Catholic school can fire gay drama teacher for marrying, court rules

Let me rephrase, you can be gay and be catholic as they will take you in. But it’s highly unlikely a gay man will be catholic because it is against what they believe in.

The other part I said was accurate. God didn’t create that person as being gay. Another evil was behind turning that person gay. Which is why the Catholic Church allows gay people to be catholic. The Catholic Church still wants to help and support that person.

Also it’s ok that you don’t want to believe, I’m not forcing you to. So please don’t tell me what to do.
What are some evils that turn people gay?
Jesus phucking christ, I’m not sure you could pack any more irony into a single post. So, so well done (even the though your heads so far up your and your god’s ass you probably don’t see it).

Lol naturally you go to a drinking gif
Jesus phucking christ, I’m not sure you could pack any more irony into a single post. So, so well done (even the though your heads so far up your and your god’s ass you probably don’t see it).

Lets hear more about your ranch in western Iowa?! Do you visit cowboy bars?! Do you take tranny out there?!! 😂🧚‍♀️🏋️‍♀️
Based on your selective anger, it appears you hate religion or at least private schools more than you hate illegal immigration, paying off rich kids student loans, giving cash to illegal immigrants, etc.

I’ve expressed my disdain for pretty much all those things in other threads over the years where they’re the topic at hand. Sorry you missed it bub!
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But it’s highly unlikely a gay man will be catholic because it is against what they believe in.

I don't think that's true. Do you know how many priests are gay? Maybe 30% or more.

Gays and unmarried people are expected to be celibate. The Catholic Church isn't against gay people, it teaches that sexual activity is only licit in a lifelong marriage between a man and woman.
Based on your selective anger, it appears you hate religion or at least private schools more than you hate illegal immigration, paying off rich kids student loans, giving cash to illegal immigrants, etc.
He hates anyone or anything that laughs at his dandy tranny.
What are some evils that turn people gay?
You don’t actually care so it’s pointless in explaining anything to you.
if you don’t want to believe that’s fine. I don’t have to justify to you why I believe in a religion.
If you actually care that much. Go to church, talk to people that teach classes. Read up in your spare time.
Don’t just come here a bitch that someone got fired because they didn’t fit the job description and attack the religion.
I don't think theres one direct cause but I think many gay men were sadly abused as children.
just because people are born with temptations does not mean that we can simply say “God made them that way” (see Day 235). Third, even if same-sex attraction were purely innate, this would not lead to the conclusion that it is moral to engage in homosexual behavior. Everyone has temptations, and sometimes these are due to factors we have no control over.
It is commonly thought that some people have a genetic predisposition to alcohol abuse. Other people have suffered traumatic brain injuries that increase the risk of their engaging in violent and criminal behavior. However, these predispositions do not justify giving in to one’s impulses.

A person with a genetic predisposition to alcohol abuse is not justified in becoming an alcoholic, and a person with traumatic brain injury is not justified in committing violent crime. We all have immoral impulses—temptations—and we are called not to give in to them but to resist and overcome them.
just because people are born with temptations does not mean that we can simply say “God made them that way” (see Day 235). Third, even if same-sex attraction were purely innate, this would not lead to the conclusion that it is moral to engage in homosexual behavior. Everyone has temptations, and sometimes these are due to factors we have no control over.
It is commonly thought that some people have a genetic predisposition to alcohol abuse. Other people have suffered traumatic brain injuries that increase the risk of their engaging in violent and criminal behavior. However, these predispositions do not justify giving in to one’s impulses.

A person with a genetic predisposition to alcohol abuse is not justified in becoming an alcoholic, and a person with traumatic brain injury is not justified in committing violent crime. We all have immoral impulses—temptations—and we are called not to give in to them but to resist and overcome them.

Good points.

Everyone has impulses to do things that are wrong like anger, etc.
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They’re really the cutest aren’t they? Adorable. In so many ways.

The sad part is the non religious attacking without being provoked.

You don’t have to believe in religion if you don’t want to and most of us aren’t saying you have to. Yet most non religious just love bashing us and trying to convince us not to believe. Like we are the evil because we believe in something they don’t.
The sad part is the non religious attacking without being provoked.

You don’t have to believe in religion if you don’t want to and most of us aren’t saying you have to. Yet most non religious just love bashing us and trying to convince us not to believe. Like we are the evil because we believe in something they don’t.
Cool. So what evils might I encounter that will turn me gay?
The sad part is the non religious attacking without being provoked.

You don’t have to believe in religion if you don’t want to and most of us aren’t saying you have to. Yet most non religious just love bashing us and trying to convince us not to believe. Like we are the evil because we believe in something they don’t.
And who’s trying to convince you not to believe in your sky fairy. You do you
The sad part is the non religious attacking without being provoked.

You don’t have to believe in religion if you don’t want to and most of us aren’t saying you have to. Yet most non religious just love bashing us and trying to convince us not to believe. Like we are the evil because we believe in something they don’t.

What a beautiful post. In a sea of hypocrisy that is HORT, this is a shining beacon of light.
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And it’s even better when it’s a religious person claiming oppression. I mean, their whole existence is judgement and oppression! Don’t believe any of that “love” shit they throw around. It’s the sheep’s clothing on the wolf.
And nobody is more oppressed and victimized than white catholic men. They have it rough in this country.
Let me rephrase, you can be gay and be catholic as they will take you in. But it’s highly unlikely a gay man will be catholic because it is against what they believe in.

The other part I said was accurate. God didn’t create that person as being gay. Another evil was behind turning that person gay. Which is why the Catholic Church allows gay people to be catholic. The Catholic Church still wants to help and support that person.

Also it’s ok that you don’t want to believe, I’m not forcing you to. So please don’t tell me what to do.
I really hope you don't have children, & if you do they never questioned their sexuality.
I really hope you don't have children, & if you do they never questioned their sexuality.
I do have children and guess what? I’ll love my child even if he is gay because he can make whatever decision he wants in life. Just like you’re free to not be catholic and harass me because I am.

I suppose you’re one of those good people that hopes others don’t have kids because they have different beliefs in life than you do.
I do have children and guess what? I’ll love my child even if he is gay because he can make whatever decision he wants in life. Just like you’re free to not be catholic and harass me because I am.

I suppose you’re one of those good people that hopes others don’t have kids because they have different beliefs in life than you do.
Two questions still unanswered:

What morals did the gay teacher break?
What evils turn people gay?
I do have children and guess what? I’ll love my child even if he is gay because he can make whatever decision he wants in life. Just like you’re free to not be catholic and harass me because I am.

I suppose you’re one of those good people that hopes others don’t have kids because they have different beliefs in life than you do.
How old were you when you decided to be heterosexual? What were the main pros and cons that you weighed during this difficult decision process?
I do have children and guess what? I’ll love my child even if he is gay because he can make whatever decision he wants in life. Just like you’re free to not be catholic and harass me because I am.

I suppose you’re one of those good people that hopes others don’t have kids because they have different beliefs in life than you do.
I was raised Catholic. Decided I was finished when an young unmarried pregnant woman I knew went to her priest for advice & left in tears because he berated her so thoroughly. That and all the gross history of priest coverups the church enabled.
The way you're talking, even if your child was gay they wouldn't feel comfortable confiding it to you. Saying something "turns" kids gay is some really outdated thinking.
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If only they had a support group that met on Sunday mornings to work through it.
Gee...I go have lunch, a beer and nap and come back and you're still here running your mouth on this! 🤡 🤣 It's no one's fault but your own that you butchered your kid!