If these mollycoddled anti-Israel students are America’s future, the West truly is doomed.


HR All-American
Jul 17, 2023
Montezuma, Iowa
The anti-Israel student protesters bringing the United States’ top universities to a standstill may be rabidly fanatical, crashingly ignorant, and possibly even a tiny bit anti-Semitic, but I will say one thing for them: they’ve just provided us with the most hilarious video clip you’ll see all year.

The clip in question, which is going viral on social media, consists of an interview at Columbia University, New York, with a PhD English student – who, in her own words, is writing a dissertation on “theories of the imagination and poetry as interpreted through a Marxian lens in order to update and propose an alternative to historicist ideological critiques of the Romantic imagination”.

In recent days, however, I don’t suppose she’s had much time to pursue this vital line of inquiry. For Left-wing students at Columbia, there have been far more pressing matters to attend to. Such as illegally occupying a key university building as part of their protests against Israel.

It isn’t just the Israelis who have displeased them, though. They’re also angry with the university authorities. Because, apparently, those authorities have failed to supply them with food and drink to keep them going during their protest.

“Do you want students to die of dehydration and starvation or get severely ill?” wails the student in the clip. “This is, like, basic humanitarian aid we’re asking for.”

In summary: she seems to think that people who illegally occupy a building are entitled to be fed by the people who own it. Perhaps burglars should try this argument. Break into a house during the night, and then moan to the media that the owners didn’t invite them to stay for breakfast.

In their defence, the student says that her comrades “pay for a meal plan here”. No doubt they do. Equally, though, other students pay to be educated. Presumably they, too, are entitled to get what they’ve paid for. But they won’t be able to get it if mobs of Israel-hating hipsters prevent them from attending their lectures.

At any rate, this delightful young woman has given us some glorious entertainment. I love everything about that clip. The pomposity. The entitlement. The spectacular lack of self-awareness. And, in particular, the obscene use of the term “humanitarian aid”, when, far from facing starvation, she and her middle-class friends could easily toddle across the road to buy snacks at the nearest bodega.

Come to think of it, I suspect the reason she used that term is the same reason that so many white, Western protesters go on marches wearing Palestinian-style headdresses while calling for “intifada”. It’s all a form of role-play. Just as little children love pretending to be princesses or pirates, so cossetted Left-wing students love pretending to be persecuted minorities. It’s yet another way to demonstrate how wonderfully empathetic and compassionate they are. (See? We feel your pain. We need humanitarian aid, too. We were so busy protesting yesterday, we missed lunch!)

Then again, the rest of us shouldn’t laugh too hard. These pampered narcissists might not be able to influence events in the Middle East. But they’ll almost certainly influence our future. After all, they’re students at Ivy League universities. America’s educational elite. Which means that, in due course, they’ll be strolling into America’s top jobs, and taking leadership positions in business, the arts, education and politics.

This should worry us all. Because if these mollycoddled brats are America’s future, the West truly is doomed.

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The anti-Israel student protesters bringing the United States’ top universities to a standstill may be rabidly fanatical, crashingly ignorant, and possibly even a tiny bit anti-Semitic, but I will say one thing for them: they’ve just provided us with the most hilarious video clip you’ll see all year.

The clip in question, which is going viral on social media, consists of an interview at Columbia University, New York, with a PhD English student – who, in her own words, is writing a dissertation on “theories of the imagination and poetry as interpreted through a Marxian lens in order to update and propose an alternative to historicist ideological critiques of the Romantic imagination”.

In recent days, however, I don’t suppose she’s had much time to pursue this vital line of inquiry. For Left-wing students at Columbia, there have been far more pressing matters to attend to. Such as illegally occupying a key university building as part of their protests against Israel.

It isn’t just the Israelis who have displeased them, though. They’re also angry with the university authorities. Because, apparently, those authorities have failed to supply them with food and drink to keep them going during their protest.

“Do you want students to die of dehydration and starvation or get severely ill?” wails the student in the clip. “This is, like, basic humanitarian aid we’re asking for.”

In summary: she seems to think that people who illegally occupy a building are entitled to be fed by the people who own it. Perhaps burglars should try this argument. Break into a house during the night, and then moan to the media that the owners didn’t invite them to stay for breakfast.

