Nikki Haley tops Ron DeSantis for the first time in Iowa poll


HR King
May 29, 2001
A poll released Thursday of Iowa voters found that, among Republicans, former president Donald Trump maintains a dominant lead in the days ahead of the caucuses. But it is the first to find former U.N. ambassador Nikki Haley opening up a clear lead over Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.

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The Suffolk University poll of 500 likely caucus-goers finds 54 percent saying Trump is their first choice, followed by Haley at 20 percent, DeSantis at 13 percent and Vivek Ramaswamy at 6 percent.
Polls in the state last month found DeSantis about even or ahead of Haley. Nearly all have found Trump leading with over 50 percent support.
In the Suffolk poll, Haley’s support rises to 28 percent among independents and to 42 percent among moderate and liberal likely caucus-goers, the only group where any candidate leads Trump (who received 31 percent support with this group). However, these voters make up a small share of the Iowa electorate: 15 percent of Iowa Republican caucus-goers in 2016 identified as moderate or liberal, the lowest in any caucus or primary exit poll that year.

DeSantis has tried to appeal to strong conservatives in Iowa, yet Trump dominates among this segment of the electorate. Seventy percent of “very conservative” voters back the former president compared with 14 percent for DeSantis and 11 percent for Haley.
Haley is even better positioned for New Hampshire’s Jan. 23 primary, and a strong performance in Iowa could help her mount a challenge to Trump in the Granite State. A USA Today-Boston Globe-Suffolk poll this week found 26 percent of likely primary voters in New Hampshire supporting Haley, while a CNN-UNH poll found Haley with 32 percent support there. Trump’s support was 39 percent in the CNN-UNH poll and 46 percent in the USA Today-Boston Globe-Suffolk poll.
The differences in New Hampshire polling by candidate — and pollster
Former New Jersey governor Chris Christie’s withdrawal from the race Wednesday could also help Haley, particularly among moderate voters. In New Hampshire, Christie received 12 percent support in the polls mentioned above, including roughly a quarter of moderate primary voters. Haley led among moderates in both polls.
Despite a few positive patterns for Haley, Trump remains the heavy favorite to win the GOP presidential nomination, with about 6 in 10 Republicans nationwide supporting him for the party’s nomination, according to a Post average of public polls.

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How fast would Nikki jump at the chance to be Trumps VP?
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Nikki cant win. Even if she were to win the primaries, Trump will never accept defeat, and his followers to some extent would not go to Haley in a general election thus dividing the Party.

There will not be a real honest contest until 2028. Trump taints everything. No one is excited by Biden, but there have been some positives, so here we are.
Haley is even better positioned for New Hampshire’s Jan. 23 primary, and a strong performance in Iowa could help her mount a challenge to Trump in the Granite State.
How big would her 2nd place finish need to be to give her a strong shot in NH?

What if she isn't 2nd in Iowa?

She obviously wants to be on a rising trajectory when she hits SC.

In 1968 Gene McCarthy earned 42% in the New Hampshire primary. After which LBJ announced he would not run.

A few thoughts....

1. If Haley pulls a McCarthy in NH, might Trump withdraw? I'm guessing no chance, but who knows?

2. If Trump does show weakness in NH, will anyone else be tempted to jump in? In 1968, after McCarthy showed the chink in LBJ's armor, RFK jumped in. Do the Rs have anyone like that?

3. Wouldn't it be ironic if RFJ,jr jumped in as a Republican? Unlikely, but he's a strange one.

4. Given Haley's rise in Iowa and expected strong showing in NH, does that mean DeSantis is toast if he doesn't finish a strong 2nd in Iowa? I think so. He's almost guaranteed 3rd place (or worse) in NH and SC, so where can he pick up speed (and money)?
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DeSantis just doesn't have "it". He looks and acts like a ****ing robot 95% of the time. There's absolutely zero ability there to discuss anything that hasn't been rehearsed beforehand. I know some of the Floridians on here have said this is just a practice run and the real presidential run will be in 2028 but my god if he wants any chance in hell in 2028 he's going to have to have a complete overhaul of his personality because he's got less of it than a brick.
DeSantis just doesn't have "it". He looks and acts like a ****ing robot 95% of the time. There's absolutely zero ability there to discuss anything that hasn't been rehearsed beforehand. I know some of the Floridians on here have said this is just a practice run and the real presidential run will be in 2028 but my god if he wants any chance in hell in 2028 he's going to have to have a complete overhaul of his personality because he's got less of it than a brick.

Republican Debate Smile GIF by GIPHY News
Nikki cant win. Even if she were to win the primaries, Trump will never accept defeat, and his followers to some extent would not go to Haley in a general election thus dividing the Party.

There will not be a real honest contest until 2028. Trump taints everything. No one is excited by Biden, but there have been some positives, so here we are.

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Supposedly, Haley trails Turd in NH by about 39 to 32. And that was before Christie dropped out.

I'd guess it's a dead heat right now and will certainly sway PAC $$$ her way.

What's weird to me is Turd has a fairly big lead in South Carolina as of right now.

Most surprising is RonnyBoy's support declined after Dim Kim endorsed.
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Nikki cant win. Even if she were to win the primaries, Trump will never accept defeat, and his followers to some extent would not go to Haley in a general election thus dividing the Party.

There will not be a real honest contest until 2028. Trump taints everything. No one is excited by Biden, but there have been some positives, so here we are.
Trump might figure it is better for her to win and to pardon him.

Although then he would not have access to classified documents to give to Putin.
What's weird to me is Turd has a fairly big lead in South Carolina as of right now.
Nikki may have won the governorship there, but it's a very redneck state, and the non-whites probably aren't voting in the R primary.

That said, non-whites can vote in the R primary because it's an open primary state. But could they outvote the good old boys?

If Nikki does well in Iowa and NH, it could get really interesting.

Neither Alexa, Hey Google, nor Siri seem to know when the SC Republican primary will be held, but it might be Feb 24.
Kim Reynolds gonna have more splainin to do than Lucy Ricardo.

And her ace attorney general, Brenna Barf, is working for the Trump campaign.

Makes for odd encounters in the cafeteria at the state capitol. Hand picked baby. Hand picked.
Kim Reynolds gonna have more splainin to do than Lucy Ricardo.

And her ace attorney general, Brenna Barf, is working for the Trump campaign.

Makes for odd encounters in the cafeteria at the state capitol. Hand picked baby. Hand picked.
Not sure those two bird brains(pun intended) have much interaction.

Brenna spends most of her time taking orders from the RNC about which class action lawsuits to co-sign.

And Dim Kim...well, she's just waiting for that call to be RonnyBoy's veep. A call that's never coming.
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