Biden Approval Rating

The economy isn’t working for MAGAt cultists because they are losers with room temperature IQs who couldn’t find their ass with two hands, let alone a career. That they think an out-of-touch, silver spoon buffoon who is only out for power to line his pockets is for them, is on them. The faster they kill themselves off with obesity, fentanyl, etc, the better. If then, your intention was to post from the perspective of the “thought process” (I use the term loosely) of one of these pathetic creatures, rather than excuse it, then my apology.
So someone who thinks gas, groceries, rent, and mortgage rates are high are automatically MAGA and they basically should die?

Not a very open minded, welcoming or progressive way of thinking don't cha think?
I’ve resigned myself to Trump never being convicted or seeing a jail cell and Trump winning in November.

I have but one vote to give and I don’t think it’ll be enough, so I’ve decided to ignore much of the nonsense the next six months and not let it ruin my attitude.
Good for you. That’s a good attitude. Just stay calm and think good thoughts. Here is a gift for you to help you with that.

I don’t know why you are surprised, aghast, outraged, or whatever you are by this.

Biden may be able to do the basic ends and outs of the job (when he’s not napping), but the guy has never been charismatic and now that he’s in his 80s he’s 10 x worse.

On top of that, the average Joe Blow has been significantly hurt by inflation. People care more, way more, about affording rent, groceries, gas, etc. than they do about Trump paying off a porn star and filing it as a campaign expense. The latter just doesn’t land with the average person in the face of extreme economic insecurity.

None of that means Donald Trump is a good choice for president or that Joe Biden is solely to blame for inflation. What it does mean, however, is unhinged libs like you, who want to paint all people fed up with their economic situation (especially while government continues to spend money on bullshit whiling sending billions of dollars overseas on wars most Americans don’t connect with) as an “absolute stupid idiotic disgrace,” are going to push more and more people to think, **** it, maybe the mean tweets weren’t that bad after all.

Instead of actually acknowledging the economic hardships average Americans face and a plan to address them, Biden and Dems want to continue to tout job creation numbers and inflation leveling out after absolutely skyrocketing. Well, most people have more than one job (and still are barely making it) and in their minds inflation still isn’t fixed. I point that out to you so you fully understand who a lot of the people are whom you are referring to as an “absolute stupid idiotic disgrace.” And I got news for you—not all of them are white trash MAGAs. Some of them (gasp) are even black.

Sometimes I can’t help but think every time you post you add another voter to Trump’s column.

Maybe chill the **** out a bit?
There are accurate statements here. But what is concerning is that the small bit of policy changes the Trump campaign puts out there should be hugely concerning for these people; devaluing the dollar, 60% tariffs on all Chinese product; public humiliation of the Fed to cajole them into lowering interest rates (I assume he would carry on this behavior from his first 4 years). But it appears that the poor and working poor are motivated by bombastic language tinged with nationalism, most diatribes and cruelty.
Why are Conservatives so globally ignorant? Using post-pandemic inflation to attack the Biden Administration is just a smooth brain line of reasoning from MAGAts: @ButtersHawk want to chime in?

Likewise, using post-pandemic #’s touting low unemployment #’s when people are simply going back to work. 🤔
The economy isn’t working for MAGAt cultists because they are losers with room temperature IQs who couldn’t find their ass with two hands, let alone a career. That they think an out-of-touch, silver spoon buffoon who is only out for power to line his pockets is for them, is on them. The faster they kill themselves off with obesity, fentanyl, etc, the better. If then, your intention was to post from the perspective of the “thought process” (I use the term loosely) of one of these pathetic creatures, rather than excuse it, then my apology.

Man your broadbrush insults sure add value to the conversation…you have changed my mind. I now plan to vote for the guy who can’t successfully walk across the lawn from the helicopter to the White House. Plus everything is free under Biden so why wouldn’t we all want him, who cares about inflation.
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Yes. What I'm saying is that is one mo th in a yoy when the context is 12 months yoyoy.
We get regular year-over-year reports. I don't recall much yo-yoing.

Even if there was some yo-yoing, so what?

The simple facts are:

1) that inflation got bad and it's been getting steadily better (until last month, apparently); and

2) US inflation has been better-controlled than in most of the rest of the world.

So . . . which of those are you "blaming" on Biden? That inflation has been coming down, or that the US has been better than nearly everybody else?