In their defence, the student says that her comrades “pay for a meal plan here”. No doubt they do. Equally, though, other students pay to be educated. Presumably they, too, are entitled to get what they’ve paid for. But they won’t be able to get it if mobs of Israel-hating hipsters prevent them from attending their lectures.

At any rate, this delightful young woman has given us some glorious entertainment. I love everything about that clip. The pomposity. The entitlement. The spectacular lack of self-awareness. And, in particular, the obscene use of the term “humanitarian aid”, when, far from facing starvation, she and her middle-class friends could easily toddle across the road to buy snacks at the nearest bodega.

Come to think of it, I suspect the reason she used that term is the same reason that so many white, Western protesters go on marches wearing Palestinian-style headdresses while calling for “intifada”. It’s all a form of role-play. Just as little children love pretending to be princesses or pirates, so cossetted Left-wing students love pretending to be persecuted minorities. It’s yet another way to demonstrate how wonderfully empathetic and compassionate they are. (See? We feel your pain. We need humanitarian aid, too. We were so busy protesting yesterday, we missed lunch!)

Then again, the rest of us shouldn’t laugh too hard. These pampered narcissists might not be able to influence events in the Middle East. But they’ll almost certainly influence our future. After all, they’re students at Ivy League universities. America’s educational elite. Which means that, in due course, they’ll be strolling into America’s top jobs, and taking leadership positions in business, the arts, education and politics.

This should worry us all. Because if these mollycoddled brats are America’s future, the West truly is doomed.

You couldn't spot the middle east on a world map moron.
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These students are being manipulated by social media through foreign interests.
These protests are a product of the lefts global utopian (sustainable development goals) ideology. They believe that giving people a free ride and free entry into our country where every idea will be affirmed won't have unintended consequences.

This is the outcome of embracing immigration into the usa while encouraging them not to assimilate to our culture.

We have too many people with more allegiance to a foreign country than they do the usa. It's not a coincidence that this is happening at places that have fully embraced the dei and woke left ideology. It's because these are the places where this type of behavior was encouraged.
Columbia created a book with a title "Why Civil Resistance Works"

The following article details the planning and preparation that went into the protests and that Columbia is where it started.
Are you against the UN?

Sorry, but I'm not sure of the point you are trying to make here.

Can you please explain your point further?

The UN is the creators behind the Sustainable Development Goals that Obama agreed to in 2015. Most of our issues in America stem from the UN and the west and their desire for a global utopia.

The UN has opened up immigration across the west as a sort of humanitarian mission to provide a better life for people (or whatever they really believe). For doing this, the west (especially the usa) will help bring their country up to date with new green cities that in return will make companies like blackrock a lot of money and power.

The UN/globalist are also behind the esg, dei, racial inequality, racism, climate change, trans, cultural appropriation ideology. This means immigrants were not encouraged to assimilate into the usa.

They have created a perfect storm by encouraging immigrants to not assimilate, increased numbers of immigrants, preaching by "woke professors, and being paid by the likes of George soros to organize these events.
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Here is an interesting article from 2017 that was aimed at the left rising up against Trump and the dictator he would become last presidency. (Obviously this didn't happen).

The article is written by the person from Columbia who wrote the book mentioned above about civil resistance.

"Historical studies suggest that it takes 3.5% of a population engaged in sustained nonviolent resistance to topple brutal dictatorships."
Historical studies suggest that it takes 3.5% of a population engaged in sustained nonviolent resistance to topple brutal dictatorships.
Here is an interesting article from 2017 that was aimed at the left rising up against Trump and the dictator he would become last presidency. (Obviously this didn't happen).

The article is written by the person from Columbia who wrote the book mentioned above about civil resistance.

"Historical studies suggest that it takes 3.5% of a population engaged in sustained nonviolent resistance to topple brutal dictatorships."
Historical studies suggest that it takes 3.5% of a population engaged in sustained nonviolent resistance to topple brutal dictatorships.
What is wrong with non violent resistance?
What is wrong with non violent resistance?
I think pro hamas protesters preventing Jewish students from attending class is technically non violent, but is sure get people upset and creates a volatile enviroment.

