secretary Josh Earnest was saying about Yemen, calling him out multiple times and putting him on the defensive during a tough interview Thursday morning.

The issue is that Earnest and the administration are touting Yemen, which is in the midst of civil unrest and being overrun by Houthi rebels, as a success story and a model for fighting against terrorism. Host Mika Brzezinski wasn't convinced.

"Should we dial back on the words that it is a success story, when you have the president fleeing on a boat?" Brzezinski pressed.

According to Earnest, the success of U.S. policy shouldn't be measured by the stability of the Yemeni government. He said the U.S. is not trying to create a "Jeffersonian democracy," but rather wants to make sure Yemen is not a place that can harbor terrorists.

"The fact is that even though U.S. personnel is no longer in Yemen, the United States continues to have the capacity and resources and reach to be able to take strikes when necessary against extremists that operating there," he said.

That's when NBC News White House correspondent Chris Jansing stepped in.

"How, when you have the embassy closed, Americans have left, you have the parliament that has been dissolved, you have the president fleeing on a boat, maybe towards Djibouti, you have so many less possibilities for intelligence on the ground, how can you say that we are still in a counter-terror situation there?" she asked.

"We do continue to be in touch with some elements of the Yemeni government," Earnest answered. "Obviously, that effort at security cooperation is not as robust and as successful as it would otherwise be if the Yemeni government were stable. … The United States continues to have resources in the broader region that we can use to strike terrorists if necessary, and the president has indicated a commitment to using those resources to keep the American people safe."

The grilling by MSNBC marks the second time in 24 hours that Earnest was pressed on American policy in Yemen. On Wednesday, ABC's Jon Karl was visibly shocked when Earnest continued to hold up Yemen as a model of counter-terrorism strategy.

"That's astounding," Karl said. "You're saying you still see Yemen as a model? Building up a central government, which has now collapsed? A president who has apparently fled the country? You know, Saudi troops massing on one border, the Iranians supporting the rebels? You consider this a model for counterterrorism?"

This post was edited on 3/26 9:59 PM by Habah
When you are right, you are right - this administration does not know how to admit a mistake. And lying only makes it worse.
And then 2 years from now they still won't admit it or want to talk about it because it will be "old news". They'll want to look forward not backward.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Its things like this from MSNBC and ABC that disgust me. When will the MSM stop being butt boys for this administration? This type of appeasement by the MSM favoring BHO has been going on since day one of this administration and it must stop. Grow a pair and actually challenge this administration you gutless MSMers.
Who has the photo of the Iraqi propaganda guy with the Tomahawk in back of him. Put Earnest's face on him and that's what you have in D.C. now. It's nothing but a propaganda machine that lies and tells the American public what they want them to believe.
Originally posted by THE_DEVIL:
Its things like this from MSNBC and ABC that disgust me. When will the MSM stop being butt boys for this administration? This type of appeasement by the MSM favoring BHO has been going on since day one of this administration and it must stop. Grow a pair and actually challenge this administration you gutless MSMers.
These challenges are new revelations devil. You didn't see this prior to his second election AT ALL and things are finally starting to fall apart to the point where it's almost impossible to ignore.

Paper tiger is starting to come apart now. But your sarcasm is noted.
The Herbert Hoover Library and Museum in West Branch is able to make Hoover seem like an appealing, competent and sympathetic President.

I can't wait to see the special effects that will need to be employed at Obama's museum to make his years in the White House look compelling.
Originally posted by THE_DEVIL:
Its things like this from MSNBC and ABC that disgust me. When will the MSM stop being butt boys for this administration? This type of appeasement by the MSM favoring BHO has been going on since day one of this administration and it must stop. Grow a pair and actually challenge this administration you gutless MSMers.
Oh please, the media has been on their knees for Obama for the past 6 years. He has screwed things up to the point where the MSM can't even get around it.

You are already seeing it with Hillary. Obama doesn't have to be re elected so they can start working on him now.
Josh Earnest is a graduate of the Brian Williams
School of Journalism. His diploma shows that
he was a magna cum laude scholar. He learned
the art of lying and deceiving the populace. May
he face a crazed elephant from the Washington
D.C. Zoo while taking his next visit there.

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