Black kids in NYC

Why did she apologize?

When did it occur to her that it was an idiotic statement?

Is a racist statement OK as long as a person apologizes for it shortly after?
Again, I realize right wingers don’t understand taking accountability for eff ups.
I do when people who vote with white supremacists pretend to be triggered about racism.

In 2010, he warmly eulogized Sen. Robert Byrd, a former Exalted Cyclops in the Ku Klux Klan, saying he was “one of my mentors” and that “the Senate is a lesser place for his going.”

>>> Trump Park-Clearing Story Latest in Long Line of Media Narratives to Fall Apart

In 2007, he referred to Barack Obama as “the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean.”

In 2006, he said, “You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.”

Way back in 1977, he said that forced busing to desegregate schools would cause his children to “grow up in a racial jungle.”

Of course, he infamously worked with segregationist senators to oppose that mandatory busing, which decades later led to the strongest moment in Kamala Harris’s campaign for president, when she blasted him as having personally impacted her as a young girl.

And over the course of his entire career, he had kind words to say about staunchly segregationist senators.
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"Poor kids are just as smart and talented as white kids"
-Joe Biden

I'm noticing a disturbing trend with the Democrat party tbh
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Again, I realize right wingers don’t understand taking accountability for eff ups.
Right winger?

You didn't answer any of the questions. You aren't very accountable.

This was her "apology" - "I misspoke and I regret it," the governor said by way of apology. "Of course, Black children in the Bronx know what computers are"

She misspoke? Really? Her so-called apology came after Assemblywoman Amanda Septimo, a Bronx Democrat, said the remark was “harmful, deeply misinformed, and genuinely appalling.” It was racist.

Right winger?

You didn't answer any of the questions. You aren't very accountable.

This was her "apology" - "I misspoke and I regret it," the governor said by way of apology. "Of course, Black children in the Bronx know what computers are"

She misspoke? Really? Her so-called apology came after Assemblywoman Amanda Septimo, a Bronx Democrat, said the remark was “harmful, deeply misinformed, and genuinely appalling.” It was racist.

Yeah. Right wingers. Every post shows me what I said first was accurate. I'll type slower...what she said was idiotic. She knows it. She apologized...something Republicans struggle at. Nobody said you have to accept her apology, I mean you guys are clearly triggered and don't have to.
Yeah. Right wingers. Every post shows me what I said first was accurate. I'll type slower...what she said was idiotic. She knows it. She apologized...something Republicans struggle at. Nobody said you have to accept her apology, I mean you guys are clearly triggered and don't have to.
She apologized for being an ignorant racist so it's OK guys!! (D)ouble standards as usual 🙄 😅😂
Yeah. Right wingers. Every post shows me what I said first was accurate. I'll type slower...what she said was idiotic. She knows it. She apologized...something Republicans struggle at. Nobody said you have to accept her apology, I mean you guys are clearly triggered and don't have to.
Except I'm not a right winger. I'm not Republican. It was idiotic, You don't seem to understand that it's not just that she was an idiot for saying it, but it reflects how she thinks and what she believes.

It's laughable that you call anyone else triggered. You're one of the most triggered posters here.

Are Democrat Assembly representatives in the Bronx also triggered? They are the ones who were outraged and prompted the so-called apology.
Except I'm not a right winger. I'm not Republican. It was idiotic, You don't seem to understand that it's not just that she was an idiot for saying t, but it reflects how she thinks and what she believes.

It's laughable that you call anyone else triggered. You're one of the most triggered posters here.
Maybe...willful ignorance and explaining facts repeatedly and defending constant attacks on education is tiresome.

You're not a right winger?? Do you ever read what you type? I will try to let you know the next time I read something from you that doesn't come across as being from a right of center point of view. We rarely agree so it's pretty obvious you aren't exactly middle of the road. That perspective I understand.
I know this will be a new concept for Republicans here, but she quickly APOLOGIZED for saying something this stupid. She made an idiotic comment, then apologized for it like an adult. Compare that to Noem, Trump or other Republicans when they eff up...which happens constantly. They throw more bullshit at the situation.
still means she's stupid
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Maybe...willful ignorance and explaining facts repeatedly and defending constant attacks on education is tiresome.

You're not a right winger?? Do you ever read what you type? I will try to let you know the next time I read something from you that doesn't come across as being from a right of center point of view. We rarely agree so it's pretty obvious you aren't exactly middle of the road. That perspective I understand.
Yeah, you do that. I'll believe it when I see it. We might actually agree if you were middle of the road, but you aren't.
Oh yeah, this is gold coming from Ron Cuba. If he doesn’t take the L are you going to cry to the mod like the little bitchboy that you are?
Fivecardbitch with the same shitty material again and again. It's funny how you call people out for the same thing. Do you mad lib when you post? Why don't you call drunk chis out for being a tattletale?
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Fivecardbitch with the same shitty material again and again. It's funny how you call people out for the same thing. Do you mad lib when you post? Why don't you call drunk chis out for being a tattletale?
Oh that’s a good one you little tattletale bitch. You already call chis out enough (talk about same shitty material). You should not be cursing, your god won’t let you into heaven. Maybe you can suck your gods dick, that’ll allow you to get on his good side.
Oh that’s a good one you little tattletale bitch. You already call chis out enough (talk about same shitty material). You should not be cursing, your god won’t let you into heaven. Maybe you can suck your gods dick, that’ll allow you to get on his good side.
Burning in hell will be to good for you.
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Its in the same vein as voter IDs. You have progressives arguing that minorities don't have the ability to obtain an ID.

The left's words and actions on issues like this was once referred to as the "soft bigotry of low expectations". It's not "soft" any longer. It's out in the open for all to see. And when they're called out on it, they believe an apology will make it all go away. The problem is that you can only say sorry so many times.
The left's words and actions on issues like this was once referred to as the "soft bigotry of low expectations". It's not "soft" any longer. It's out in the open for all to see. And when they're called out on it, they believe an apology will make it all go away. The problem is that you can only say sorry so many times.
I understand she's attempting to show compassion and empathy, much like Gary Dolphin was attempting to be complimentary.

But you're 100% correct, as is hexumhawk. This wasn't a mistake, or a poor choice of words... this was a reflection of her true inner feelings, her true beliefs. This is a perfect example of the victim mentality of the left. "The people of color in my community are too poor and dumb to get a picture ID, don't know how to use a computer or have even ever seen one."

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