I think when you have an institution and certain elite that are promoting non violent protests and also stating that it only takes 3.5% to overthrow a government, it's not surprising when these same protests turn violent. Some of these protests have been violent and caused destruction of property.

My contention is that these people are not pro America, they are pro Palestine. The globalist have lost sight of what makes America great. It is not a good idea to invite a bunch of people into this country who hate America and our values and then encourage them to speak out and protest. If you add fuel to a fire you should expect it to explode. The democrats are adding lots of fuel.
The anti-Israel student protesters bringing the United States’ top universities to a standstill may be rabidly fanatical, crashingly ignorant, and possibly even a tiny bit anti-Semitic, but I will say one thing for them: they’ve just provided us with the most hilarious video clip you’ll see all year.

The clip in question, which is going viral on social media, consists of an interview at Columbia University, New York, with a PhD English student – who, in her own words, is writing a dissertation on “theories of the imagination and poetry as interpreted through a Marxian lens in order to update and propose an alternative to historicist ideological critiques of the Romantic imagination”.

In recent days, however, I don’t suppose she’s had much time to pursue this vital line of inquiry. For Left-wing students at Columbia, there have been far more pressing matters to attend to. Such as illegally occupying a key university building as part of their protests against Israel.

It isn’t just the Israelis who have displeased them, though. They’re also angry with the university authorities. Because, apparently, those authorities have failed to supply them with food and drink to keep them going during their protest.

“Do you want students to die of dehydration and starvation or get severely ill?” wails the student in the clip. “This is, like, basic humanitarian aid we’re asking for.”

In summary: she seems to think that people who illegally occupy a building are entitled to be fed by the people who own it. Perhaps burglars should try this argument. Break into a house during the night, and then moan to the media that the owners didn’t invite them to stay for breakfast.

In their defence, the student says that her comrades “pay for a meal plan here”. No doubt they do. Equally, though, other students pay to be educated. Presumably they, too, are entitled to get what they’ve paid for. But they won’t be able to get it if mobs of Israel-hating hipsters prevent them from attending their lectures.

At any rate, this delightful young woman has given us some glorious entertainment. I love everything about that clip. The pomposity. The entitlement. The spectacular lack of self-awareness. And, in particular, the obscene use of the term “humanitarian aid”, when, far from facing starvation, she and her middle-class friends could easily toddle across the road to buy snacks at the nearest bodega.

Come to think of it, I suspect the reason she used that term is the same reason that so many white, Western protesters go on marches wearing Palestinian-style headdresses while calling for “intifada”. It’s all a form of role-play. Just as little children love pretending to be princesses or pirates, so cossetted Left-wing students love pretending to be persecuted minorities. It’s yet another way to demonstrate how wonderfully empathetic and compassionate they are. (See? We feel your pain. We need humanitarian aid, too. We were so busy protesting yesterday, we missed lunch!)

Then again, the rest of us shouldn’t laugh too hard. These pampered narcissists might not be able to influence events in the Middle East. But they’ll almost certainly influence our future. After all, they’re students at Ivy League universities. America’s educational elite. Which means that, in due course, they’ll be strolling into America’s top jobs, and taking leadership positions in business, the arts, education and politics.

This should worry us all. Because if these mollycoddled brats are America’s future, the West truly is doomed.

Much like with most heated protests over complex matters in far flung places, those involved are from the fringes of society and will not be tasked with leading anything.
I think pro hamas protesters preventing Jewish students from attending class is technically non violent, but is sure get people upset and creates a volatile enviroment.

I think when you have an institution and certain elite that are promoting non violent protests and also stating that it only takes 3.5% to overthrow a government, it's not surprising when these same protests turn violent. Some of these protests have been violent and caused destruction of property.

My contention is that these people are not pro America, they are pro Palestine. The globalist have lost sight of what makes America great. It is not a good idea to invite a bunch of people into this country who hate America and our values and then encourage them to speak out and protest. If you add fuel to a fire you should expect it to explode. The democrats are adding lots of fuel.
There are plenty that I have encountered, who are pro Israeli and anti America. The world has all sorts. Neither is right and both suck.
"If these mollycoddled anti-Israel students are America’s future, the West truly is doomed."

