Dim Kim's nominee to lead Education Dept...


HR Legend
Dec 26, 2018
Rough appearance in front of legislative questioning this week.

McKenzie Snow continues the disturbing trend of Reynold's appointments not being qualified for the position.

Grilled about credentials to lead the Iowa Dept of Education...
1. No teaching license...check
2. No education degree...check
3 No experience in appointed position...check
4 No administrative degree...check

Things went so bad that Dim Kim had to call in some personal favors to testify on her behalf.

Probably ranks close to Kelly Garcia as far as worst choice ever.

Her only qualification seems to be she worked in the Trump administration.
Of course, she'll be confirmed because Republicans have a super majority.
Yeah, she's pretty horrible.

I will never suggest that someone should have been a teacher to fill that position (or the same at federal level). However, a background in education or dealing with educational issues in some way should be a major emphasis.
She's completely unqualified, which makes her a perfect fit for Kim's crew.

The only hope I have is that several Republicans I know have said they are out on Kim over the educational issues the last couple of years. Not going to hold my breath because I'm sure they'll flip back when they just can't bring themselves to vote for someone with a D by their name. But I remain hopeful for the first time in a while.
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Rough appearance in front of legislative questioning this week.

McKenzie Snow continues the disturbing trend of Reynold's appointments not being qualified for the position.

Grilled about credentials to lead the Iowa Dept of Education...
1. No teaching license...check
2. No education degree...check
3 No experience in appointed position...check
4 No administrative degree...check

Things went so bad that Dim Kim had to call in some personal favors to testify on her behalf.

Probably ranks close to Kelly Garcia as far as worst choice ever.

Her only qualification seems to be she worked in the Trump administration.
Of course, she'll be confirmed because Republicans have a super majority.
Unqualified joke. Mainstream Republican.
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She's completely unqualified, which makes her a perfect fit for Kim's crew.

The only hope I have is that several Republicans I know have said they are out on Kim over the available issues the last couple of years. Not going to hold my breath because I'm sure they'll flip back when they just can't bring themselves to vote for someone with a D by their name. But I remain hopeful for the first time in a while.
I saw one tiny ray of hope during the EAS debacle. A lot of rural Iowans are understanding that they are getting screwed over.
You should see who the GOP is running for superintendent in NC. She's called for Obama's execution...more than once. She's called for the death of Biden. She's called public schools “socialism centers” and “indoctrination centers". She's promoted QAnon fantasies about the Hollywood elite drinking the blood of children. And in other news:

“@IlhanMN and her other law-hating Dems must be getting a little nervous. Are they just realizing the punishment for treason is death?!?”

“Our Communist sympathizer, Comrade [Democratic Governor Roy] Cooper, has the same plans for NC! Expose them NOW! Can we we see the CCP list, @SecPompeo??? #PrisonTimeforFederalCrimes #DeathToTraitors #FreeOurCitizens,”

“B.O. was a puppet for the Deep State and the Muslim movement to destroy our Constitutional Republic. We cannot give up until ALL the guilty pay the highest penalty for their crimes. We will lose our country #SAVEOURNATION #JusticeForAll #TraitorsMustPay

“Tens of thousands of Chinese soldiers are already in Canada and probably Mexico waiting for orders to invade."

This was a supposed attempt by China to make sure Biden became president.

So - yeah - consider yourselves lucky to have a run-of-the-mill whacko Republican.
The Radical Right and their incompetence can't be understated.

Reynolds only finds people who will enforce her beliefs.
No independent thinking allowed.

This Snow lady will be approved and probably leave in less than a year.
You should see who the GOP is running for superintendent in NC. She's called for Obama's execution...more than once. She's called for the death of Biden. She's called public schools “socialism centers” and “indoctrination centers". She's promoted QAnon fantasies about the Hollywood elite drinking the blood of children. And in other news:

“@IlhanMN and her other law-hating Dems must be getting a little nervous. Are they just realizing the punishment for treason is death?!?”

