Zelensky’s Inexplicable and Inexcusable Partisanship

Even folks on leftwing cable news are acknowledging that Ukraine is very unlikely to get any land back.

The sooner people accept that, the more likely that a resolution is near.

Ukraine joins NATO is only way that deal gets made. Otherwise this "peace" only lasts long enough for Russia to rearm.
Ukraine joins NATO is only way that deal gets made. Otherwise this "peace" only lasts long enough for Russia to rearm.

Peace will be elusive either way. One could argue that NATO creep played a huge role in this starting in the first place.

And regardless of what anyone tells you, these alliances/agreements to come to the defense of one another are only as good/certain as the will of the populace at the time.
Peace will be elusive either way. One could argue that NATO creep played a huge role in this starting in the first place.

And regardless of what anyone tells you, these alliances/agreements to come to the defense of one another are only as good/certain as the will of the populace at the time.
Blaming the Russian invasion of Ukraine on NATO is like you blaming you hitting your wife on her for talking too long with her friends.
Blaming the Russian invasion of Ukraine on NATO is like you blaming you hitting your wife on her for talking too long with her friends.
It's always the tell that the individual is gulping Russian disinformation when they blame NATO. These same people never ask "Why did all those countries feel it necessary to join NATO?"
Do you idiots think this war is fake? I know there are those among you that do.
Does the war have to be "fake" for people to make money off of it? Hell, the US has admitted to losing over $1 Billion that it doesn't know where it went. That is just what they are admitting to us.
Well, it's been easy to see the pro-Putin, pro-dictatorship roaches on this board recently.
Such an uninformed dumb statement. Have a president that didn't have as VP a son sitting on the board of Burisma of which he had no qualifications, which is a huge threat to Russia's ecnonomy... then maybe you'd have credibility other than the commies are coming to get us and better dead than red.

Signed.. a person who has far more experience in Ukraine that you or anyone else here will ever have.

Who is the Bidenista roach?

The US knew this was all coming when they pulled all Peace Corp out of Ukraine before Maidan really heated up. Then Biden said Ukraine was on their own just before the invasion.

You are so dumb and naive OR a Troll.

The Dems want war for the industrial military complex at risk to your safety.

Did you know that prewar 6 million Ukrainians were living/working in Russia? Don't let facts get in your way Colonel Kong.
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Such an uninformed dumb statement. Have a president that didn't have as VP a son sitting on the board of Burisma of which he had no qualifications, which is a huge threat to Russia's ecnonomy... then maybe you'd have credibility other than the commies are coming to get us and better dead than red.

Signed.. a person who has far more experience in Ukraine that you or anyone else here will ever have.

Who is the Bidenista roach?

The US knew this was all coming when they pulled all Peace Corp out of Ukraine before Maidan really heated up. Then Biden said Ukraine was on their own just before the invasion.

You are so dumb and naive OR a Troll.

The Dems want war for the industrial military complex at risk to your safety.


You're a proven clown in the big thread. GTFO with Burisma. I thought you clowns would go with a Nuland reference next but you did the next best thing.
You lose all credibility by not knowing something is wrong about Biden/Burisma. Idiot.
AT ITS PEAK, Burisma accounted for less than 5% of the total gas production of Ukraine. Explain to the class how that is a major threat to the Russian economy. You're just making shit up or puking back what you gobble from Russian disinfo.
Burisma was to develop Donbas for fracking to expand delivery to Europe. 24 percent of Russia's economy is petroleum/gas. Why do you think they screwed around in Syria where a pipeline was going in.

The EU received 45% of gas from Russia. How can you be that stupid. Dent 24 percent of the Russian economy and Russia isn't going to like that. Nothing wrong with Burisma doing development. Just not with the son of a sitting VP and eventual President.

Btw, what is 1 +2?
Burisma was to develop Donbas for fracking to expand delivery to Europe. 24 percent of Russia's economy is petroleum/gas. Why do you think they screwed around in Syria where a pipeline was going in.

The EU received 45% of gas from Russia. How can you be that stupid. Dent 24 percent of the Russian economy and Russia isn't going to like that. Nothing wrong with Burisma doing development. Just not with the son of a sitting VP and eventual President.

Btw, what is 1 +2?
LMAO. So the key was fracking!

Dumbass. The key is gas/oil development. Ask Imperial Japan.

Got to run. I'm sure you'll make other dumb uniformed posts. Been talking to a friend who lost an apartment. Another whose SIL lost his arm and his son just deployed.

You should stick to Kim bashing if you are really connected to Iowa.
The idiots come in meat waves in these threads. Reminds me of something.
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Such an uninformed dumb statement. Have a president that didn't have as VP a son sitting on the board of Burisma of which he had no qualifications, which is a huge threat to Russia's ecnonomy... then maybe you'd have credibility other than the commies are coming to get us and better dead than red.
If you think I’m going to argue that Hunter being on that board was ethical, you’re out of your mind. At least he wasn’t also employed by the White House while also receiving money or favors from foreign entities like the Trumps though. More importantly, no one but those off the right wing deep end buys your oil and gas conspiracy. If you want to say Russia invaded their sovereign country for those resources, then maybe you would have a point.
If you think I’m going to argue that Hunter being on that board was ethical, you’re out of your mind. At least he wasn’t also employed by the White House while also receiving money or favors from foreign entities like the Trumps though. More importantly, no one but those off the right wing deep end buys your oil and gas conspiracy. If you want to say Russia invaded their sovereign country for those resources, then maybe you would have a point.
Who is out of their mind? You are OK with corruption? You sound Russian.

And yes, the wanted to stop Ukraine development. Your partisan views know no limits.
Can we all at least agree that a ceasefire would be best for everyone at this point?
For me? Yes for sure. For the Biden forces... I doubt it. Ukraine isn't winning this without US troops on the ground unless Russia collapses, which "could" happen, but this is the wrong country to try and outlast.
For me? Yes for sure. For the Biden forces... I doubt it. Ukraine isn't winning this without US troops on the ground unless Russia collapses, which "could" happen, but this is the wrong country to try and outlast.
So many war drum experts on here with absolutely no understanding of culture and history in that area. Our media doesn't cover it well either. We are supporting a nation with gdp of 3500 to 5500k that has been attacked by a nation with 17k gdb and both are that way due to intense massive corruption.
So many war drum experts on here with absolutely no understanding of culture and history in that area. Our media doesn't cover it well either. We are supporting a nation with gdp of 3500 to 5500k that has been attacked by a nation with 17k gdb and both are that way due to intense massive corruption.
And yet your only solution seems to be a white flag. You've never proposed a solution. Only told random stories about farmers losing legs. Nobody WANTS war. They want it to end. On terms that include a sovereign Ukraine. On terms that don't empower Russia to take additional measures in Poland and the Baltics. STFU.

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