Bracket thoughts


HR Legend
Feb 5, 2003
Anyone else think the Big East got consistently overrated? Not so much Villanova, but the other Big East teams in the dance all seem to be a couple of spots higher than I would have expected. I also thought the Big 12 got a little too much respect, although it was probably the best overall conference. I thought UNI and Wichita State were under-seeded. Ridiculous that UCLA was included in the field and not even as a play in game.

In the B1G, I thought IU was lucky to be 10, when they should have been right on the edge of not getting in. I expected IU to be a play-in team (would have gotten big attendance from IU fans). I expected Maryland to be a 3, but a 4 is reasonable. I also thought MSU would be at least a 6. It is amazing how much respect MSU is getting from the talking heads. Unless the officials in the tournament allow them to keep playing Izzo's maul ball, they aren't that good. The likely Wisconsin-Arizona match up to get to the final four should be a great game. Iowa got a reasonable draw, and needs to get the ball inside and draw fouls to beat Davidson, which is a great three-point shooting team.