“Our Communist sympathizer, Comrade [Democratic Governor Roy] Cooper, has the same plans for NC! Expose them NOW! Can we we see the CCP list, @SecPompeo??? #PrisonTimeforFederalCrimes #DeathToTraitors #FreeOurCitizens,”

“B.O. was a puppet for the Deep State and the Muslim movement to destroy our Constitutional Republic. We cannot give up until ALL the guilty pay the highest penalty for their crimes. We will lose our country #SAVEOURNATION #JusticeForAll #TraitorsMustPay

“Tens of thousands of Chinese soldiers are already in Canada and probably Mexico waiting for orders to invade."

This was a supposed attempt by China to make sure Biden became president.

So - yeah - consider yourselves lucky to have a run-of-the-mill whacko Republican.
I saw them on Twitter. Yikes
You should see who the GOP is running for superintendent in NC. She's called for Obama's execution...more than once. She's called for the death of Biden. She's called public schools “socialism centers” and “indoctrination centers". She's promoted QAnon fantasies about the Hollywood elite drinking the blood of children. And in other news:

“@IlhanMN and her other law-hating Dems must be getting a little nervous. Are they just realizing the punishment for treason is death?!?”

“Our Communist sympathizer, Comrade [Democratic Governor Roy] Cooper, has the same plans for NC! Expose them NOW! Can we we see the CCP list, @SecPompeo??? #PrisonTimeforFederalCrimes #DeathToTraitors #FreeOurCitizens,”

“B.O. was a puppet for the Deep State and the Muslim movement to destroy our Constitutional Republic. We cannot give up until ALL the guilty pay the highest penalty for their crimes. We will lose our country #SAVEOURNATION #JusticeForAll #TraitorsMustPay

“Tens of thousands of Chinese soldiers are already in Canada and probably Mexico waiting for orders to invade."

This was a supposed attempt by China to make sure Biden became president.

So - yeah - consider yourselves lucky to have a run-of-the-mill whacko Republican.
I have a little hope that the extremists running for superintendent and governor will spur Dem turnout, and spur a lot of rational Republicans to vote Dem for this cycle. I also fear that extremists like this spur the aggrieved to come out because someone is finally telling it like it is, and not afraid of the PC crowd.
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What's the argument FOR this person? Surely Kim or some republican has made a pitch other than "she's a yes ma'am!"

Has she been in district administration of any kind? University experience? Other government administrative departments?

A figurehead is more an executive than the person who needs to know. A department head who knows how to surround themselves with experts is doing the job correctly, because they aren't there to DO.

So what's the argument FOR this person?
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What's the argument FOR this person? Surely Kim or some republican has made a pitch other than "she's a yes ma'am!"

Has she been in district administration of any kind? University experience? Other government administrative departments?

A figurehead is more an executive than the person who needs to know. A department head who knows how to surround themselves with experts is doing the job correctly, because they aren't there to DO.

So what's the argument FOR this person?
She's a Trump stooge and cultist. Are you playing dumb on purpose? Where have you been since 2016.
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What's the argument FOR this person? Surely Kim or some republican has made a pitch other than "she's a yes ma'am!"

Has she been in district administration of any kind? University experience? Other government administrative departments?

A figurehead is more an executive than the person who needs to know. A department head who knows how to surround themselves with experts is doing the job correctly, because they aren't there to DO.

So what's the argument FOR this person?
Google "McKenzie Snow".

And prepare to be disappointed.

She's not remotely qualified to lead the DOE.
But hey...Reynold's Chief of Staff gave her a vote of confidence.
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Google "McKenzie Snow".

And prepare to be disappointed.

She's not remotely qualified to lead the DOE.
But hey...Reynold's Chief of Staff gave her a vote of confidence.
Google is so much less fun than asking HROT and seeing what comes back... I mean hell we sit around here and argue about how the government should fix stuff... clearly efficiency is not a priority.
Google is so much less fun than asking HROT and seeing what comes back... I mean hell we sit around here and argue about how the government should fix stuff... clearly efficiency is not a priority.
The only reason I mentioned "google" is because it lists a few things she was involved with before her appointment, and not a single thing on her resume' qualifies her for this job.

Not one, damn thing!
Google is so much less fun than asking HROT and seeing what comes back... I mean hell we sit around here and argue about how the government should fix stuff... clearly efficiency is not a priority.
Here's a good letter that went out to every superintendent and legislator in Iowa:

Dear Senators,

It is my understanding that McKenzie Snow is being considered for confirmation as Director of the Iowa Department of Education.

