Zelensky’s Inexplicable and Inexcusable Partisanship

peeing ralph wiggum GIF
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You seem unhinged right now. Take a deep breath.
I really am unhinged about the one-dimensional parroting of Russian talking points I see everywhere. It's scary. From otherwise normal people. People with educations. You're being worked.
This was blatantly obvious long ago but here we are. It really speaks to the educational level and ignorance of the people who support this.
Honestly don’t follow this very closely.. but during the initial few months of the excursion, there was much more talk of Ukraine joining NATO, as a solution. I assume that avenue is no longer viable. could be that Ukraine is one of the most corrupt nations in the world and our "leaders" have direct political and business ties to them.
Oh boy...hope the old guard Republican party can get voters back because....they dug in deep
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I'm pro America. I'm anti foreign follies.

I hope Ukraine prevails but this is a conflict between two former Soviet republics, with enclaves of one republic living within the other.

If there's a solution to this conflict, European countries should find it.
Great, now do Israel.
You've pulled this personal involvement angle before. It doesn't mean shit.

You're a MAGA and your opinions reflect the pro-Russia position/anti-America position.

Go fcvk yourself.
You pulled the I'm an idiot and I follow my leader dumb stuff before and today. Think for yourself. Can't help it you are digging into something way over your head.
And yet your only solution seems to be a white flag. You've never proposed a solution. Only told random stories about farmers losing legs. Nobody WANTS war. They want it to end. On terms that include a sovereign Ukraine. On terms that don't empower Russia to take additional measures in Poland and the Baltics. STFU.
No, prevention and pragmatism. You are still ignorant on the subject. How many dead are worth killing over a lifestyle that will be at worst the same? This is going to wind up with 1 million dead. Is that worth Donbas? You wouldn't know as you've never been there. Is it worth human life just so you can beat your chest and say....YA... USA USA USA?
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AT ITS PEAK, Burisma accounted for less than 5% of the total gas production of Ukraine. Explain to the class how that is a major threat to the Russian economy. You're just making shit up or puking back what you gobble from Russian disinfo.
You are so out of touch you don't know what was being said and that some W Euro countries rely 80 percent on Russian gas pre-war.
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