Closing Arguments....

Jimmy McGill

HR Legend
Sep 9, 2018
I know that a lot of the attorneys on here don't see the courtroom that much. However, I welcome your best summations.

I'll leave mine until the rest of you post.

NON-attorneys, do your best Jackie Chiles
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury,

As we conclude this momentous trial, I implore you to reflect deeply on the gravity of the decision before us. The question at hand is not merely one of political preference or partisan allegiance, but rather a fundamental assessment of character, integrity, and the future of our nation.

Donald Trump's tenure as president has left an indelible mark on our country, one marred by division, chaos, and disregard for the values that have long defined us as a beacon of democracy. His actions have eroded the very foundations of our institutions, sowing mistrust, undermining the rule of law, and imperiling the very fabric of our democracy.

Throughout his time in office, Trump has demonstrated a consistent pattern of behavior that is antithetical to the principles upon which this nation was founded. His reckless disregard for the truth, his contempt for democratic norms, and his unabashed embrace of authoritarian tactics represent a clear and present danger to the future of our republic.

We cannot afford to turn a blind eye to the damage that has been wrought by Trump's presidency. From his relentless attacks on the free press to his shameless attempts to subvert the will of the people, he has shown time and again that he is unfit to hold the highest office in the land.

Moreover, the events of January 6th, 2021, stand as a stark reminder of the grave consequences of Trump's rhetoric and actions. The violent insurrection at the Capitol was not merely the result of a single speech or a momentary lapse in judgment; it was the culmination of years of inflammatory rhetoric and dangerous demagoguery.

In the face of such undeniable evidence, it is clear that Donald Trump should not be entrusted with the presidency again. To do so would not only be a betrayal of our values, but a reckless gamble with the future of our democracy.

As you deliberate on this crucial matter, I urge you to consider the profound responsibility that comes with your decision. The fate of our nation hangs in the balance, and history will judge us harshly if we fail to act with courage and conviction.

In closing, I implore you to render a verdict that reflects the values of decency, integrity, and respect for the rule of law. Let us send a clear and unequivocal message that the presidency is not a prize to be won through deceit and division, but a solemn duty to be carried out with honor and dignity.

Thank you.
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, we find ourselves at a crossroads of justice and accountability. The evidence before you paints a vivid picture of deceit, manipulation, and disregard for the rule of law. Mr. Trump, like any citizen, is not above the law. His actions have caused harm, sowed division, and undermined the very fabric of our democracy.
But let us not be swayed by the distractions, the smoke screens, and the empty rhetoric. Let us focus on the facts, the truth that cannot be obscured by bluster or bravado. The facts show a pattern of behavior unbecoming of a leader, let alone a President.
We are not here to litigate politics, nor are we here to pass judgment on personality. We are here to hold one man accountable for his actions, to uphold the principles upon which this great nation was founded.
In the eyes of the law, there are no exemptions for power or privilege. Justice demands equality, fairness, and impartiality. It is your duty, esteemed members of the jury, to weigh the evidence carefully, to deliberate with integrity, and to render a verdict that speaks to the soul of our democracy.
For if we fail to hold the powerful to account, if we turn a blind eye to corruption and malfeasance, then we betray the very ideals that define us as a nation. Let history remember this trial as a testament to the resilience of our institutions, to the courage of those who seek truth, and to the unwavering commitment to justice for all.

I rest my case.