NC State dual

Both announcers are amped up as shit…according to them a few minutes ago. I gotta say I agree. Should be a great early test
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AD has the bar but Orine stands up and gets out. 2-1. Austin moves forward and Orine goes out, red calls action
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JE and Ryan Jack. JE tried a throw by but Jack gets a leg. In a scramble and Jack gets the TD and they go oob. 2-0
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JE out quick. 2-1. JE keeps giving up the leg but isn’t funking his way out as usual. JE goes over the top and Jack is close to a TD but JE rolls out and stalemate.
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Jack with a double leg and TD. They go oob and it’s 4-1. 24 seconds left. JE out quick. 4-2. That’s how the first ends.
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