"Fans" go after EJ Liddell after #2 Seed Ohio State falls to a #15 seed

The world would be a much better place without social media. That includes this type of message board. I agree with an earlier post - require people to include their name, and this doesn't happen. People are really brave hiding behind a screen name. Hold people accountable for their words + actions. Part of me wonders if gambling was a part of this? Did this person lose a ton of $$$ on the game? No excuse for what he wrote. Disgusting.
It just shows how low and disgusting our culture has gotten. No respect for anyone anymore. Our culture thinks its okay to kill an unborn baby up until the day it is born. So why does this kind of talk surprise anyone.

Haha ok slick.
Reporters are retweeting this so I think it's ok to post. Warning: the language is bad.

At the end of this post, see D'Mitrik Trice's comments; it is not just Iowa players who get attacked by "fans;" this seems to be a pretty common occurrence for players, no matter the school.



im picking up some real insecurity from jefe about his sexuality.
I might have my moments but social media is the worst. These kids did unspeakable things to get through the season so their fans had something to cheer about and they turn on them like purana feeding on dead meat.
Although in retrospect, if Twitter or Facebook were around during any of Iowa's early departures from the tournament in the late 70's, 80's, or 90's the results would have been the same.
There are no difference in fan bases....

You shouldn’t be commenting on this thread or any others for that matter.
I’d be extremely embarrassed if I saw Iowa fans doing this. This is disgusting what these people are doing.

I've seen what Iowa fans post here and on Twitter/Facebook, I guarantee Iowa fans do this in DMs. Maybe not threats, but it wouldn't surprise me either.
I didn't mean they should go after him, I could have worded that better. I just meant it was misdirected anger. I don't know how anyone could watch that game yesterday and determine that Liddell is the one who lost it when Washington was throwing up brick after brick down the stretch.

That's completely beside the point as well. Fans shouldn't be directing any anger at the athletes given the fact that these guys are unpaid students. Their "job" isn't to make fans happy.
Looks like police might be looking into the threats.
Those idiots may not be anonymous for much longer.

This is how it should be handled, I don't think it should matter if someone tells a person to their face their going to kill them or if it's on social media. I'm guessing not much comes from it but at least it should scare the people doing the threatening. Put them in jail for a few weeks and make them think about it.
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It just shows how low and disgusting our culture has gotten. No respect for anyone anymore. Our culture thinks its okay to kill an unborn baby up until the day it is born. So why does this kind of talk surprise anyone.

While I agree alot of things are different than your time of growing up. There has always been a holes and idiots that don't know what to do with their toxic emotions.

If twitter magically existed in the 1980s you bet the farm there would still be examples of this. Would it be less? Probably. But it would likely be these kids parents lol.

Online alone had had some negative effects even without considering normal culture and community influences.
Iowa "fans" do this type of sheet all the time after a loss.

And we think it gets bad on this forum?

Thats why I always laugh when people think these forums matter.

Theres millions of idiots that can talk directly at players through Twitter.
I’d be extremely embarrassed if I saw Iowa fans doing this. This is disgusting what these people are doing.
Well be embarrassed, JoeT got threats after minnesota when his millionaire coach blew the game by not calling a TO. Thank goodness those weren't made public. As justhawk pointed out, the things said about our own football players for speaking out made me ashamed to be a Hawk fan and is part of why I won't be back for a game for the foreseeable future. Embarrassing
It just shows how low and disgusting our culture has gotten. No respect for anyone anymore. Our culture thinks its okay to kill an unborn baby up until the day it is born. So why does this kind of talk surprise anyone.
You’re entitled to your opinion and its expression, absolutely, but I respectfully disagree with your tying a divisive non-sports issue to this topic of “fans” attacking a college student-athlete with racist comments and death threats over a basketball game. I hope we can all make our positions on this incident clear without having to use immediately polarizing subjects as comparisons or metaphors. Just sayin’...
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So, your as pure as the driven it must be awesome to know you have never offended be loved by everyone must be extremely gratifying, carry on....

Your statement, you POS.

He's good and the wrong color....Fran won't want him. If that sounds racist then so be it.
It bothers me that because Iowa happens to be mostly white, Fran believes that he's obligated to recruit mostly white players. That's me though but I'm sure others believe the same thing. JBO brings out the activist in me.....
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Yeah, this is shocking behavior. Not anything about this scenario should be expected just because a kid plays at a high profile school. Jesus.

I never said it should be expected. I said it didn’t surprise me.

You still got your chance to display fake outrage and posture as morally superior, though. So it’s all good.
This story is fake news. I've been told multiple times on this board that Iowa fans are the only fans that engage in this type of behavior.

I never said it should be expected. I said it didn’t surprise me.

You still got your chance to display fake outrage and posture as morally superior, though. So it’s all good.

You definitely implied in your post is expected when you pick a glamour school.

No idea what you mean by the second part of your post, but okay. Sorry about Dr. Suess and Mr. Potato Head, hope you recover man.
Iowa fans do take it way too far quite often, but I’ve never seen them hurl death threats.
remember when Iowa fans went after Zach McCabe after a bad game and he tweeted back at them w/ foul language?

of course, someone took screen shots of all of it, where Zach even got into some hot water

and when JoeT missed those FTs at Minny? Fans went after him.

and remember: this is stuff we KNOW ABOUT. imagine the shit we don't know about
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Not me, I'm using a computer, phones are for calling/texting only.... I still blame millennials for all this crap, lol
Yes this seems like the perfect place to bring up abortion. Thought for a second I was on HROT board.

Shows what people think they can say anonymously. Disgusting. Ohio State player is handling it as best he could

Kind of like BLM belongs in game coverage. keep your political BS off my sports
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It just shows how low and disgusting our culture has gotten. No respect for anyone anymore. Our culture thinks its okay to kill an unborn baby up until the day it is born. So why does this kind of talk surprise anyone.

Billy Madison started in Kindergarten and you can too!
you know what? I honestly think facebook, twitter, instagram, etc have addictive qualities

I mean, just look around; everybody is doing this:


Social media definitely has addictive qualities engineered into their applications by design.

I recommend watching “The Social Dilemma “ on Netflix if you have it. It may be on other platforms too. It speaks to the harmful impacts of social media engineered by design by big tech very effectively in my opinion.
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I wlll agree with that. Washington played as poorly as I've seen him. He is a good player who had a bad game. It happens. These aren't robots who are incapable of playing bad. Especially with "lose and the season is over" looming over you.

Washington took horrible shots all season.

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