There are a number of reasons she should not serve in this position:

1. Her highest degree is a Bachelor’s Degree
2. That degree is in Political Science

Those two things by themselves disqualify her to oversee our public schools’ curriculum and have supervision of our educational system.

She is not a licensed educator and has no knowledge or experience in Iowa. She lacks the qualifications as indicated by the Iowa Code:

Chapter 1, Section 3(2): “The director shall possess a background in education and administrative experience”. She does not hold these basic qualifications.

Snow worked for Betsy DeVos who made no secret of her desire to dismantle public schools. Snow has had frequent job changes and with a focus on school choice, charter schools, and tax credits.

As important, Ms. Snow has little or no knowledge of special education processes in schools and in the AEA. Snow’s only focus in the area of special education has been for parents of children with special needs to enroll in a private home school program whereby special services would be provided by a created scholarship program.

Evidence of some of the damage that occurred in her previous position is described here:

April 2022, McKenzie Snow, former policy director for Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos and Special Assistant to President Donald Trump was appointed to be the Deputy Secretary over K-12 education. Virginia Democrats held a virtual press conference to highlight the damaging policies enacted under Snow in the Trump administration and Governor Youngkin’s war on public schools.

In 2024, following Snow’s two year time in the state, Virginia’s Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission identified major shortcomings in the state’s provision of special education services, including low-quality IEPs, a lack of knowledge among educators about how to effectively support students with disabilities and shortfalls in the Virginia Department of Education’s oversight of local divisions. Also, researchers who reviewed 90 randomly selected IEPs found about half lacked goals for academic progress or improved functioning, which are required by federal law. About 37% of parents believed the services outlined in their child’s IEP were only “somewhat” or “not at all appropriate.”

Virginia has begun to take steps to correct all of these grievous errors and with enormous money and time.

The original AEA bill made mention 133 times of shifting control of services, special education dollars, and personnel from AEAs and local AEA boards to the Department of Education Director McKenzie Snow. Amended versions, and other proposed legislation, continue to give her an unprecedented amount of control, often replacing local oversight. She is not employable as a teacher, principal, superintendent, paraeducator, AEA provider, or administrator, or any accredited PK-12 education position in the state of Iowa.

It is ironic that someone who overturned special education in Virginia was brought here to Iowa, followed by the faulty data report communicated to all citizens and pointing blame at the AEAs, accompanied by the governor’s plans for the dismantling of the AEAs.

We cannot turn over responsibility for all of the education bills that have been passed to someone who lacks the necessary qualifications and experience in education. We need a director with a proven track record of how we can work together to increase student achievement and who has the knowledge and experience of ways we implement continuous improvement to achieve our education goals.

Thank you,

Dr. Pam Vogel
Former Special Education Teacher, Retired Superintendent
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Here's a good letter that went out to every superintendent and legislator in Iowa:

Dear Senators,

It is my understanding that McKenzie Snow is being considered for confirmation as Director of the Iowa Department of Education.

There are a number of reasons she should not serve in this position:

1. Her highest degree is a Bachelor’s Degree
2. That degree is in Political Science

Those two things by themselves disqualify her to oversee our public schools’ curriculum and have supervision of our educational system.

She is not a licensed educator and has no knowledge or experience in Iowa. She lacks the qualifications as indicated by the Iowa Code:

Chapter 1, Section 3(2): “The director shall possess a background in education and administrative experience”. She does not hold these basic qualifications.

Snow worked for Betsy DeVos who made no secret of her desire to dismantle public schools. Snow has had frequent job changes and with a focus on school choice, charter schools, and tax credits.

As important, Ms. Snow has little or no knowledge of special education processes in schools and in the AEA. Snow’s only focus in the area of special education has been for parents of children with special needs to enroll in a private home school program whereby special services would be provided by a created scholarship program.

Evidence of some of the damage that occurred in her previous position is described here:

April 2022, McKenzie Snow, former policy director for Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos and Special Assistant to President Donald Trump was appointed to be the Deputy Secretary over K-12 education. Virginia Democrats held a virtual press conference to highlight the damaging policies enacted under Snow in the Trump administration and Governor Youngkin’s war on public schools.

