Black kids in NYC

I know this will be a new concept for Republicans here, but she quickly APOLOGIZED for saying something this stupid. She made an idiotic comment, then apologized for it like an adult. Compare that to Noem, Trump or other Republicans when they eff up...which happens constantly. They throw more bullshit at the situation.
She walked back her statement, but it seems that not thinking before speaking is kind of her thing.

The governor on Monday evening expressed contrition over her word choice, saying that she “misspoke and I regret it,” adding that her focus was on increasing economic opportunity.

“Of course Black children in the Bronx know what computers are,” she said in a statement. “The problem is that they too often lack access to the technology needed to get on track to high-paying jobs in emerging industries like A.I.”

This is not the first time this year the governor’s rhetorical style has led to unwelcome attention. In February, Ms. Hochul referred to a hypothetical destruction of Canada to imply that Israel had a right to destroy Gaza in retaliation for the Oct. 7 attacks.

“If Canada someday ever attacked Buffalo, I’m sorry, my friends, there would be no Canada the next day,” she said then. She quickly apologized for her “poor choice of words,” and said she regretted her “inappropriate analogy.”

Her remark at the Milken conference, which was held at the stately Beverly Hilton Hotel in Los Angeles, seemed consistent with her blunt, folksy style, which can occasionally veer into caricature.
I know this will be a new concept for Republicans here, but she quickly APOLOGIZED for saying something this stupid. She made an idiotic comment, then apologized for it like an adult. Compare that to Noem, Trump or other Republicans when they eff up...which happens constantly. They throw more bullshit at the situation.
How very dense of you. As usual.
The federal government gave tens of billions of dollars to the states during COVID so every student would have access to a computer for online learning.

What happened? Did New York gamble the money away?
Sounds like @Dr. Spaceman and the governor hang out in the same circles.

Several days ago spaceman assumed that a street peddler, who was never identified by race, was "black" or a "POC".

The area is a shithole. Last time while we were walking through the parking lots there was a punk peddling a community newspaper. He didn't like us turning him down.

ZOMG!!! Someone tried to sell you a newspaper?!? Did you call the police??

Not just someone - a punk - anyone care to guess what sort of person Northern had to experience?!?
Like I said. The people on this board know what kind of person you are.
Wasn't she advocating for them? Wasn't it like a "You think you have it bad, the poor kids in the Bronx don't even know what a computer IS!" type statement? Or was she saying it in a different manner?
I know this will be a new concept for Republicans here, but she quickly APOLOGIZED for saying something this stupid. She made an idiotic comment, then apologized for it like an adult. Compare that to Noem, Trump or other Republicans when they eff up...which happens constantly. They throw more bullshit at the situation.
Why did she apologize?

When did it occur to her that it was an idiotic statement?

Is a racist statement OK as long as a person apologizes for it shortly after?
I know this will be a new concept for Republicans here, but she quickly APOLOGIZED for saying something this stupid. She made an idiotic comment, then apologized for it like an adult. Compare that to Noem, Trump or other Republicans when they eff up...which happens constantly. They throw more bullshit at the situation.
Ahhh so she suffers from implicit bias like Gary Dolphin... perhaps she needs some sensitivity classes?
I know this will be a new concept for Republicans here, but she quickly APOLOGIZED for saying something this stupid. She made an idiotic comment, then apologized for it like an adult. Compare that to Noem, Trump or other Republicans when they eff up...which happens constantly. They throw more bullshit at the situation.

But Trump!

Saying racist stuff = okay as long as you walk it back
Wasn't she advocating for them? Wasn't it like a "You think you have it bad, the poor kids in the Bronx don't even know what a computer IS!" type statement? Or was she saying it in a different manner?
You mean like Gary Dolphin giving the Maryland player a compliment? The mistakes of the past are bound to repeat if we don't learn from them!!!
This thread will go exactly how you think it will....

I know this will be a new concept for Republicans here, but she quickly APOLOGIZED for saying something this stupid. She made an idiotic comment, then apologized for it like an adult. Compare that to Noem, Trump or other Republicans when they eff up...which happens constantly. They throw more bullshit at the situation.
So it doesn't matter what she thinks and says, only that she apologizes afterwards. Got it.

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