Zags vs Baylor

In college basketball it gets rewarded all too often.
You would think with 5 white starters, fran would teach his guys to flop. Garza and CMAC did it a little but not very good acting job. You gotta launch yourself backwards and slide on the floor to get the call.
I feel like Gonzaga has gotten the benefit of the doubt in the 2nd half, but Baylor's been able to play through it and outscore them in the 2nd half.
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Did Baylor have players out when they lost to Kansas and Oklahoma State? I just can't imagine how this team got beat this season.
Did Baylor have players out when they lost to Kansas and Oklahoma State? I just can't imagine how this team got beat this season.
Baylor plays in a real conference where you get tested. But yeah ,hard to believe they lost any games. I am happy Gonzaga goes down.
Over ! Go all the way to the Natty game undefeated and lose ... wtf .. and the last team to claim the fame was Indiana when they went undefeated and won the entire thing - wow
Must be weird to lose a game after the entire season gone by and you end up with a L
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Looking at Baylor's roster they may indeed go for a repeat performance next year. They are loaded...
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The disparity between these two teams was huge. Baylor made the Zags uncomfortable all game.
ISU lost to Baylor 77-72 and 76-65, so yeah, competitive. Do research before posting next time.

Ummmm... They said B12 was competitive every night. What was the clown record this year again?

Ahhh and I see losing by 10+ is now considered competitive too

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