In 2024, following Snow’s two year time in the state, Virginia’s Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission identified major shortcomings in the state’s provision of special education services, including low-quality IEPs, a lack of knowledge among educators about how to effectively support students with disabilities and shortfalls in the Virginia Department of Education’s oversight of local divisions. Also, researchers who reviewed 90 randomly selected IEPs found about half lacked goals for academic progress or improved functioning, which are required by federal law. About 37% of parents believed the services outlined in their child’s IEP were only “somewhat” or “not at all appropriate.”

Virginia has begun to take steps to correct all of these grievous errors and with enormous money and time.

The original AEA bill made mention 133 times of shifting control of services, special education dollars, and personnel from AEAs and local AEA boards to the Department of Education Director McKenzie Snow. Amended versions, and other proposed legislation, continue to give her an unprecedented amount of control, often replacing local oversight. She is not employable as a teacher, principal, superintendent, paraeducator, AEA provider, or administrator, or any accredited PK-12 education position in the state of Iowa.

It is ironic that someone who overturned special education in Virginia was brought here to Iowa, followed by the faulty data report communicated to all citizens and pointing blame at the AEAs, accompanied by the governor’s plans for the dismantling of the AEAs.

We cannot turn over responsibility for all of the education bills that have been passed to someone who lacks the necessary qualifications and experience in education. We need a director with a proven track record of how we can work together to increase student achievement and who has the knowledge and experience of ways we implement continuous improvement to achieve our education goals.

Thank you,

Dr. Pam Vogel
Former Special Education Teacher, Retired Superintendent
That certainly does a nice job of dismantling her, but it's also clearly a political letter. This person would find a way to tear down any person who was associated with Betsy Devos, or republican.

I want the argument FOR her. Somebody somewhere thinks this is a good idea...why? I mean...a BA in political science should be fairly this person aptly points out, so who thinks that's not a disqualifier and why?
That certainly does a nice job of dismantling her, but it's also clearly a political letter. This person would find a way to tear down any person who was associated with Betsy Devos, or republican.

I want the argument FOR her. Somebody somewhere thinks this is a good idea...why? I mean...a BA in political science should be fairly this person aptly points out, so who thinks that's not a disqualifier and why?
First paragraph: No, they would just tear down anymore who clearly dies not value public education, as they should.

Second: You answered your own question, she's a Republican and will say yes to whatever Kimmy wants. If you need more than that, I'd suggest going to the social media page of basically any R legislator in Iowa and I'm sure you'll find more.
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What's the argument FOR this person? Surely Kim or some republican has made a pitch other than "she's a yes ma'am!"

Has she been in district administration of any kind? University experience? Other government administrative departments?

A figurehead is more an executive than the person who needs to know. A department head who knows how to surround themselves with experts is doing the job correctly, because they aren't there to DO.

So what's the argument FOR this person?
The argument is that Kim feels she can do whatever she wants. And largely she's right. She can endlessly screw up education and rural Iowa will keep supporting her. She has the green light to do whatever she wants and she knows it. It's arrogance at the highest level but if the voters don't care, then she'll only continue to push the boundaries.
The only reason I mentioned "google" is because it lists a few things she was involved with before her appointment, and not a single thing on her resume' qualifies her for this job.

Not one, damn thing!
You win, I says she's been in the position since June 2023. I was under the impression this was a confirmation hearing of some kind. Why are they even talking about her credentials at this point? What's done is done and she's the person in charge of putting people in place who will educate the kids of Iowa...right, wrong or indifferent. What were they supposed to be talking about?
You win, I says she's been in the position since June 2023. I was under the impression this was a confirmation hearing of some kind. Why are they even talking about her credentials at this point? What's done is done and she's the person in charge of putting people in place who will educate the kids of Iowa...right, wrong or indifferent. What were they supposed to be talking about?
There is a confirmation hearing....

She was appointed by Kimmy, but not yet confirmed by the legislature. You seemed to be confused about what is happening for some reason.

Just accept that she's unqualified and has no vested interest in the education of Iowans? Does that not sound incredibly dumb to you when you read it? Jesus.