Group submits signatures to recall Wisconsin Assembly speaker targeted by Trump


HR King
May 29, 2001
A group seeking to oust the Republican speaker of the Wisconsin State Assembly over his handling of Donald Trump’s 2020 reelection loss in the state submitted signatures Monday in hopes of forcing a recall election.

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The group, Recall Vos, said it had collected 10,700 signatures, more than the roughly 7,000 signatures required from voters in the district Speaker Robin Vos represents. The deadline was Monday.

“The people of Racine County have spoken,” recall leader Matt Snorek said in a statement. “With more than 10,000 signatures on our recall petition, they’ve said it loud and clear: They’re tired of the status quo and demand new representation.”

Trump supporters have been persistently targeting Vos since the 2020 election, when Trump narrowly lost Wisconsin, a crucial battleground state, after winning it four year earlier. While Vos launched an investigation into the results, he resisted Trump’s pressure to figure out a way to overturn the outcome, calling it impossible and unconstitutional. Biden’s 2020 win has endured throughout, and there has been no evidence of widespread fraud in the election.

In 2022, Trump backed a primary challenger to Vos, who prevailed by a slim margin.
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Snorek filed the recall petition in January, saying Vos is “blocking fair elections.” Snorek also cited Vos’s December 2022 comment that he will “try as hard as I can to make sure Donald Trump is not the nominee” in 2024. Vos has since said he will vote for Trump, now the likely nominee, in November.

Vos did not immediately respond to a request for comment Monday. But he has called the recall effort a “waste of time, resources and effort” and blasted the organizers as “hateful liars who will say anything” to get a signature.

Under Wisconsin law, recall organizers are required to collect a number of signatures that equals at least 25 percent of the most recent gubernatorial vote in the district. The target of the petition has 10 days to challenge the signatures once they are submitted.


The Wisconsin Elections Commission, a bipartisan six-member panel, is ultimately responsible for deeming a petition sufficient and calling an election. The commission is scheduled to discuss the recall petition at a special meeting Tuesday.
Vos, who first became speaker in 2013, is the longest-serving speaker in Wisconsin history. He represents a district in southeastern Wisconsin, south of Milwaukee.
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Man oh man. The GOP really needs to come together and get this whole MAGA thing under control. GOP leadership has enabled this circus for far too long and it's going to end up bringing down the entire party. MAGA isn't even a Republican Ideology at this point. They are practicing Fascism. Yet their supporters are so delusional and out of touch, they have no idea they are being led to slaughter.

And just to save everyone time:

Trad's response: "If Vos would have done what his voters wanted him to do, he wouldn't be in this position."

Northerns response: "Damn right! He should be removed from office and replaced with someone who knows how to do their job."

Binsfeld's response: "Definitely sketchy, but the Dems tried doing the same thing one time and you don't ever hear about that."

The rest of the Russian bots on the board: "Down with Vos! He shouldn't have tried to defy Putin....erm, we mean Trump! He shouldn't have tried to defy Trump."
I felt a bit sorry for Vos initially until I read that he plans to vote for Trump again this year. F him then.
I think a lot of people are saying they are going to vote for Trump, while not actually doing it. Vos knows Trump won't forgive him for 2020. Him voting for Trump would essentially be him voting for his own self to be removed from office.
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