Bad movies that you enjoy

Battlefield Earth. A movie with plot holes so big, John Travolta's ego fit through with room to spare.


Travolta's utter abortion of a film based on the writings of L. Ron Hubbard. Everything about it is laughably bad. The writing, the acting, the plot, the effects, are all so bad, it's fun to think Travolta believed he was making the next great sci-fi epic. Once you get past how badly they're insulting your intelligence, it's a blast.
Battlefield Earth. A movie with plot holes so big, John Travolta's ego fit through with room to spare.


Travolta's utter abortion of a film based on the writings of L. Ron Hubbard. Everything about it is laughably bad. The writing, the acting, the plot, the effects, are all so bad, it's fun to think Travolta believed he was making the next great sci-fi epic. Once you get past how badly they're insulting your intelligence, it's a blast.
This is a great choice. It's truly a train wreck of a film but also like watching one.
I was trying to find a good 80's science fiction movie like the last starfighter. Or predator. But all have pretty damn good reviews. Anyways, in my search, I found this new doc about the 1980 sci-fi movies

Alright, what‘s the deal with multiple people mentioning the ‘Taken’ movies?!?! Is this some sick tasteless joke? TAKEN IS THE BOMB DOT COM YO!!!!!!!

Moonfall. This movie is so frickin awful on so many levels.. holy hell it was fantastic