Zelensky’s Inexplicable and Inexcusable Partisanship

I mean: one party wants him to cede sovereign Ukrainian territory to Russia under the guise of “peace”.

The other party wants to support him in the effort to free his sovereign land and expel the invaders.

It’s a real mystery about the partisanship. Real head scratcher here.
I remember a GOP that stood up for freedom. I remember a GOP that abhorred autocrats. I remember a GOP that believed a strong US foreign presence would yield strong returns for the American people. I remember a GOP who embraced a set of ideals: free trade, the right to self determination, standing up to foreign aggression. I remember a GOP that would never equivocate between Russia and Ukraine.

I miss Reagan. I miss McCain. I miss the GOP I remember. What we have now is twisted, shameful and abhorrent.
Guys, so unfair the guy fighting Russia doesn't have a high opinion of the pro-Putin party, let alone the guy who tried to blackmail Ukraine.

Now Republicans have this excuse to be even more pro-Putin and potentially deny aid if Trump wins.

Isn't that fantastic Northern?
The reality is that MAGAts want an authoritarian fascist dictator. It's what they yearn for. It's what they dream for in
America: government repression of LGBTQ people, women repressed, forced births even in rape/incest or fatal pregnancies, Christian nationalism where their narrow interpretation of the Bible replaces the Constitution, extrajudicial killings of their "enemies" on the left. All of it. Putin's Russia is what they want imported here. Just watch Tucker Carlson's fawning, pro-Moscow propaganda.
Jesus Christ you guys throw shit out there without context or anything to back it up. It's as if you want to create a narrative that matches your opinion. could be that Ukraine is one of the most corrupt nations in the world and our "leaders" have direct political and business ties to them.
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Geez, what has happened to the republican party?

We know what happened. I just can't believe they haven't figured it out by now.

I'm pro America. I'm anti foreign follies.

I hope Ukraine prevails but this is a conflict between two former Soviet republics, with enclaves of one republic living within the other.

If there's a solution to this conflict, European countries should find it.
I'm pro America. I'm anti foreign follies.

I hope France prevails but this is a conflict between two European republics, with enclaves of one republic living within the other.

If there's a solution to this conflict, European countries should find it.

This is the exact sentiment of a good portion of the US (isolationists) before American involvement in WWII.

Why do you completely ignore the lessons of WWII?

Do you look back and regret American involvement in that war?
This is the dumbest manufactured political controversy since the last dumb manufactured political controversy you guys ginned up. WITAF is the allied head of state of a country at war supposed to do? This is truly idiotic.
This is the exact sentiment of a good portion of the US (isolationists) before American involvement in WWII.

Why do you completely ignore the lessons of WWII?

Do you look back and regret American involvement in that war?
Ukraine isolationism is baffling to me.

1. It enables aggressive autocrats - the cost of appeasing Hitler for years before Britain and the US got involved is incalculable. It is far better to fight the threat when it emerges than to wait until it metastasizes.

2. America’s involvement in foreign affairs has undoubtedly led to America’s position as the number one economy on Earth. Our generosity in rebuilding Western Europe, in embracing Germany and Japan as Allies post ww2 set the stage for decades of market growth. Ukraine is a nation of entrepreneurship, of innovation, of math, of science. A country with agricultural roots as deep as Iowa’s. Not to mention a nation of very hot women. Of course we should want to be a good partner to a country like that.

3. America has been the beneficiary of foreign support countless times. Hell, we do not even have a country without France’s support. And let’s not forget how our allies rallied post 9/11. I believe we have an obligation to help those with who we share a set of values. A democratic Ukraine is an ideal that the Ukrainian people strive for, and half our country wants to turn our back on that?

4. Many of the same isolationists on Ukraine are all for support of Israel. Have some consistency. Both nations deserve peace. Both nations have the right to fight aggression whether that be terrorism or state sponsored warfare.
Ukraine isolationism is baffling to me.

1. It enables aggressive autocrats - the cost of appeasing Hitler for years before Britain and the US got involved is incalculable. It is far better to fight the threat when it emerges than to wait until it metastasizes.

2. America’s involvement in foreign affairs has undoubtedly led to America’s position as the number one economy on Earth. Our generosity in rebuilding Western Europe, in embracing Germany and Japan as Allies post ww2 set the stage for decades of market growth. Ukraine is a nation of entrepreneurship, of innovation, of math, of science. A country with agricultural roots as deep as Iowa’s. Not to mention a nation of very hot women. Of course we should want to be a good partner to a country like that.

3. America has been the beneficiary of foreign support countless times. Hell, we do not even have a country without France’s support. And let’s not forget how our allies rallied post 9/11. I believe we have an obligation to help those with who we share a set of values. A democratic Ukraine is an ideal that the Ukrainian people strive for, and half our country wants to turn our back on that?

4. Many of the same isolationists on Ukraine are all for support of Israel. Have some consistency. Both nations deserve peace. Both nations have the right to fight aggression whether that be terrorism or state sponsored warfare.
It's actually not that complicated to understand. It's just completely opportunistic. Whatever the administration supports, the party out of power opposes. Domestic electoral politics are completely binary, and trump (no pun intended) everything.

I suppose if there's a silverlining in their somewhere, it's that I don't actually have to believe that there are that many people that truly like putin, russia, or what either of them currently stand for.
This is the exact sentiment of a good portion of the US (isolationists) before American involvement in WWII.

Why do you completely ignore the lessons of WWII?

Do you look back and regret American involvement in that war?

Now do Vietnam and other countless foreign follies that robbed America of it's youth and treasure.
Ukraine and Z, they are just proxies for the USA military complex; pump it up baby! Can’t pump it up without an ongoing war complex, like Afghanistan was before.
Ukraine isolationism is baffling to me.

1. It enables aggressive autocrats - the cost of appeasing Hitler for years before Britain and the US got involved is incalculable. It is far better to fight the threat when it emerges than to wait until it metastasizes.

2. America’s involvement in foreign affairs has undoubtedly led to America’s position as the number one economy on Earth. Our generosity in rebuilding Western Europe, in embracing Germany and Japan as Allies post ww2 set the stage for decades of market growth. Ukraine is a nation of entrepreneurship, of innovation, of math, of science. A country with agricultural roots as deep as Iowa’s. Not to mention a nation of very hot women. Of course we should want to be a good partner to a country like that.

3. America has been the beneficiary of foreign support countless times. Hell, we do not even have a country without France’s support. And let’s not forget how our allies rallied post 9/11. I believe we have an obligation to help those with who we share a set of values. A democratic Ukraine is an ideal that the Ukrainian people strive for, and half our country wants to turn our back on that?

4. Many of the same isolationists on Ukraine are all for support of Israel. Have some consistency. Both nations deserve peace. Both nations have the right to fight aggression whether that be terrorism or state sponsored warfare.
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