"Fans" go after EJ Liddell after #2 Seed Ohio State falls to a #15 seed

what did liddell do to deserve it (even he seems puzzled and tweeted the q)? I saw that game and liddell didn't stand-out.
Why do the players have Instagram or Twitter? Because they can and they should be able to.

What kind of fvcking question is that after what was posted in the OP?

Settle down tough guy. Why do disgusting people post stupid shit to players then? “Because they can.” That’s the point, dip shit. Does it make it right? Absolutely not, but why make it easier to be contacted by crazy people. I don’t get it.
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While it would be logical to assume they were OSU fans, given the anonymity of an online user it could have been anyone. A fan from a rival school trying to stir things up, who knows. It is ridiculous and embarrassing and any fanbase that did this should be ashamed.
Agree. It could have been anyone. Add to it the possibility of being drunk or high when they posted, and you have a despicable result.
Twitter should cancel those accounts

Twitter should just cancel themselves and save humanity. Wife is a teacher. Started teaching before Twitter. She constantly brings up how sad Twitter and social media in general has made kids these days. The HS kids admit it too and talk openly about it in school. Depression, fear of what others think, not belonging, bullying, comparing yourself to others. Its sad. Its an addiction that they know is hurting them but they can't kick it. I would go further and say its just as bad in adults. Look at the OT board on this site. Terrible how they all treat one another and generalize over there. Truly miserable people that aren't much different than the loser who sent that crap to Liddell.
I don't think that Twitter should cancel their accounts. I think that Twitter should post their real names so that they can't hide behind their twitter handle.

Good lord, can you imagine the difference in social toilet media of that were the case?
That's completely beside the point as well. Fans shouldn't be directing any anger at the athletes given the fact that these guys are unpaid students. Their "job" isn't to make fans happy.

Jfc...I'm against fans going at players like this. I'm just saying that on top of them being idiots for going after a player on social media, they're also going after the wrong player on top of it.
Having instant communication platforms is like a lot of things, good in theory but falls apart once people get involved. Humans have capacity for great things, and for f@#cking those things up.
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Im not on twitter and dont condone bad behavior but if a player is on twitter, its their fault. Dont complain about the mud if you go out when it rains
You definitely implied in your post is expected when you pick a glamour school.

Definitely did not.

It was a comment on society. Whatever you read into my post, is on you. 100%.

.... and you know exactly what I mean about fake outrage.

So take this pat on the head for saying exactly what everyone else was saying and run along.
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I don't think that Twitter should cancel their accounts. I think that Twitter should post their real names so that they can't hide behind their twitter handle.
Totally agree on the identification aspect. At the very least, social media users should be required to provide and verify personal info as a condition of ownership of an account. If there is a flagrant violation the account should be suspended or cancelled with a full publication of their personal information. People hiding behind alias usernames unnecessarily provides free license to offend, insult, and harass without personal accountability.

The owner should be made 100% responsible and accountable for anything posted on an account - that should be a pre-condition of establishing any account Unmask the owner/user.
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Pretty obvious if you're not on it you won't be subject to stupid ass fans making death threats and criticizing your game.

Yep, blame it on the victims. Classic.

That girl that got assaulted dressed too sexy as well. Christ almighty.
Definitely did not.

It was a comment on society. Whatever you read into my post, is on you. 100%.

.... and you know exactly what I mean about fake outrage.

So take this pat on the head for saying exactly what everyone else was saying and run along.

Your off topic takes are as bad as your basketball takes. Not surprised. Have a good night.
Yep, blame it on the victims. Classic.

That girl that got assaulted dressed too sexy as well. Christ almighty.

You’re laughing at other’s post while comparing a sexual assault to harassment on Instagram. Solid analogy. Christ almighty indeed.
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This behavior is beyond disgusting. These are 18-22 y/o. They do not deserve such vitriol.
No one regardless of age deserves this kind of trash!😡. This is friggin game for God’s sake ! WTH is wrong with people? Social media is the sewage of our age.
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Pretty simple really. If you don’t want to be around morons, don’t buy a house in Moronville.

Twitter is Moronville. .
unfortunately, too many people are addicted to it

Kirk Ferentz banned it, and for good reason; but there was to much pressure on him last summer to CHANGE so he had to reverse course
The problem isnt social media it is people. People have always behaved this way.

People are definitely the issue. However, I disagree people have always behaved this way. Pretty much all social media trolls would never have had the stones to say this shit to anyone before this platform came into existence. Losers have always been losers, true. Social media has just emboldened them.
People are definitely the issue. However, I disagree people have always behaved this way. Pretty much all social media trolls would never have had the stones to say this shit to anyone before this platform came into existence. Losers have always been losers, true. Social media has just emboldened them.

Except they have. They did it in person. Or they mailed letters. Hate mail was a thing and it cost a stamp. They have always done this. Philadelphia was famous for throwing batteries at players or the year when they pelted santa clause with ice balls.

It is more immediate now and can be seen by everyone which makes it seem as if it is worse. What do you do with a pile of hate mail 25 years ago? There was no platform to share it and let everyone see it.

I like the idea of requiring people to use their own names on social media. Would definitely change this board immediately wouldn't it? Would make it pretty easy to find the scumbags that threaten death on kids for losing a basketball game. Not sure the constitution means you get to stay anonymous when you use your free speech and it definitely doesn't mean you get to threaten people.
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Except they have. They did it in person. Or they mailed letters. Hate mail was a thing and it cost a stamp. They have always done this. Philadelphia was famous for throwing batteries at players or the year when they pelted santa clause with ice balls.

It is more immediate now and can be seen by everyone which makes it seem as if it is worse. What do you do with a pile of hate mail 25 years ago? There was no platform to share it and let everyone see it.

I like the idea of requiring people to use their own names on social media. Would definitely change this board immediately wouldn't it? Would make it pretty easy to find the scumbags that threaten death on kids for losing a basketball game. Not sure the constitution means you get to stay anonymous when you use your free speech and it definitely doesn't mean you get to threaten people.

Good points. I don't find fault with any of that. You're probably right about the perception of social media seeming more pervasive.
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Good points. I don't find fault with any of that. You're probably right about the perception of social media seeming more pervasive.

I do think internet muscles are a thing. Amazing when you here people call someone like jbo soft. Sure dude....he looks small because of who he standing next to....go tell him and see how you hold up assuming he decides to do something about your big mouth. He wouldn't of course but these are not small people. It just used to happen at the end of the bar where mr muscles would talk big and no one would listen. Now mr muscles has a platform where he can run his mouth and get attention.
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Why do the players have Instagram or Twitter? Because they can and they should be able to.

What kind of fvcking question is that after what was posted in the OP?
K But dont complain then when somebody says something bad then! Im not for that behavior and remember, freedom of speech! This is why i still own a flip phone.
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