After blowing off border security bill, House is set to vote on Mayorkas 2nd impeachment on Tuesday.

I answered a question, regarding what money laundering looks like.

Can you answer the one asked of you?
That wasn't the question. You have not provided any evidence that Ukraine is laundering any money it has received from the USA. I am not really sure we are actually giving them any cash to begin with. Please provide ANYTHING from a reputable source to support your assertion.
Are you man enough to admit my example would in fact be a way to launder money?
What does that even mean? In this time frame, is building a hotel in Ukraine even possible? Are you suggesting that some bank/financial institution would finance a hotel in modern day Ukraine? WTF?
Maybe suggest an example remotely doable.
Get real. This is 2024.
And by the way. “Man enough…”
Can you get past this stoopid shit about challenging peeps to some kind of hand pictures challenge.
We know you are a huge “build my own rifle dude”. What are you afraid of in your life?
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Jesus dude.

No they can't just give it to someone it has to look like it actually did something like build a hotel that never gets built.

No way you are actually this dumb.
Sigh…no that’s not it either. That’s just straight fraud Laundering is taking illegal gains (stolen money, drug sales, illegal arms sales) and making it appear the money was earned through legal means, so it can be deposited into the banking system. Usually through cash heavy business, laundry mats, strip clubs, slot casinos. It doesn’t matter that no one uses the washing machines, the launderer records revenue every day at these cash businesses and now the cash can be introduced to the banking/monetary system.

But again, do you think when the bill says 90 billion for Ukraine that the US will wire cash to Ukraine?
That wasn't the question. You have not provided any evidence that Ukraine is laundering any money it has received from the USA. I am not really sure we are actually giving them any cash to begin with. Please provide ANYTHING from a reputable source to support your assertion.
That was the question dipshit.
Shouldn't Johnson be impeaching himself this time for blowing off the border to help Trump?

The answer is pretty straight forward. The House didn't like the Senate bill. Happens all the time.

I don't believe the was rejected because there is some nefarious desire to keep the issue alive.

The House wants 'Remain in Mexico' back. So do I. Id have rejected it out of hand as well.

The Senate bill does nothing to fix the problem. Limiting entry to 5k a day is a joke.

No entry until you apply for entry or you claim asylum and have your case adjudicated. Why are you against these simple measures and why is your party?
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Sigh…no that’s not it either. That’s just straight fraud Laundering is taking illegal gains (stolen money, drug sales, illegal arms sales) and making it appear the money was earned through legal means, so it can be deposited into the banking system. Usually through cash heavy business, laundry mats, strip clubs, slot casinos. It doesn’t matter that no one uses the washing machines, the launderer records revenue every day at these cash businesses and now the cash can be introduced to the banking/monetary system.

But again, do you think when the bill says 90 billion for Ukraine that the US will wire cash to Ukraine?
Bro. Using taxpayer money, for illegal means of paying youe buddies, is illegal as fuxk money.
Please provide any evidence. Any article. A quote. Anything. Whiskey, you are an exposed joke. What bar are we fighting at. I am sure Torbee will set it up.
You want me to show you some form of article that money being sent to Ukraine is ending up in people's pockets the money was nor originally designed for? Seriously?

Link my balls to your chin ****stick.

You actually know @torbee?
You want me to show you some form of article that money being sent to Ukraine is ending up in people's pockets the money was nor originally designed for? Seriously?

Link my balls to your chin ****stick.

You actually know torbee?
Yes. Provide an article of money the USA is sending to Ukraine since Russia has invaded that has ended up being laundered. This was your statement. You seem to proposition me a lot. I'm straight but there are others on this board that might take you up. I assume you are a power bottom.
Yes. Provide an article of money the USA is sending to Ukraine since Russia has invaded that has ended up being laundered. This was your statement. You seem to proposition me a lot. I'm straight but there are others on this board that might take you up.
Hahaha.... bro... you don't write articles like that. You watch people that make 200k a year die with 300 million.

Do you know torbee?
You want me to show you some form of article that money being sent to Ukraine is ending up in people's pockets the money was nor originally designed for? Seriously?

Link my balls to your chin ****stick.

You actually know @torbee?
Childish. Nothing of substance, just a loudmouth.
Lots of talk. No substance. Good night, lad.
Do you know Torbee, cuz I do.

Or are you just another shit talking, basement dwelling, ****stick?
This impeachment vote was just another way to muddy the conversation about the Republican House refusing to negotiate a deal with the Dems.

Gotta keep the issue as a Trump asset.
I'm glad the House GOP is finally showing signs of fiscal responsibility.

I do wish they would find other things to do than go after incompetent public servants. Being incompetent isn't a real crime. Electing incompetent people who appoint incompetent people should be a crime.
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