A divided Morehouse College braces for Biden’s arrival


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Oct 13, 2006
Washington and AtlantaCNN —
Deep divisions and apprehension on the campus of Morehouse College have presented President Joe Biden with a delicate balancing act this weekend as he prepares to deliver the commencement address at the historically Black, all-male college.

There have been mixed reactions within the Morehouse community to Biden’s presence on campus as the school braces for enhanced security measures and potential pro-Palestinian protests amid the president’s stalwart support for Israel’s campaign against Hamas. The White House has been working for weeks to quell any concerns, and it hopes the address will give Biden an opportunity to better connect with young Black men, a group that has been increasingly moving away from the president, according to recent polls.

“There’s just an overwhelming sense of confusion and sort of disarray,” said Colin Royal, managing editor of the Maroon Tiger student newspaper and a junior at Morehouse, when asked about the atmosphere on campus. “Some think that it’s a tremendous opportunity to possibly bring a lot of well-needed attention to Morehouse, and some think the opposite.”
The president’s support for Israel’s war in Gaza has roiled college campuses across the country, leaving Biden facing a unique circumstance for a Democratic politician: avoiding the progressive college voters who are traditionally very friendly and enthusiastic about supporting the party. Instead, Biden has basically stopped visiting colleges and universities since a January speech during which he was interrupted several times by activists calling for a ceasefire.

While Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have made giving commencement speeches at historically Black colleges and universities a hallmark of their spring schedules, the Morehouse address is under the microscope as a potential litmus test for the president’s strength with young voters of color in the fall.

Aware of the difficult task at hand, Biden and his advisers have prepared for the speech in battleground Georgia for weeks. The president’s advisers say he’s intent on keeping the focus on the graduates even as the prospect of protests over Biden’s handling of the war in Gaza lingers over the event.

Cedric Richmond, a Morehouse alumnus and co-chair of Biden’s reelection campaign, said he also expects for Biden to talk about “overcoming adversity” and the importance of giving back to the community during his keynote address.

CNN spoke to 10 students and four faculty members at Morehouse College who had differing opinions on Biden speaking at their school.

A divided campus​

Aylon Gipson, a graduating senior and a member of the Morehouse College Democrats who met with the Biden administration, said he was reassured Biden would deliver remarks “authentic to Morehouse College” and that the president “has something to say to us that would be impactful for our lives.”

Other students who spoke to CNN, however, expressed deep skepticism of the president’s motives for coming to their school.

Jalen Silas Burch, a 19-year-old freshman, told CNN that he feels the president’s speech is a move to “pander” to Black male voters. “I feel like it’s just a tactic just to get more and more Black voters because I feel like Biden knows that he has been losing a lot of support, especially this past year,” he said.

Some students said they want the president to use the speech to specifically address his support for Israel.

“I’m looking forward to Biden coming on campus in order to hear what his speech truly has to say,” said Calvin Bell, 22, a senior. “As someone who has felt very weird at this portion in time and history, with the tension in Gaza, I think it’s important for Biden to come with the intention of wrestling with the issues at hand, and reassuring students such as myself, as well as our family members, who are a part of the Black community.”

Morehouse extended the invitation to Biden to speak at the commencement in September, a month before the Israel-Hamas war started.

Biden will receive an honorary Morehouse degree, following a faculty vote earlier in the week. The college told CNN in an email that “it is imperative to clarify that the recent decision to convene to vote to award President Biden an honorary degree is not because of current political affairs.”

Since the announcement that Biden would deliver a commencement speech at the HBCU this spring, several student-led protests have taken place on and off the Morehouse campus. The Atlanta University Center Student Intercommunal Coordinating Committee (AUC SICC) has played an instrumental role in planning pro-Palestinian protests on and near Morehouse’s campus throughout the last few months. The committee recently released a letter of demands to the Morehouse Board of Trustees.

Among the committee’s demands is an “immediate divestment from Israeli companies and corporations” and that the college “sever all ties with Israel in solidarity with the oppressed Palestinian people.”

Michael Henry, a 22-year-old senior who attended an on-campus rally, told CNN that many students are frustrated with Biden and also with the college’s senior leadership for allowing the president to come to speak at the school.

“A lot of the administrators at Morehouse, particularly the president (of the college), would like to suggest that the student body is completely split … that there’s no plurality of views. But I can’t name one person off the top of my head who is really excited that Biden is coming here,” he told CNN.

Noah Collier, a senior, told CNN that his school needs to rescind Biden’s invitation because, he says, if the president speaks on his campus this weekend, it “shows our institution’s complicity in all of the injustices created by Biden’s Cabinet and the US government.”

Morehouse College President David A. Thomas told CNN on Thursday that he didn’t rescind Biden’s invitation speak because “we need some place in this country that can hold the tensions that threaten to divide us.”

While Thomas acknowledged he considered the president’s reelection effort a possible motivator when inviting him to speak, he said it wouldn’t be in Biden’s interest to “give a campaign stump speech.” He called on Biden to discuss what the school represents, lay out his vision for “a more inclusive economy” and address the Israel-Hamas war.

The school “will allow silent non-disruptive protest,” but Thomas said he would shut down commencement ceremonies “on the spot” if there are any big disruptions preventing attendees’ ability to “partake and enjoy.”

Don't understand the angst by these grads. It's just a commencement speech.
It is not that different than commencements at every college. Some will like the speaker, some will say they wish so and so had spoken.
Different opinions are still allowed.
It’s a highly respected HBCU and has serious students. Their opinions on all sides have been heard.
Congrats to their seniors and best wishes to them as they seek their place in the world.
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The speech itself was strange. It was an angry campaign speech. Most commencement speeches tend be to be a combination of congratulations on your accomplishments, and advice on how to attain even greater accomplishments going forward in life. You know, inspirational speeches.
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Do you remember who the commencement speaker was at your graduation?

I don't.
No idea who spoke at mine. Amy Klobuchar spoke at my son's graduation from Minnesota. My oldest daughter just graduated from Iowa and they did not have a speaker at her ceremony beyond a dean overseeing it, and a student speaker.
So, Biden pulled this speech off, uh?
He also gave a commencement speech at West Point and shook the hand of every single cadet after they had walked across the stage.
Excerpt from the speech:

I see so many young faces in the crowd. Young hair. When I was a woman they didn't allow us tampons. But I still fought in that war! Blood everywhere! My grandfather with the mule deer, he couldn't get there in time. But that's why we fight! They can't take that away from us, but they're trying! They can raise the milk we buy, but they can't force us to raise kids we don't have, but they're trying!