No bueno

#gophertrain Well, with Lesnar and Konrad Gopher heavyweights have had success in MMA so might as well get started now.
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I didn't see Gable's name on the roster, and the link didnt work. Wow.
This is going to be a big story. Would hate to see a young man throw away a promising career, especially by committing such a vile crime.
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I think I'll let it play out before speculating about any crime being committed.

2 words: Duke Lacrosse (and far from the only fabricated story on this topic)
That's my plan as well. I didn't give any opinion on guilt. I just said it would be a shame if it turned out to be true which I think is probably the baseline opinion of any reasonable person.
Jammies will be along shortly and have an excuse.

If it's anything like what happens with Fleck's criminals, it'll get reduced down or charges will get dropped.

If true... his arrogance gets knocked down several notches.

Does anyone know if those velcro ankle bands fit over an ankle bracelet?
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I think I'll let it play out before speculating about any crime being committed.

2 words: Duke Lacrosse (and far from the only fabricated story on this topic)
I didn't follow that when it was playing out in "real time". Years later ESPN ran a 30 for 30 segment about it. What a travesty for those young men. Horrible they had to go through that so I completely understand the stance you're taking here by letting things play out.
Just gonna wait and see for the details to come out before making any judgment. Not looking good for Gable at the moment, obviously.
I have been told a lot of different things, the story keeps morphing.
Like some have mentioned, it would be fair to let the story play out good or bad. We have seen both types of situations...Assaults getting minimized because of a big time athlete or getting wrongfully accused and the ensuing media storm ruining them. Let's hope the truth doesn't get lost somewhere in there.
Jammies will be along shortly and have an excuse.

If it's anything like what happens with Fleck's criminals, it'll get reduced down or charges will get dropped.

If true... his arrogance gets knocked down several notches.

Does anyone know if those velcro ankle bands fit over an ankle bracelet?
He hasn't been charged with anything. Many of the news orgs will not even print peoples names until charges have been filed. Having said that, this is not good no matter what happens.
I think I'll let it play out before speculating about any crime being committed.

2 words: Duke Lacrosse (and far from the only fabricated story on this topic)

The rate of false accusations of rape/sexual assault are comparable to false accusations of other crimes (~2-3% of all accusations/reports made to law enforcement). In fact, men are more likely to be raped than to be falsely accused of rape.

Of all of my and my friends' experiences with rape and sexual assault, only one of us went to the police (and that was such a horrible experience for her she almost killed herself).

Edit: And I'm not saying this because I think he's guilty. I hope it didn't happen, because if it did, that means there's a victim who is going to be dealing with so much BS from "fans."
There has been no mention this even involves a female. It very well could but wonder if it’s a hazing incident gone bad.

Since an object was supposedly involved there’s no doubt in my mind it was a hazing assault. When you read of 2 or more wrestlers in trouble 4 out 5 times the word rectum is not far behind or an attempt to describe an act without actually using the term “t-bagged”.​