Why do cons think that's a winning argument against Biden's reelection? I admit, it seems to be working, but those are transparently stupid attacks.
Man your broadbrush insults sure add value to the conversation…you have changed my mind. I now plan to vote for the guy who can’t successfully walk across the lawn from the helicopter to the White House. Plus everything is free under Biden so why wouldn’t we all want him, who cares about inflation.
I just showed how inflation in the US is far better than most developed nations and you’re too far gone mentally in your cult to let that sink in. I know I’m not convincing you. You’re too far gone into groupthink. I ridicule people like you to remind the thinking people who you MAGAts really are.
The economy isn’t working for MAGAt cultists because they are losers with room temperature IQs who couldn’t find their ass with two hands, let alone a career. That they think an out-of-touch, silver spoon buffoon who is only out for power to line his pockets is for them, is on them. The faster they kill themselves off with obesity, fentanyl, etc, the better. If then, your intention was to post from the perspective of the “thought process” (I use the term loosely) of one of these pathetic creatures, rather than excuse it, then my apology.
You seem like a swell guy.

You wouldn’t be liberal by chance?
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I just showed how inflation in the US is far better than most developed nations and you’re too far gone mentally in your cult to let that sink in. I know I’m not convincing you. You’re too far gone into groupthink. I ridicule people like you to remind the thinking people who you MAGAts really are.
Is your behavior really much different?

Again, average people, so not just MAGAs, don’t make the connections you’re describing. The point, if it isn’t clear yet, is liberals talking down to these people with real economic insecurities is not going to endear anyone to Joe Biden. It’s just going to further alienate them and push them toward Trump,

The question is: why do you and Chishawk want to continue to do that? You two remind me of that old expression “Mondays are a lot like liberals…nobody likes them.”
Is your behavior really much different?

Again, average people, so not just MAGAs, don’t make the connections you’re describing. The point, if it isn’t clear yet, is liberals talking down to these people with real economic insecurities is not going to endear anyone to Joe Biden. It’s just going to further alienate them and push them toward Trump,

The question is: why do you and Chishawk want to continue to do that? You two remind me of that old expression “Mondays are a lot like liberals…nobody likes them.”
Is your behavior really much different?

Again, average people, so not just MAGAs, don’t make the connections you’re describing. The point, if it isn’t clear yet, is liberals talking down to these people with real economic insecurities is not going to endear anyone to Joe Biden. It’s just going to further alienate them and push them toward Trump,

The question is: why do you and Chishawk want to continue to do that? You two remind me of that old expression “Mondays are a lot like liberals…nobody likes them.”

People’s grocery bills alone may be the reason Biden loses, it’s a daily reminder to every person what the current admin is doing.
Is your behavior really much different?

Again, average people, so not just MAGAs, don’t make the connections you’re describing. The point, if it isn’t clear yet, is liberals talking down to these people with real economic insecurities is not going to endear anyone to Joe Biden. It’s just going to further alienate them and push them toward Trump,

The question is: why do you and Chishawk want to continue to do that? You two remind me of that old expression “Mondays are a lot like liberals…nobody likes them.”
I’ll worry about truth, not pandering to the idiots you describe. I’ll leave that to politicians.
People’s grocery bills alone may be the reason Biden loses, it’s a daily reminder to every person what the current admin is doing.
Yep. At the truly fascinating thing is that the Fed has navigated monetary policy where our inflation is better than a lot of the developed world. But people are going to turn to the guy whose last act was to threaten a veto on a stimulus package because the checks weren’t BIG enough; us floating 60% tariffs on all Chinese products when he pulled the plug on the TPP and wants to devalue the dollar.
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Is your behavior really much different?

Again, average people, so not just MAGAs, don’t make the connections you’re describing. The point, if it isn’t clear yet, is liberals talking down to these people with real economic insecurities is not going to endear anyone to Joe Biden. It’s just going to further alienate them and push them toward Trump,

The question is: why do you and Chishawk want to continue to do that? You two remind me of that old expression “Mondays are a lot like liberals…nobody likes them.”
Yep, it's the old "liberals are the only people with agency" schtick! Don't blame Nazi's or innocent MAGA's for what they do, they were looked down on by some libturds! Of course they had to turn to the Fascist Orange Man! Not their fault! Not their responsibility!

Anyone who actually does vote on the basis of what Fox News and other rightwing organs say "liberals think about them" are idiots anyway and beyond the reach of any appeal Joe Biden or Democrats could make.
People’s grocery bills alone may be the reason Biden loses, it’s a daily reminder to every person what the current admin is doing.
US inflation is lower than most countries. Things cost more than they used to cost. I could tell you about seeing gas in Perry, Fl sold for less than 20 cents a gallon. That was then.
Blame Joe if you want to, but grocery bills and gas prices are market issues.
If you stayed in Iowa your guy most likely wins. Since you moved to CA, you're but a red spot in a bowl of blue ink.

California is a blue state, but there are Trump flags around. LA, San Francisco, and Oakland run deep blue. San Diego doesn’t seem as much, but I don’t really talk politics with people much.

Inland Empire people seem like Iowa folks. The further inland there is agriculture. People aren’t much different here unless you go to the coasts then you may see some wild stuff.