It seems important to add a little context.

Columbia's 2022 total enrollment was 36,649. The Columbia protests have resulted in "nearly 300" arrests - nearly half of whom weren't students. So these protesting students are 1% or less of the total students at this one university - which seems to have the most people protesting. Other colleges have fewer protesting or - like my daughter's school - no protests at all.

I think it's way over the top to say that these relatively few protestors have doomed all of Western civilization.

But, social media and "news" sites will try and make it seem as huge and disastrous as possible (one way or the other) because of the views, clicks, likes, shares, etc. It's all about "impressions" now - not accurately describing/reporting things.
There are plenty that I have encountered, who are pro Israeli and anti America. The world has all sorts. Neither is right and both suck.
I agree they both suck. We need to stop bringing people into this country who don't want to be pro America first.
"If these mollycoddled anti-Israel students are America’s future, the West truly is doomed."

It seems important to add a little context.

Columbia's 2022 total enrollment was 36,649. The Columbia protests have resulted in "nearly 300" arrests - nearly half of whom weren't students. So these protesting students are 1% or less of the total students at this one university - which seems to have the most people protesting. Other colleges have fewer protesting or - like my daughter's school - no protests at all.

I think it's way over the top to say that these relatively few protestors have doomed all of Western civilization.

But, social media and "news" sites will try and make it seem as huge and disastrous as possible (one way or the other) because of the views, clicks, likes, shares, etc. It's all about "impressions" now - not accurately describing/reporting things.
These protests are a direct result of the policies and ideology of the left. The open border is allowing in people who don't want to be American. The left created similar protests when they supported BLM and their ideology. They allowed shop lifting and drug use to be normalized in places like San Fran.

I agree that these protests are not a huge deal, but they are a sign of what's to come.

The even scarier part is who is funding it. George Soros is funding a lot of bad stuff in America and he is undermining democracy.
"What did emerge is a vast network that includes left-leaning, billion-dollar American philanthropies and collaboration with at least one foreign organization that Germany and Israel have banned for allegedly working with or supporting Hamas and another terrorist group."

Here is an article from 2004 LA times where Soros describes himself as being a God. It's weird stuff and worth reading if you don't know anything about him.
Columbia created a book with a title "Why Civil Resistance Works"

The following article details the planning and preparation that went into the protests and that Columbia is where it started.
Pretty sure there's some stuff in the Constitution about that, as well.
But what about our colonialist psychopathy that fuels our inherently violent white supremacy?
The left calls every conservative an extreme Maga extremist. They throw around the term racist like candy. The left have used this as their main argument when they cant defend the actual content, they instead attack the person.

There are very few actual white supremacist in the USA. I am not one and I do not support them.

I have given lots of evidence supporting my position, please provide evidence that white supremacy is the problem you say it is.
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Pretty sure there's some stuff in the Constitution about that, as well.
Such hypocrisy, when trump asked for a peaceful protest you claim its an insurrection. When the left publishes an article saying the are going to obstruct president trump in every way possible then you think it's fine.

I am fine with a protest, but some of you act like a toddler the way you ignore the facts. You refuse to educate yourself outside the propaganda you are fed.
Such hypocrisy, when trump asked for a peaceful protest you claim its an insurrection. When the left publishes an article saying the are going to obstruct president trump in every way possible then you think it's fine.

I am fine with a protest, but some of you act like a toddler the way you ignore the facts. You refuse to educate yourself outside the propaganda you are fed.
I wasn't addressing the legality of their actions or Trump's. I believe both committed crimes. I was responding to the fact that by your posts you seem to be against all forms of organized protest.
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I wasn't addressing the legality of their actions or Trump's. I believe both committed crimes. I was responding to the fact that by your posts you seem to be against all forms of organized protest.
Protesting is as American as apple pie however if you block my path on the sidewalk or block the street I am driving down you are no longer protesting you are playing with fire.
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I wasn't addressing the legality of their actions or Trump's. I believe both committed crimes. I was responding to the fact that by your posts you seem to be against all forms of organized protest.
I don't have a problem with protests. I have a problem with the underlying reason these protests are happening and the people facilitating them through their policy or money.
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These students are cosplaying the civil rights movement from the 1960s.