"Hope is a good thing; maybe the best of things."


Dec 22, 2014
Just watched Shawshank Redemption again. Andy's letter to Red says, "Hope is a good thing; maybe the best of things." I think there's reason to be hopeful for the remainder of this Hawk BB season. Thurs night was far from the Hawks' best effort and performance; yet if our guys convert 2 of those 3 missed dunks, which they usually do, it's Michigan being forced to foul us in the last minute rather than the reverse. Michigan is talented and putting it together. And the Rutgers game ended on a really bad call (Decourcy called it the worst call he's seen in his years covering BB), and we all know beating Rutgers on the road is not easy. Penn State game could have gone either way, too - another tough place to win as MSU will attest.

We're capable of beating OSU, MSU, and any B10 team when clicking (Almost beat Purdue on the road without Keegan.). Not saying we will, but I'm hopeful we can. We have a number of young pieces and will have some ups and downs, as most of us realized before the season started. I'm hopeful we're gonna be on the winning end of an upset or two the next couple weeks.

I'm gonna hang in there and keep cheering for and believing in our Hawks. (BTW I coached two different college teams - small college and different sport - inducted into the Hall of Fame as a coach at one and named national COY while at the other, so I'm no pie-in-the-sky rookie. I believe one must be hopeful as a coach, player, and fan or sports can drive you nuts. Sadly, on this forum I read a lot of nuttiness in many of my fellow Hawk fans. My advice: Try an injection of hope and positivity; just makes life better.)
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That kid's long gone and this old man is all that's left. I got to live with that. - Jorbo
Nah, I think JBo is more like Brooks Hatlen at this point. Except that he was actually successful in killing his replacement (JoeT) and returning to prison to maintain the status quo
Just watched Shawshank Redemption again. Andy's letter to Red says, "Hope is a good thing; maybe the best of things." I think there's reason to be hopeful for the remainder of this Hawk BB season. Thurs night was far from the Hawks' best effort and performance; yet if our guys convert 2 of those 3 missed dunks, which they usually do, it's Michigan being forced to foul us in the last minute rather than the reverse. Michigan is talented and putting it together. And the Rutgers game ended on a really bad call (Decourcy called it the worst call he's seen in his years covering BB), and we all know beating Rutgers on the road is not easy. Penn State game could have gone either way, too - another tough place to win as MSU will attest.

We're capable of beating OSU, MSU, and any B10 team when clicking (Almost beat Purdue on the road without Keegan.). Not saying we will, but I'm hopeful we can. We have a number of young pieces and will have some ups and downs, as most of us realized before the season started. I'm hopeful we're gonna be on the winning end of an upset or two the next couple weeks.

I'm gonna hang in there and keep cheering for and believing in our Hawks. (BTW I coached two different college teams - small college and different sport - inducted into the Hall of Fame as a coach at one and named national COY while at the other, so I'm no pie-in-the-sky rookie. I believe one must be hopeful as a coach, player, and fan or sports can drive you nuts. Sadly, on this forum I read a lot of nuttiness in many of my fellow Hawk fans. My advice: Try an injection of hope and positivity; just makes life better.)
Red disagrees…..


And I keep hoping Iowa plays defense and is tough but when punched in the mouth, they back down. Hope that changes today…..we shall see.