“Crooked Joe Biden Did To Our Economy Exactly What He Did To Our Border” Trump Slams Biden’s Economic Record Again


HR All-American
Jul 17, 2023
Montezuma, Iowa
At his recent rally in North Charleston, South Carolina, former President Donald Trump didn’t hold back in his criticism of President Biden’s economic policies. In a speech filled with familiar rhetoric, Trump painted a stark picture of what he sees as the consequences of Biden’s leadership.

Inflation and “Shrinkflation”​

Trump began by contrasting what he called the “greatest economy in the history of the world” under his administration with what he perceives as the failures of the current administration.

He touted record tax cuts, regulation cuts, and energy production during his time in office, claiming that Americans of all demographics benefited from rising wages and prosperity.

Trump didn’t mince words when discussing inflation under Biden, citing a three-year inflation rate of over 30%. He echoed recent concerns about “shrinkflation,” where product sizes decrease while prices remain the same or increase. Trump mocked Biden’s acknowledgment of this issue, labeling him the “worst president in the history of our country.”

Energy Prices and Mortgage Rates​

The former President also criticized the surge in energy prices, citing historical highs in gas prices and a 22-year high in mortgage rates.

He lamented the loss of energy independence achieved during his tenure and blamed Biden’s policies for the current affordability crisis facing American families.

Trump highlighted the alarming rise in credit card debt under Biden, contrasting it with the trend of debt reduction during his presidency. He also pointed to what he sees as lackluster stock market performance under Biden, claiming that inflation-adjusted gains pale in comparison to his own record.

A Damning Assessment​

In Trump’s view, Biden’s economic policies have led to a series of crises, including inflation, energy costs, and household debt. He warned of dire consequences if Biden’s approach continues and urged his supporters to reject the current administration’s agenda.

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